UKGTP14 - XIV - Four No More [Now May 28-30]

  • Thread starter Roo


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Connect to Famine's net, join Famine's lobby, race Famine, win.

I envisage it going something like that.
Although with the speed in which you achieved all those gold licenses Sure-Tbread, I'm not too sure on the "win" part.
I like the outfits btw.
I never realised till now that I am an Eeyoda hybrid.

Newbie here. What kind of facilities do we need to host a UKGTP? I might be up for trying to arrange something in Leeds.
Newbie here. What kind of facilities do we need to host a UKGTP? I might be up for trying to arrange something in Leeds.

*Waves* :D

Aside from equipment (which tends to just sort of appear), the main requirement is space and tables on which to put things I think. Of course those are all that's been needed until now - potentially a reasonable internet connection needs to be thrown into the mix too now if it's going to be a GT5 affair. Things like accommodation are also a bonus, of course, as is car parking.
If it's going to be a GT5 "LAN" then you're going to need a very, very good connection in having 10 or so PS3's connect to the web via the same connection. I also wouldn't attempt to do it wirelessly.

Which is lucky as I can bring a fair bit of Cat5e to the next "LAN".
I have my own reasonably sized detached house in Chapel Allerton with in-wall gig-e throughout. Net connection is 50/1.5 but that will be increased to 100/10 "soon" - I'm on Virgin's priority list.

With table & chair supply I could have maybe 8-10 people each in my bottom two rooms, there's a bedroom upstairs that could be repurposed for another 5 people. Spare beds for two people, two sofa surfers, garden for camping possible 4-5 tents (?) and unknown amount of floor space. Local B&Bs are reasonably cheap, no-so-local B&Bs (can run pickups) very cheap. Plenty of on-street parking available around here.

Downsides - I have light coloured carpet throughout so there would be no shoes and spilled drinks would have to be reported immediately, although we could put sheeting under tables. Also I will need a couple of months to prepare (house is still full of some crap that needs sorting/binning/storing) and I would like someone to come up a couple of days beforehand to help with final prep.

I would also need a switch for each room as there aren't enough ports. I have one 10/100 that I salvaged from a skip that may or may not work.


40-ish Flatties x2 (one truly rooted to the wall)
24" 1080p monitor
PS3 x1
DS3 x1 (maybe 2)
G27 x1
GT5 x1
GT5P x1
Headphones x2 (one wireless)

No legacy tech here I'm afraid :-(

How many people usually come to a UKGTP in the north?
For the GT4 LAN's we've had a pretty similar group of people for the last 3 or 4 events (the Ocho in 2007 had about 24 people iirc) which has been about 10/11. The home for most of the events since the Ocho has been in the far, far North of Yorkshire.

Have a look at the other threads for the previous events, they are in this sub-form.

For GT5, I have no idea how many would be interested, one would assume it'd be more.
Has anyone even attempted a Lan network for GT5 or do we already know that it's not feasible?
I would imagine that the games would be co-ordinated by the server but would only run locally. Network connections take the shortest path. The challenge would be making the routing work at this end I would imagine. I have a sophisticated router setup though.

Anyway yeah this is good, I'd like to host at some point in the spring. What's the normal lead time for organising an event - 1-2 months? I'll guage interest then.
LAN's are definitely not possible in 5, it'll be a case of joining a Lounge with us all connecting from one point.

Famine has one (well I would say planned, but probably more pencilled in) for May at some point, normally bank holiday weekends due to distance, start-up times, etc.
However one person hosts it, everyone connects to that host. If they're all in the same location there's no reason the connections will leave the subnet. Routers are intelligent enough to notice connection requests to themselves!

OK well if Famine still can't be arsed (as per OP) then maybe we can have it here in May instead.
I could easily make leeds, as during term time, I am 20 minutes away on the train.
I'm up for it at mine but not for the next 3 months, I have a lot going on in my life. April or May would work for me. In light of that, is there anything to discuss right now?

Re games - do we have an established drifting-related challenges? Should really be divided into wheel / controller leagues.
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Not sure, but my brother was telling me that at this year's 'Ring 24 hour race, they'll be running a 24 hour GT5 race alongside, and it'll apparently be hooked up via some sort of LAN. And if you think about it, all the booth-based competitions so far have presumably had some kind of LAN too.

He also said though that the Sony HD TV competition was run split-screen due to the lack of LAN options...
Not sure, but my brother was telling me that at this year's 'Ring 24 hour race, they'll be running a 24 hour GT5 race alongside, and it'll apparently be hooked up via some sort of LAN. And if you think about it, all the booth-based competitions so far have presumably had some kind of LAN too.

He also said though that the Sony HD TV competition was run split-screen due to the lack of LAN options...

From what I understand, the GTAcademy (which I thought was a LAN at the time) required access to the PD server, so it was not really a LAN. That said, I don't recall any instances of lag, it looked like a LAN, behaved like a LAN, but apparently wasn't a LAN. :odd:
Okay. Here's how it works:

1. Host machine connects to Sony, room established.
2. All Guest machines then connect to and communicate with Host machine directly.
3. So long as all guest machines are on the same switch, the network speed is limited by the switch and cabling. Any external machines connecting to the room hamper the connection for all local machines.

