Viper ZeroSaddam was the one who didn't let the UN continue their investigations, not America. UN resolution 1441 gave Saddam the 17th and final chance to let UN do their work and Saddam refuse, that is where America stepped in and ended Saddam for good.
Wrong. The American military is the most prepared and outfitted fighting force in the world (how many times do I have to say this?). They have all the gear in the world. Night vision, body armor, GPS navigation, laser designating, handheld computers, armor piercing munitions, I could go on...
Already taken care of.sennafreaki garantee all off you that the invasion and occupation of iraq is going to turn into a big financial catastrophe for the aggressor
Actually, if you were to talk to an ordinary Iraqi, they would likely tell you that their main concern is a return to peace.sennafreakthe people of iraq want the invaders out, and do not want a puppet governement that dances to america's song
Although they would lose oil and business oppertunities, the main thing that would result from a US pullout would be the almost certain establishment of yet another US hating hardline Islamic theocracy. I think the US is much more concerned about that, and as a result, a pull out would be probably the worst thing the US could do.sennafreakthe only way that the us can save face now is to pull-out of iraq , but that won't happen because of the fact that they will loose oil-revenues and bussinessopurtunities
Actually, many, if not most of the insurgents fighting against the coalition are from outside of Iraq, much like the Mujahadeen (sp?) in 1980's Afghanistan.sennafreakso it will happen by one revengful iraqi fist.
We'll have to wait and see about that one. We may never truly know why the war was started.sennafreakand europe is going to be proven just in it's condemnation of america's actions.
sennafreakthe war was started:
-because george had to settle an old score wich daddy never took care off.
-because iraq is one of the biggest oilfields on earth and the bush-clan has a passion for black gold (especially now it's getting scarce, and oil is becoming more valuable by the day)
-because george could garantee his daddy's jewish friends ,that their interests and safety will be taken care off in the region.
-because of the vast bussinessopurtunities americas kapitalists could gain by a fresh new country to rule.
-and finally to make sure america's troops have a base in the region instead of having to use other country's bases and airfields.
sennafreakmy dog was smart enough to see through that 'weapons of mass destruction' farce, but that's because he ain't american and he uses his intelligence.
the war was started:
-because george had to settle an old score wich daddy never took care off.
-because iraq is one of the biggest oilfields on earth and the bush-clan has a passion for black gold (especially now it's getting scarce, and oil is becoming more valuable by the day)
-because george could garantee his daddy's jewish friends ,that their interests and safety will be taken care off in the region.
-because of the vast bussinessopurtunities americas kapitalists could gain by a fresh new country to rule.
-and finally to make sure america's troops have a base in the region instead of having to use other country's bases and airfields.
my dog was smart enough to see through that 'weapons of mass destruction' farce, but that's because he ain't american and he uses his intelligence.
sennafreakthe war was started:
-because george had to settle an old score wich daddy never took care off.
-because iraq is one of the biggest oilfields on earth and the bush-clan has a passion for black gold (especially now it's getting scarce, and oil is becoming more valuable by the day)
-because george could garantee his daddy's jewish friends ,that their interests and safety will be taken care off in the region.
-because of the vast bussinessopurtunities americas kapitalists could gain by a fresh new country to rule.
-and finally to make sure america's troops have a base in the region instead of having to use other country's bases and airfields.
you must be 14 so i forgive you.
by the way there's much support for hamas and the iraqi mujjahideen here in europe, and it's growing day by day...
i saw loads of them, they all have body's of grown men but in their minds they are 14 year old kids, and they like to play cowboy all the time...
sennafreakallahu akbar!
We are not all Americans here, and not nearly as extreme as you.sennafreaki could give you facts and you still wouldn't believe them because you are all brainwashed americans that support the new nazi-culture.
sennafreakand don't worry, one day you americans are again going to experience the consequences of your policies again like on 9/11.