I proudly present my first self shot UFO videoNo seriously, I think they are UFOs. For info, read the description in the video.
Thanks for your contribution to the thread!
It may be that those lights can be accounted for as Starlink satellites.
Back in the 1970's a physics professor at the University of Missouri, Harley D. Rutledge, and a team of students undertook what turned into a multi-year scientific investigation of a prolonged local UFO phenomena known as the Piedmont Flap. It was the first ever investigation of its kind, with teams of observers with theodolites simultaneously observing the phenomena from different locations. One day a few years later, Professor Rutledge was observing moving objects orbiting high in the night sky with his telescope when they suddenly began to stop and go the other way. He later was of the opinion that they had responded to his consciousness.No way. They react to conciousness. More about that in the video description.
Back in the 1970's a physics professor at the University of Missouri, Harley D. Rutledge, and a team of students undertook what turned into a multi-year scientific investigation of a prolonged local UFO phenomena known as the Piedmont Flap. It was the first ever investigation of its kind, with teams of observers with theodolites simultaneously observing the phenomena from different locations. One day a few years later, Professor Rutledge was observing moving objects orbiting high in the night sky with his telescope when they suddenly began to stop and go the other way. He later was of the opinion that they had responded to his consciousness.
You may want to pay extra attention to UFO/UAP news over the next 60 days or so. Some big things are supposed to be happening.
Some folks are expecting something like that in July. But probably more likely is a major development on the human/social/government side of the issue around the month of June.Sounds interesting!
Are some mass sightings expected?
Some folks are expecting something like that in July. But probably more likely is a major development on the human/social/government side of the issue around the month of June.
Be careful what you wish for, Alex. The paradigm is changing, but I'm not sure if we want it to totally flip.Slightly off topic, but earlier today I watched longer videos of a game from 2005 called "Area 51". Holy moly, the developers REALLY have done their homework. They eloquently touch on SO many subjects: the Illuminati/cabal/deep state, the SSP (secret space program), the Greys, abductions, etc. And there were so many interesting details new to me! Like those people really put some effort into researching these topics. Very intelligent minds behind this game. MY mind was blown several times!
On topic: I hope "they" finally do some worldwide fly overs to wake the masses up. Let's see how the deep state tries to cover that up or spin it to their liking (invasion!)![]()
Be careful what you wish for, Alex. The paradigm is changing, but I'm not sure if we want it to totally flip.
Holy copypasta, Batman!
The most curious subplot in the news right now is the admission, at the most senior levels of the United States government, that the military services have collected visuals, data and testimonials recording flying objects they cannot explain; that they are investigating these phenomena seriously; and that they will, in the coming months, report at least some of their findings to the public. It feels, at times, like the beginning of a film where everyone is going about their lives, even as the earthshaking events unfurl on a silenced television in the background.
A series of stories in The New York Times over the past few years have confirmed the existence of a military program on “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification” and revealed videos in which trained pilots marvel over unidentified craft apparently defying the limits of known technology.
On April 30, The New Yorker published a revelatory article by Gideon Lewis-Kraus tracking the rise of congressional, military and media interest in U.F.O.s. Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader from Nevada, emerges as the key actor. In the middle of his decades-long career in government, he pushed to fund these investigations, and, since retiring he’s been relentless in voicing his conviction that the military has information on U.F.O.s that the public deserves to know. He told Lewis-Kraus that he believed there was crash debris held by Lockheed Martin, but when he asked the Pentagon to see it, he was refused access. “I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff,” he said. “They would not approve that.”
Language inserted into the 2021 Intelligence Authorization Actgave the government 180 days to gather and analyze the data it has collected, and to release a report on the findings. On Fox News, John Ratcliffe, the former director of national intelligence, was given the opportunity to play down the report, which began under his tenure, and he declined. “When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.” Nor are these just eyewitness accounts, made by fallible human observers. “Usually, we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things,” he said.
r member of Congress whose sole stint in intelligence came at the tail end of the Trump administration, is simply hyping his work. But that doesn’t explain why a former C.I.A. director, John Brennan, said in an interview with the economist Tyler Cowen that “some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing continues to be unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.” Well then.
