Two things that bug me about America today

  • Thread starter Joey D
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Senna your mind is so freaky it scares me. Let me know if you ever have an origional thought. You remind me of an old cold war cartoon.
Imagine the people who actually propagate this to Senna, it's so absurdly wrong, it's scary.
Viper Zero
Saddam was the one who didn't let the UN continue their investigations, not America. UN resolution 1441 gave Saddam the 17th and final chance to let UN do their work and Saddam refuse, that is where America stepped in and ended Saddam for good.

Wrong. The American military is the most prepared and outfitted fighting force in the world (how many times do I have to say this?). They have all the gear in the world. Night vision, body armor, GPS navigation, laser designating, handheld computers, armor piercing munitions, I could go on...

I didn't like the invasion of Iraq, but Viper is correct about Saddam Hussein. Hussein idiotically kept testing peoples patience, acting like an child playing games with the officials from the U.N., etc.

I also agree that the U.S. military is, at the least, one of the most well prepared military.

P.S. I found this article about soldiers buying their own gear, and how Army is trying to improve the situation. It's a start, I was very glad to hear it.
i garantee all off you that the invasion and occupation of iraq is going to turn into a big financial catastrophe for the aggressor
Already taken care of.

the people of iraq want the invaders out, and do not want a puppet governement that dances to america's song
Actually, if you were to talk to an ordinary Iraqi, they would likely tell you that their main concern is a return to peace.

the only way that the us can save face now is to pull-out of iraq , but that won't happen because of the fact that they will loose oil-revenues and bussinessopurtunities
Although they would lose oil and business oppertunities, the main thing that would result from a US pullout would be the almost certain establishment of yet another US hating hardline Islamic theocracy. I think the US is much more concerned about that, and as a result, a pull out would be probably the worst thing the US could do.

so it will happen by one revengful iraqi fist.
Actually, many, if not most of the insurgents fighting against the coalition are from outside of Iraq, much like the Mujahadeen (sp?) in 1980's Afghanistan.

and europe is going to be proven just in it's condemnation of america's actions.
We'll have to wait and see about that one. We may never truly know why the war was started.
the war was started:

-because george had to settle an old score wich daddy never took care off.
-because iraq is one of the biggest oilfields on earth and the bush-clan has a passion for black gold (especially now it's getting scarce, and oil is becoming more valuable by the day)
-because george could garantee his daddy's jewish friends ,that their interests and safety will be taken care off in the region.
-because of the vast bussinessopurtunities americas kapitalists could gain by a fresh new country to rule.
-and finally to make sure america's troops have a base in the region instead of having to use other country's bases and airfields.
my dog was smart enough to see through that 'weapons of mass destruction' farce, but that's because he ain't american and he uses his intelligence.
the war was started:

-because george had to settle an old score wich daddy never took care off.
-because iraq is one of the biggest oilfields on earth and the bush-clan has a passion for black gold (especially now it's getting scarce, and oil is becoming more valuable by the day)
-because george could garantee his daddy's jewish friends ,that their interests and safety will be taken care off in the region.
-because of the vast bussinessopurtunities americas kapitalists could gain by a fresh new country to rule.
-and finally to make sure america's troops have a base in the region instead of having to use other country's bases and airfields.

my dog was smart enough to see through that 'weapons of mass destruction' farce, but that's because he ain't american and he uses his intelligence.

Main Entry: mis·guid·ed
Pronunciation: (")mis-'gI-d&d
Function: adjective
Date: 1659

1: led or prompted by wrong or inappropriate motives or ideals
2: sennafreak

- mis·guid·ed·ly /-lE/ adverb
- mis·guid·ed·ness /-n&s/ noun
the war was started:

-because george had to settle an old score wich daddy never took care off.
-because iraq is one of the biggest oilfields on earth and the bush-clan has a passion for black gold (especially now it's getting scarce, and oil is becoming more valuable by the day)
-because george could garantee his daddy's jewish friends ,that their interests and safety will be taken care off in the region.
-because of the vast bussinessopurtunities americas kapitalists could gain by a fresh new country to rule.
-and finally to make sure america's troops have a base in the region instead of having to use other country's bases and airfields.

Let me first off saying I can't take you seriouly when you can't even use the 'space' bar and your spelling of capitalist is rather odd. Sure I an see some mistakes but some of that's just bad.

my dog was smart enough to see through that 'weapons of mass destruction' farce, but that's because he ain't american and he uses his intelligence.

What??? So let me get this straight your think your dog can run the country, I see.
the war was started:

-because george had to settle an old score wich daddy never took care off.

Wrong. The war began after Saddam failed to comply with UN resolution 1441. Get it through your head and read the article.

