UEFA Champions League Thread [Archive]

  • Thread starter DQuaN
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Oh, man, this game is getting good.
That was actually a superb save stopping Eto'o's shot (can you do that Eto'o's? Famine....:lol:).

Famine would get that more than you lot btw.
I dont get it at all. Arsenals english hardplay will see us through now. Game would have been better with 11 players on both teams though.

Is it just me or is the Ref a bit biased? Barca players have deserved a couple yellows.
Nah the ref's been okay except for the red card, he should have let the goal stand and not booked Lehman, othe than that he's done alright.

And Terry agree's with me 👍 Terry.

I jmust hope Arsenal don't sit back and defend with 10 men behind the ball all through the second half, they will concede if they do that, but it will also be boring if they do. That said, Arsenal arn't a sit back and defend team generally.
You support Juve though, so that still counts against you. God damn boring old Juve.

Yeah, boring ol' Juve. :indiff: It's just a regional thing. My Paternal family originates closest to 'em... unless you think I should go with mom's side and fall in with Palermo. (who? :lol: )

I'm going to laugh when Campbell wins MVP. He or Ebou'e or A.Cole.
That was actually a superb save stopping Eto'o's shot (can you do that Eto'o's? Famine....:lol:).

Famine would get that more than you lot btw.
I get it... you and your overuse of apostrophes!
Dude. Manuel Almunia looks like a frickin' conquistador.

WTF MAN. The ref is horrible. Henry got nothing but ball. Like, so much ball, his boots said "DEEZ NUTZ!" But, the ref still booked him! Lame.
Wtf. Barca still hasn't gotten a yellow all game.
I reckon we will win. Ive had a feeling about this for a long time but my head told me not to be silly. Stupid head
Wtf, Campbell headed the corner in the wrong direction...

edit: FINALLY a yellow for barca.

edit again: Nice save for Valdes.
Oh Snap Samuel Eto'o! Arsenal should've kept in Francesc. That dude is the glue, man. They need to start feeding henry now and let the damn man do his job. Lol.

OMG Belleti scores!
Oh well. That game kind of sucked, in retrospect.

WTF, Poverty? Better team? More like team with more players. Arsenal's starters won the game, in my book.
He did great all game except for that one time during the second goal, what the hell are you moaning about him for?

Barcalona 2 - Arsenal 1

Thoes missed chances by Henry proved rather costly in the end.

It's easy to say the better won, but the better team had an extra player. Arsenal got tired in the last 20 mins, that's what cost them the game, entertaing until Barca's second goal went in then they just held the ball back in their half.
haha, I knew Barca would pull it off! Good game, but damn Arsenal got slack to let two goals in...... whooooooooo.

Barca FTW!
Sting, did you even watch the game? How could you not give Arsenal props?
WTF, Poverty? Better team? More like team with more players. Arsenal's starters won the game, in my book.

Exactly, if you find a team that can beat a team like Barca in that situation with 10 men you've probably found some crazy ass sucka ass jive talkin team or something. Well an incredibly good team.

Almunia did have a good game tbh, Barca were putting constant pressure on Arsenals defence. If it was the other way round with Barca a man down, Arsenal would have done the same.
I can give Arsenal props, hell they scored so there's prop number 1, 1 man down theres another prop..... but come on, letting two goals in almost one go, kinda shows they thought too early that they had the game in the bag.
LMAO did you guys see the goalie in orange bite the dust when walking off of the podium? His ass must be hurting.

I like barcalona, but I hope Arsenal's 1st (especially their back line) gets mad props for their effort.
Even if we still had 11 players barca would have won, theyre pace and attacking was to much as they would have been 1-0 up.
I can give Arsenal props, hell they scored so there's prop number 1, 1 man down theres another prop..... but come on, letting two goals in almost one go, kinda shows they thought too early that they had the game in the bag.

Well being a man down gave them the majority of the possesion, giving them the majority of the possesion allowed them to put pressure on Arsenals defense which leads to them having more chances. After a while you could see that Eboue was knackered after having to mark Eto'o, then Ronaldinho and then Eto'o some more.

Remember the same thing happened to Chelsea.

Edit: I can guarantee that Arsenal would have had more chances on goal with 11 men in that second half Barca basically had Possession like 80% of the time.
Even if we still had 11 players barca would have won, theyre pace and attacking was to much as they would have been 1-0 up.
After watching that I'm certianly not so sure as I was when I said it would definitely be Barca's game, before the game, Arsenal turned up in full swing and going at Barca in full tempo. I'm suprised your suddenly in denuial over how well your team played and me, the Man U supporter is for some strange reason trying to convince you otherwise.
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