To state the obvious: All this is a little weird. None of it is proof of extraterrestrial visitation, of course. And I am not just offering a pro forma disclaimer to cover my firm belief in aliens. I really don’t know what’s behind these videos and reports, and I relish that. In this case, that is my bias: I enjoy the spaciousness of mystery. Evidence that there is intelligent extraterrestrial life, and it has been here, would upend how humanity understands itself and our place in the cosmos. Even if you think all discussion of aliens is ridiculous, it’s fun to let the mind roam over the implications.
The way I’ve framed the thought experiment in recent conversations is this: Imagine, tomorrow, an alien craft crashed down in Oregon. There are no life forms in it. It’s effectively a drone. But it’s undeniably extraterrestrial in origin. So we are faced with the knowledge that we’re not alone, that we are perhaps being watched, and we have no way to make contact. How does that change human culture and society?
One immediate effect, I suspect, would be a collapse in public trust. Decades of U.F.O. reports and conspiracies would take on a different cast. Governments would be seen as having withheld a profound truth from the public, whether or not they actually did. We already live in an age of conspiracy theories. Now the guardrails would truly shatter, because if U.F.O.s were real, despite decades of dismissals, who would remain trusted to say anything else was false? Certainly not the academics who’d laughed them off as nonsense, or the governments who would now be seen as liars.
“I’ve always resisted the conspiracy narrative around U.F.O.s,” Alexander Wendt, a professor of international security at Ohio State University who has written about U.F.O.s, told me. “I assume the governments have no clue what any of this is and they’re covering up their ignorance, if anything. That’s why you have all the secrecy, but people may think they were being lied to all along.”
The question, then, would be who could impose meaning on such an event. “Instead of a land grab, it would be a narrative grab,” Diana Pasulka, author of “American Cosmic: U.F.O.s, Religion, Technology,” told me. There would be enormous power — and money — in shaping the story humanity told itself. If we were to believe that the contact was threatening, military budgets would swell all over the world. A more pacific interpretation might orient humanity toward space travel or at least interstellar communication. Pasulka says she believes this narrative grab is happening even now, with the military establishment positioning itself as the arbiter of information over any U.F.O. events.
One lesson of the pandemic is that humanity’s desire for normalcy is an underrated force, and there is no single mistake as common to political analysis as the constant belief that this or that event will finally change everything. If so many can deny or downplay a disease that’s killed millions, dismissing some unusual debris would be trivial. “An awful lot of people would basically shrug and it’d be in the news for three days,” Adrian Tchaikovsky, the science fiction writer, told me. “You can’t just say, ‘still no understanding of alien thing!’ every day. An awful lot of people would be very keen on continuing with their lives and routines no matter what.”
There is a thick literature on how evidence of alien life would shake the world’s religions, but I think Brother Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory, is quite likely right when he suggests that many people would simply say, “of course.” The materialist worldview that positions humanity as an island of intelligence in a potentially empty cosmos — my worldview, in other words — is the aberration. Most people believe, and have always believed, that we share both the earth and the cosmos with other beings — gods, spirits, angels, ghosts, ancestors. The norm throughout human history has been a crowded universe where other intelligences are interested in our comings and goings, and even shape them. The whole of human civilization is testament to the fact that we can believe we are not alone and still obsess over earthly concerns.
This has even been true with aliens. The science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson reminded me that in the early 1900s it was widely but mistakenly believed that we had visual evidence of canals on Mars. “The scientific community seemed to have validated that finding, even though it was mainly Percival Lowell, but it’s hard to recapture now how general the assumption was,” he wrote in an email. “There being no chance of passage across space, it was assumed to be a philosophical point only, of interest but not world-changing for anyone.”