-because iraq is one of the biggest oilfields on earth and the bush-clan has a passion for black gold (especially now it's getting scarce, and oil is becoming more valuable by the day)

Wrong. Saudi Arabia has the largest oilfields in the world, not Iraq. Crude oil has gone down from $56 before the 2004 election to $43. A $15 difference.

-because george could garantee his daddy's jewish friends ,that their interests and safety will be taken care off in the region.

Saddam was the one who was shooting SCUDs at Israel and supporting radical Palestinian terror groups. The UN condemned Saddam's actions.

-because of the vast bussinessopurtunities americas kapitalists could gain by a fresh new country to rule.

Wrong. All of Iraq's oil profit is going to rebuilding the country after decades of neglect by Saddam

-and finally to make sure america's troops have a base in the region instead of having to use other country's bases and airfields.

Wrong. We have no permanent bases in Iraq. When the Iraqi government chooses that they no longer need the Coalition's help, we are out of there the next day.
Who is 14?

What do you have to say for yourself, Senna? I just ran you over with facts, care to rebut?
by the way there's much support for hamas and the iraqi mujjahideen here in europe, and it's growing day by day...
you must be 14 so i forgive you.

If you are saying this to me I think you should look at what I do, when was the last time you saw 14 year old United States Marines??? Ok well Junior Marines but thats another story.

But if had something to go off of then it might bring you some respect and please try to spell some what right for God sakes.
by the way there's much support for hamas and the iraqi mujjahideen here in europe, and it's growing day by day...

I hope they know they are supporting terrorist.

mujahideen- Muslim guerrilla warriors engaged in a jihad.

Sounds like a terrorist to me

hamas-A militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon; seeks to create an Islamic state in place of Israel; is opposed to the PLO and has become a leading perpetrator of terrorist activity in Israel; pioneered suicide bombing.

Hey this one says terrorism in it.
i saw loads of them, they all have body's of grown men but in their minds they are 14 year old kids, and they like to play cowboy all the time...
You might want to retract that statement, Senna.

I would love to see what a Marine will do to you after hearing that.
i saw loads of them, they all have body's of grown men but in their minds they are 14 year old kids, and they like to play cowboy all the time...

Alright I don't usally get mad on the internet but just a suggestion. Don't ever say that **** in front of any man or woman in the military. They will kick your ass until you can't take it any more then they will just keep on going. The worse thing you can do is piss off a military person, a Marine is by far the worst. We know how to kill in so many different ways its not even funny. Although a SEAL might have me beat.

I think you are a little b!tchand should go **** yourself. Don't tread on the USMC.

Sorry about that, like I said I don't usally get mad like that.
WTF? You slaughtered that one junior.

How about you quit whoring up my thread until you have something constructive to talk about, I mean for God sakes get some facts. Hell read a newspaper and get some information so we can have professional debate. I don't think your snide comments are getting anywhere, and I do agree my out burst was uncalled for.

Please remove yourself from the thread and do something constructive with your life.
Senna, I think you're the one who's 14, and I'm sick of your anti semitic comments. Please stop. now.

Wasn't the group of people fighting against the taliban in afghanistan before 9/11 called the mujahadeen?
Not sure the dictionary just said they are Muslim guerrilla warriors engaged in a jihad. I suppose that you could call those fighting the Taliban that.
Why is this nitwit not banned yet ? I think the other welryn types did not get this much rope to hang themselves with. In fact this one is not as bad as welryn. Another worm that hides behind a computer screen making comments that he cant back up like a man. Extreme cowardice almost always hides in the shadows.
Sounds like all the rest of the little punks who had their lunch money taken by the girls in school .
Well I did report him to the mods mainly due to the fact that he is giving people the impression that he support terrorism. I don't think this forum wants people like that around here.
i could give you facts and you still wouldn't believe them because you are all brainwashed americans that support the new nazi-culture. your own arguments are flawed and ridiculous but for you they are the absolute truth. discussing things like that with people like you is pointless, because you are extremists just like me but on the opposite side, the side that is influenced by mass media controlled by the neo-conservatives...

go ahead and report me as much as you want you little child, i didn't went to tell daddy about your personal attacks wich are also forbidden.
and don't worry, one day you americans are again going to experience the consequences of your policies again like on 9/11.
i could give you facts and you still wouldn't believe them because you are all brainwashed americans that support the new nazi-culture.
We are not all Americans here, and not nearly as extreme as you.

There was a time when I found your posts amusing, but now you are sounding more and more bitter and twisted. So much hate inside one little man.

If you hate the US so much, then why on earth did you register with an American website :dunce:

and don't worry, one day you americans are again going to experience the consequences of your policies again like on 9/11.

To wish that kind of atrocity on anyone is truly disgusting, and if you don't mind I think I'll report you myself.
That'll be all, thank you.

That'll be all she wrote for Mr. Freak as well.

Blazin... Zrow, I expected more from you guys.

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