So here's the plan*:
1. All prospective UKGTP attendees create a UKGTP account on the machine you intend to bring. I suggest UKGTP_ prefixes to make it all look teh awesome. For the time being, keep them to yourselves (I have another plan. Shhh!)
2. Don't worry - you won't need to make any progress on this account at all, unless you want to. It won't matter how much or how little play is made on this account.
3. Keep only UKGTP attendees on your friends list (or other accounts of your own). On the day of the actual event, it'd be helpful to, as housekeeping, delete any non-attending members - remember, any machine connecting from outside the local area will ruin the connection for all of us.
4. You'll need to be familiar with cloning - I will start to distribute cars soon. You'll need to receive the car, backup your save, gift the car out to another UKGTP member and restore your save. This will need to be done every day that a car is gifted out as there is only a one car a day gift limit. If you miss a day, anyone expecting to receive cars from you will fall behind and unless you're keeping track they may miss cars completely. This will be incredibly difficult to fix (although I've planned a system to do so - it's very complex and will take hours out of actual UKGTPing time) on the days of the LAN itself, so turning up and asking "So, what cars do we need?" will be met with pummelling to death and being fed to the dogs, VEXD.
5. Keep the cars stock as they are received. It is unenforceable - just as TCS/ASM use has been in all previous UKGTPs - but we're UKGTPers so it shouldn't need to be enforced. GT5 gives us the chance to fine-tune our LAN cars so we can fill gaps that previously existed, to prevent the big steps down like we've had in handicaps or to artificially increase or decrease performance of a rabbit/slug car to give us a larger pool of cars for Pick'n'Mixes. This can be undone by even an oil change so please get the car and leave it alone.
6. Add the cars to your favourites. This can be done on the day - particularly because, again, there's a small favourites list. The upside is that it doesn't take the same cocking about that GT4 did - exit, defavourite, favourite, save, rejoin - and the whole LAN doesn't need to be dropped for it.

That should be about it for now - and this will all apply no matter where the event will be hosted. I will guess that it needs about two months' of preparation and car gifting, so if we're going for a Spring Bank Holiday LAN, we'll need to start in March. Don't worry, I have this sorted.

VEXD summary:
1. Make UKGTP_ account. Don't tell anyone what it is yet.
2. Do whatever you want with it.
3. Except adding friends who aren't also UKGTPers.
4. Receive car/s every day. Clone them out to other UKGTPers.
5. Don't touch them at all. No, don't tune them. No, don't change the oil. Don't touch them at all. AT ALL.
6. Except to add to favourites, but we'll be doing that on the day.
So, have you got a 10-port switch? The GT4 LAN's were all 5/6 port, weren't they?
4. Receive car/s every day. Clone them out to other UKGTPers.
5. Don't touch them at all. No, don't tune them. No, don't change the oil. Don't touch them at all. AT ALL.

While the thought is in my head, if any of the cars on your list happen to be brand new vehicles from the new car dealerships, would it make sense to buy those ones to save on cloning time?

Related to this, if we started cloning in March then there's about a week and a half where I'd be unable to clone with others since I'm on a banger rally. And I'm in Geneva for the first three or four days of March too.

And I'm not entirely up on the whole cloning thing, but would it also not be possible to clone them out to your other PSN accounts? Everyone will have at least one other account since they'll be creating a new one for UKGTP. I personally have about four different accounts on my machine already and I know you have about a million.

If I'm barking up the wrong tree feel free to let me know.
Yeah hfs, that's a sensible shortcut. The S/H cars and specials (if used) would be where the distribution comes in. I think we'd have to make a mandatory 'paint it' rule too. Maybe a car and paint chip? :D
New cars aren't an issue - provided you have enough money. And yes, multiple accounts will help tremendously. This is something that I'll hopefully be able to coordinate soonly.

Painting... Encouraged. Paint it however you want it painted - I shall exclude that from the "don't touch it" rules.
Nice, thanks for the clarification. Seems a simpler way of duplicating cars than endlessly passing them around to others.

As for painting I think I'll come up with a "team colour" or something. I've been struggling to find a colour I like enough to paint several of my cars in.

Actually I lie, I can think of one colour, but I can't for the life of me remember what car it comes on and therefore how to get it.
I have... a collection of paints. If you need it, I probably have it somewhere.
I need greens. Send me greens. I love greens.

Also, I've had an idea (actually, an old, old online racing idea) which would work to get us lovely competitive racing with all sorts of cars. I'll be doing some testing, in readiness.
I have... a collection of paints. If you need it, I probably have it somewhere.

Nice one. I've not been on my PS3 for about a week so I could well have it somewhere.

No idea of the name but it's a variation on a red mica that has a slight golden tinge to it. Think I'm going to have to power on my PS3 and have a look.

Venari, feel free to add my homeforsummer PSN account and I'll send a bunch of greens your way.
FYI, we're doing one on Spring Bank Holiday weekend (Saturday, May 28th - Monday, May 30th) back up at ours.

This one needs some very careful forward planning, so please let me know (PM, VM, e-mail, write it in the sky) if you can come and/or intend to come.
FYI, we're doing one on Spring Bank Holiday weekend (Saturday, May 28th - Monday, May 30th) back up at ours.

I should be OK for that, but I'll let you know.
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