What might be more world-changing is the way nation-states fall to fighting over the debris, or even just the interpretation of the debris. There’s a long science fiction literature in which the prospect or reality of alien attack unites the human race — Alan Moore’s “Watchmen” and the movie “Independence Day,” to name a couple. But a more ambiguous contact might lead to more fractious results. “The scenario you outline would be politicized immediately on the international stage; the Russians and Chinese would never believe us and frankly large numbers of Americans would be much more likely to believe that Russia or China was behind it,” Anne-Marie Slaughter, the chief executive of New America and a former director of policy planning at the State Department, told me. And that’s to say nothing of the tensions over who actually owned, and thus could research and profit from, the technologies embedded in the debris.
Slaughter went on to make a point about the difficulty of uniting humanity that I’d been contemplating as well. “After all, we are facing the destruction of the planet as we know it and have inhabited it for millennia over a couple of decades, and that does not even unify Americans, much less people around the globe.” If the real threat of climate change hasn’t unified countries and focused our technological and political efforts behind a common purpose, why should the more uncertain threat of aliens?
And yet, I’d like to believe it could be different. Steven Dick, the former chief historian for NASA, has argued that indirect contact with aliens — a radio signal, for instance — would be more like past scientific revolutions than past civilizational collisions. The correct analogy, he suggests, would be the realization that we share our world with bacteria, or that the earth orbits the sun, or that life is shaped by natural selection. These upheavals in our understanding of the universe we inhabit changed the course of human science and culture, and perhaps this would, too. “There are times in science when just knowing that a thing is possible motivates an effort to get there,” Jacob Foster, a sociologist at U.C.L.A., told me. The knowledge that there were other space-faring societies might make us more desperate to join them or communicate with them.
There’s a school of thought that says interplanetary ambitions are ridiculous when we have so many terrestrial crises. I disagree. I believe our unsolved problems reflect a lack of unifying goals more than a surfeit of them. America made it to the moon in the same decade it created Medicare and Medicaid and passed the Civil Rights Act, and I don’t believe that to be coincidence.
A more cohesive understanding of ourselves as a species, and our planet as one ecosystem among others, might lead us to take more care with what we already have, and the sentient life we already know. The loveliest sentiment I came across while doing this (admittedly odd) reporting was from Agnes Callard, a philosopher at the University of Chicago. “You also asked how we should react,” she said over email. “I guess my preferred reaction would be for the knowledge that someone was watching to inspire us to be the best examples of intelligent life that we could be.”
I recognize this is a treacly place to end up: evidence of extraterrestrial life, or even surveillance, reminding of us what we should already know. But that doesn’t make it less true. Callard’s words brought to mind one of my favorite science fiction stories, “The Great Silence,” by the writer Ted Chiang (whom I interviewed here, in a conversation that explores this fable). In it, he imagines a parrot talking to the humans managing the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, for more than 50 years the largest single dish radio telescope on earth. There we are, creating technological marvels to find life in the stars, while we heedlessly drive wild parrots, among so many others species, toward extinction here at home.
“We’re a nonhuman species capable of communicating with them,” the parrot muses. “Aren’t we exactly what humans are looking for?”
So this could be big, particularly if they don't include balancing input from skeptics.
Skeptics are always and everywhere important and necessary, IMO. I've always been skeptical about alien life, and I hope they have a decent skeptic or two on 60 Minutes.So it could be big as long as nobody is allowed to disagree? You should buy shares in my perpetual generator, I promise that the value of your investment after a year will shock you.
former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and later for Security and Information Operations. He formerly served as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Skeptic's Corner: Since the CBS 60 Minutes segment provided no voice of skepticism, I will add mine. Based on my 50 years of reading and research, these phenomena have nothing to do with extraterrestrials. The phenomena are native to this planet, and older than humanity.
I'm curious, what evidence do you have for that?
Thank you for your question and contribution to the thread.
1) There has never been any acceptable evidence whatsoever of extraterrestrial life or intelligence. Not here, and not anywhere in the universe.
2) The phenomena are here on Earth. (And seemingly have been so in its present form since WWII.) I'm not telling you that, the US government is.
3) The phenomena seem to have been here on Earth in similar but slightly different forms and guises, according to ancient written records, religion, myth, legend, medieval artworks and folklore. Scientist and researcher Dr Jacques Vallee has written extensively about this aspect.
