- 87,888
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
Why? It's a word. I mean, we can't even have a sensible discussion about the word if the word is banned! Imagine having this chat with your kids:There seems to be a disparity on when this word can be used in the media. It seems if its a black person saying it its ok, if a black person is saying it to another black person its ok, if its in a film its ok and if its a white person saying it to a black person as social commentary on how regularly the phrase is used its ok.
It should NEVER be OK!!!
"Honey, you can't say that word."
"What word, daddy?"
"But you just said it!"
"Well, yes, but only to tell you that you can't say it."
"Daddy said ******! Daddy said ******!"
On a sterner note, banning words is the first step to banning books, banning speech and banning thought. We know what that leads to... Godwin's Law. Not to mention that banning the word doesn't suppress racism, only leading to more racial hatred - the sort of people who'd use it as a term of abuse use the fact it's banned and "whitey", "chalkface" or "cracker" aren't as a divider, us vs. them, or eventually a propaganda for a political platform. See the BNP.
What shouldn't be okay is using it or any other word offensively.
Words have only the power we give them. If we're not happy with giving a word the power to be a specific term of abuse against a race, we should stop giving it that power, not putting it onto a naughty list and giving it even more power as a forbidden term.