Ugliest Car Interior

  • Thread starter skip0110
The xA and xB use the center-mounted instruments, but the tC places them in the traditional location. It wouldn't be so awful if the guages were bigger, but they're almost relegated to the back of the dash pad, and the tachometer is nearly impossible to read, as it's squished to the side of the speedometer. How would you ever know were to shift or if you're engine's idling rough, unless you lean forward?

Whatever it is, that trend needed to die with the Echo. It's pointless, and nobody else's business how fast me or my engine's going. It also looks like a kid's amusement ride.

I agree. I went with my Mother when she test drove an xB and those gauges are in a horrid location. It ultimately was the reason she didn't buy the car. She just hated the location of the gauges.
a two tone Mustang interior from the mid-late 90's :yuck:


Now, imagine that in red and black and the ugly factor goes up by about 10x
I actually don't mind the xB display. Some cars with a center cluster suck, but the XB is set just right that it's in the corner of your vision, and it reminds me quite a bit of a racing game display!
you want a pain in the butt? how about having the gagues set on the complete OPPOSITE side of the car, AND set low. not to mention the key switch in the middle, and, due to this being an antique, the starter pedal being where a RHD clutch is. perfect steering wheel, but the seat was so dang far back, I was laid out flat. you can tell the tinme's changed. and no, I don't consider scooting the gagues to the center stack to be "modern"

xXSilencerXx: at least it's not the actual SWITCHES behind the steering wheel, like my Lumina was
When I drove the Ion, it was just plain awkward. I think over time I could get used to it, but given that I would have only bought it with a stick, that alone would have sucked the fun right out of it. Could that be a reason why the Colbalt SS has sold so well over the Ion Red Line despite the fact the Ion is supposed to be easier to control at the limit?

The idea is just plain dumb, and it is pretty stupid that anyone has stuck with it. Even Nissan got the clue and changed it in the 2007 Quest...


As for Sniff's switches problem, I delt with it in my '93 VW Fox and it wasn't too bad. I actually thought it was quite nice in some circumstances, especially with the light switch and emergency signals. I belive the Chevrolet lineup was far more dependant on the whole switch idea in comparison to my VW, given my expiriences with the Lumina, Corsica, and Berettas of the era.

BTW: How 'bout the Beretta, eh? I see a nice one go by every once in a while, and it is like a time-warp to my childhood. The Beretta GTZ was one helluva car back then with it's 180 BHP Quad 4. Funny enough, the car was as fast as the BMW M3 of the time, that includes acceleration and handling as well.

...Ah, what a great time the '90s were indeed...
You know what the sad thing is? many of the cars featured in this thread are cars I would clamor to own (particularly the Lagonda, Citroen CX, Suzuki Aerio and Dodge Shadow). Well, okay, I wouldn't clamor to own a Shadow or Aerio. But I would still like one. You want a bad interior (also from I car I would love to own)? Look at any C4 Corvette. Zing! Especailly the early ones that police radar would screw up. (Digital Speedometers are still cool.)



What do I win?

Hey dudes! Let's take one of the ugliest interiors ever, the Ford Tempo, and make it even uglier! THAT WOULD RAWK!
You want a bad interior (also from I car I would love to own)? Look at any C4 Corvette. Zing! Especailly the early ones that police radar would screw up. (Digital Speedometers are still cool.)

Yeah, those early C4 Vettes were pretty bad. I can't stand digital guages, and the C4 made good use of them. Thankfully in 1990 Chevrolet realised how stupid they were and for the most part, got rid of them. Granted a digital speedo is allright, but a digital tach and such is a stupid idea.
My dad's Caddy has a digital speedo... It's quite the distracting article. Then again, it also has this button where the whole display (including the AC) goes from English to Metric, but who cares, it's a Cadillac. lol
Onizake: YUCK! someone HAD to have sprayed that inerior. it SCREAMS tacky

Yss: were the switches underneath the steering wheel rimwhere you had to jack the tilt up to get to the switch? my Blazer is the same way, everything shoved up just under the steering wheel rim where you couuld bump the car outa park :P

Re: Beretta...only ever got squashed in the back seat of one.

Roo: not just caddys...pontiacs, too
Yss: were the switches underneath the steering wheel rimwhere you had to jack the tilt up to get to the switch? my Blazer is the same way, everything shoved up just under the steering wheel rim where you couuld bump the car outa park :P

ooops, we might have had a missunderstanding there. I thought you were talking about the switches that were located *behind* the steering wheel.
Yss:where you can't get your hand in. my lumina had it's push-button light switch close enough to the steering column that i had to put the tilt all the way up to get to it, and still got cramps :P
I think any GM offering here in the states until recently has been GOD AWEFUL. Notice all the Pontiacs posted (winner of worst interior by MAKE). All that cheesy gray plastic makes it looks like Fisher Price was contracted to do the interiors.

My money goes on (by class) the new S Class interior.

Compared with the new A8, or even the E65, its ugly.

As far as "regular" cars - GM Interiors. That Fiat interior posted earlier is pretty bad though.
I don't see anything wrong with it either. IMO, its better than the Bimmer's.

The Peugeot 1007's interior isn't that great:

...But I guess it isn't that bad either...
why does that poor merc look like someone projectile vomited Pate de Fois-grois all over it. fugly color in that pic.

mabey we should make a suggestion list to send to manufacturers for color and shape correction.
Yeah, I don't really like that S-Class interior. For me, it HAS to have buttons or it doesn't look right, like most BMWs, whereas the E-Class interior is nice. But who knows, seeing the S-Class interior in person might change my opinion.
Niz: it needs a smalled diameter steering wheel. plus, it's hard to see because of the horrendous Jpeg compression artifacts. was that taken with a camera phone?
Well, there is a difference between an interior being "spartan" like the Corsa and an "ugly" interior as well. If the buttons are all functional and are located in a reasonable place for easy use, I wouldn't complain much.

My '93 Fox was both "spartan" and to some extent "ugly" as well, but it worked out great and I couldn't complain too much. Granted there are some interiors out there that look magnificent, but don't do a lick for functionality. The Maserati GrandSport comes to mind, as does the interiors in the Scion lineup.
... iDrive?

Even though it's nice to have a feature like that, normal buttons or even a touch screen - where you still have buttons for manual override, in Jaguars anyway - is easier to use and looks better.
Is it just me or has Mazda done an amazing job making the interior of the RX-8 smooth, sophisticated, and sporty at the same time?

I hope this wasn't posted before...


Nissan Quest.

I may have posted it eary on, but I agree. The Quest 1.0 versions of this generation sucked, but the new 2.0 versions are much nicer on the interior.
...Hey now, the Silverado isn't that bad. If you use it on a day to day basis, it is actually quite comfortable and rather functional. Our 2005 Avalanche has baisically the same interior as the Silverado, and although it isn't pretty by any means, I do like it.

But given that the next-gen Silverado's interior should be nearly identical to the Tahoe's, it should look like this:


...and that isn't too bad...
Eirik: double good on those interiors. I could easy use that 159 interior. the silverado's is the epitome of good clean GM taste. white on black with rounded rectangles. right up the middle, and an interior that gets usefully hot in the winter :P