4) The phenomena seem to have been here in yet earlier guises according to prehistoric petroglyphs, pictographs and cave art.
5) According to Carl Jung and other psychiatrists/psychologists and researchers, and crucially, the researchers and scientists associated with Lue Elizondo and Christopher Mellon, there is a "6th Observable", a human connection, i.e., human effects associated with the phenomena. Consciousness is just the beginning of this connection. But it is on the disclosure agenda of Elizondo, Mellon and their team. You will be hearing more of this as disclosure develops.
What goes on in this peculiar little forum is pretty much insignificant, as most here are either blissfully unaware or blithely uninterested in such "esoteric" phenomena, which is both understandable and forgivable.
I think there are plenty of people who are aware of the reports you've been posting, and of the coverage of these phenomena that has been circling for a while. But... what is there to say? You've said yourself that the situation dates back many years. Even if it's a hoax, a glitch, a hallucination, a foreign government conspiracy, an alien invasion, time travelers, whatever explanation you might insert, it's been going on for a long time without apparent noticeable effect in the day-to-day lives of the public. We may have no more concrete evidence or explanation of any of this, regardless of what it is, for the rest of my life. So... we just wait and see. The story could literally develop no further than this... ever.
It does seem prudent to document reports of unexplained phenomena from pilots. Even if for no other reason than to identify sensor problems, or fatigue, or finding any other patterns in reports.. like a maximum observed acceleration, or some other consistent physical characteristics.
until it picks up signs of technology (like radio signals) from a planet and then explore further.
I think there are plenty of people who are aware of the reports you've been posting, and of the coverage of these phenomena that has been circling for a while. But... what is there to say? You've said yourself that the situation dates back many years. Even if it's a hoax, a glitch, a hallucination, a foreign government conspiracy, an alien invasion, time travelers, whatever explanation you might insert...
It does seem prudent to document reports of unexplained phenomena from pilots. Even if for no other reason than to identify sensor problems, or fatigue, or finding any other patterns in reports.. like a maximum observed acceleration, or some other consistent physical characteristics.
MYSTERY WIRE — It could be considered another watershed moment in reporting about UFOs. Sunday night CBS News and 60 Minutes dedicated almost 14 minutes to the topic, the first time it has covered the phenomena.
In the report Bill Whitaker spoke with several people Mystery Wire has spoken with in the past.
The man at the center of the report was Lue Elizondo. He spent 20 years working with military intelligence around the world. But in 2008 he joined AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) and ran the program from 2010 until he left the Pentagon in 2017.
New video from USS Omaha shows unknown aerial sphere vanishing into ocean
Mystery Wire’s George Knapp spoke with Elizondo about his appearance on 60 Minutes and his newfound, but not necessarily welcomed, fame.
George Knapp
Lue Elizondo, always great to talk to you. Thanks for taking some time out to talk to us today.
Lue Elizondo
Sir, always my privilege and honor. Thank you for having me.
George Knapp
60 Minutes. I mean, news platforms don’t get much bigger than that. Were you a bit nervous going into this?
Lue Elizondo
Oh, my goodness, you know, I’m always nervous going into any type of media outlet whether it’s a small podcast with just one follower or something like this. There’s a lot of eyes and ears right now, specifically paying attention to this topic. And so clearly, a major media outlet like 60 Minutes is fairly significant. A lot of eyeballs are going to be watching it.
George Knapp
So much media coverage these days, amazing what’s unfolded a lot of it due to your work, Chris Mellon, and I never thought I would live to see it. But all this so much media coverage that a lot of people don’t pay attention to not everyone reads the New York Times or reads the New Yorker or Washington Post. But people watch TV and they watch 60 Minutes. So this seems to be like a threshold, a new threshold.
Lue Elizondo
Well, George, you said something and you said thanks to Chris and I and in reality, you know, we had something to do with it. But a lot of the credit really goes to two people that are still working behind the scenes, people such as yourself, a lot of folks on social media. I also think it’s important that we don’t forget the fact that this, I inherited part of this program, but this program was started by people before me and really the lion’s share of the credit really belongs to those folks who had the guts to start this effort. Folks like Senator Harry Reid and Bigelow Aerospace and my predecessor, they really were the cornerstones that began this effort.
George Knapp
And you know, Dave Fravor, of course, friend of yours, guy I know almost as well. He’s kind of the tip of the spear, he came forward talking about Tic Tac, and he was really worried he was worried about the impact that would have on his life. But you know what, his life hasn’t crumbled. He gets irritated with some of the social media stuff and some of the other media coverage. But he’s okay after coming forward on this. It does send a message, doesn’t it?
Lue Elizondo
Well, it does. And you know, who sends the biggest message? Honestly, George, in my opinion, was Senator Reid. Here’s a former majority leader in our Senate, one of the most senior ranking individuals in our entire government. And he came out and had the courage to have this conversation with the American people. And that takes a lot, obviously. And of course, he was joined by my three other senators, Senator Stevens and Senator Inouye, and at the time, then astronaut John Glenn. And then we find out later that other senators may have supported this as well. So I think we are seeing a change, we’re seeing a shift in the way people perceive this. This topic whereas three years ago, it was fraught full of stigma and taboo. And I think people are realizing that really, this is just a scientific question.
Some CBS News poll results
I think you are starting to get the idea we are at a threshold, a crossing of the Rubicon, some kind of paradigm shift where we can't put the Genie back in the bottle.
Maybe, but if we are indeed dealing with extraterrestrial probes, why deploy them at all? Access a potential threat; look for unknown forms of life (we happen to be carbon based, which may be unique to our galaxy), something else? I'm still not sold on that we are indeed dealing with something extraterrestrial, but my fantasy is triggered big time.I'm not actually sure that an alien civilization would necessarily be interested in emerging species. A highly advanced civilization may have biology pretty well figured out, and be past it.
No. that is not what I'm trying to say here. I'm saying what you're saying - it's time to document reports from pilots. To take them seriously and analyze them. In other words, stopping the stigma, mockery and ridicule.I'm definitely getting the impression that you like to predict a crossing of a threshold, a paradigm shift, a cataclysmic or reality-bending event that changes the way we see the world. I understand the interest, but I don't think that this conclusion is supported by the evidence at hand. I think this is an example of the "exaggerated expectations" cognitive bias (I think this has another name but I don't remember it).
Inserting a fantastic explanation for unexplained phenomena is a form of the "god of the gaps" fallacy, which you yourself have championed multiple times when trying to understand the nature of the origin of the universe. The reports of unexplained phenomena observed by military personnel and equipment is absolutely ripe for a supernatural (or just extreme natural, like aliens) explanation. But it's not warranted. To do so is an argument from ignorance.
It appears that we have potentially credible reports of phenomena we do not understand. As far as I know, that may well be the end of the story. I don't get the impression that we are necessarily crossing some threshold. We may hear nothing further about this. Until we have further evidence or understanding, it simply remains a mystery.
Maybe, but if we are indeed dealing with extraterrestrial probes, why deploy them at all? Access a potential threat; look for unknown forms of life (we happen to be carbon based, which may be unique to our galaxy), something else? I'm still not sold on that we are indeed dealing with something extraterrestrial, but my fantasy is triggered big time.
No. that is not what I'm trying to say here. I'm saying what you're saying - it's time to document reports from pilots. In other words, stopping the stigma, mockery and ridicule.
Maybe, but if we are indeed dealing with extraterrestrial probes, why deploy them at all? Access a potential threat; look for unknown forms of life (we happen to be carbon based, which may be unique to our galaxy), something else? I'm still not sold on that we are indeed dealing with something extraterrestrial, but my fantasy is triggered big time.
Still hypothetically, it's probably arrogant to think that we humans have the brains to assess their motives at all.If we're presuming, hypothetically, that it's aliens... it's tough for me to assess their motives.
We can guess. Since their consistent focus has been our atomic weapons and missiles, we might consider they think our technology is a danger - possibly to them, but even more likely to us.Still hypothetically, it's probably arrogant to think that we humans have the brains to assess their motives at all.