Underage Drinking.

I ask that only members of GTPlanet over the age of 21 post in this thread. Thank you.

I'd like to know what each of you thinks about underage consumption of alcohol. Do you think it's alright if the consumer knows his/her boundries? Do you think it should only be consumed in the presence of someone 21 or older? Do you think there are times where there should be exceptions? Do you think it's wrong?

There are many different opinions, what's yours?
I'm only 20, but I'm over the legal age to buy and consume alcohol in my country (Scotland). I believe that there is only one scenario where underage drinking can be condoned: in the company of the person's parents or close family. When I was 14/15 I was allowed to drink alcohol at family parties, under the supervision of my parents. It was a safe environment in which to try to understand the feeling of getting a bit tipsy (but not drunk at that age) and to understand how much I had to drink before it really affected me. Now that I'm 20 I only drink very infrequently, and when I do, it's in moderation. I've only been properly drunk in my life once, on my 17th birthday (again, in the company of my parents and close family).

I believe that underage drinkers in pubs or outside are foolish. Often it's a case of peer pressure making them feel they have to do it to keep their "reputation" or whatever.
I ask that only members of GTPlanet over the age of 21 post in this thread. Thank you.

Uhhhhh NO. Just because the law in the USA says that you can't drink under 21 doesn't mean that it's like that everywhere.

I've been drinking alcohol since I'm 16. That's because it's legal in my country, liquor is for 18+ here.

The law in the USA about this topic is retarded in my opinion. I wouldn't see a problem if the legal age to drink would be 18, but it's stupid that people CAN get shipped off to Iraq with hand grenades and an m16 after their 18th birthday, but aren't allowed to celebrate it with a glass of beer.

Besides that it doesn't make sense in THE LAND OF THE FREE *cough*, that you're not free to drink whatever you like once you reached the age from which you're independent from your parents and allowed to vote. This way you create alcoholists. People have been looking forward to that age that they can finally legally drink, and then when they can they often go overboard with it. Me and my friends have been drinking since age 16 and we're not even interested in alcohol much anymore. This while many of the Americans my age I speak with are still bragging about whatever they drank last night.

I believe that underage drinkers in pubs or outside are foolish. Often it's a case of peer pressure making them feel they have to do it to keep their "reputation" or whatever.

^^^ Realize that he's talking about underage American drinking. 19 and 20 year olds having a couple of beers. Not the 14 and 15 year olds you are thinking of because of the law in Scotland.
I've been drinking since I was in high school. You can drink alcahol at a very young age here if it's in you're own home, but you have to be 18 to go to the pub ect. I think in you're own home it's fine if you're parents/gaurdians are there and okay with it, I think the limit should stay 18 for pubs though, I used to get drinks at the pub when I was 17 and then once I hit 18 I started getting asked for ID :lol:. I never drank in a pub becasue of peer pressure or because it was "cool", I drink becaus I enjoy it. I don't often go over 3 pints in a night though, if I do it's usually when I'm out all night.
I'm 20 and I live in America, does that mean I've never drank? Hell no. I only drink a little though, being drunk and hung over isn't my idea of a good time, and if I have just one drink I refuse to drive. Not because I'm underage but because it's not worth trying to drive. Drinking and driving is one of the stupidest things your can do.

I started drink around the age of 16, but it was a glass of wine at dinner in my house. Then I started going to parties, at first it was no drinking but you know what happens at college. I still take it easy though, one or two beers and I'm good.

I have been to Canada were you can drink when you are 19, but I really didn't have much fun because Canada's clubs are about as exciting as balancing my check book.

Underage drinking is a touchy subject, since I can see where some people should be able to drink younger but there are many that shouldn't be able to.
Not because I'm underage but because it's not worth trying to drive. Drinking and driving is one of the stupidest things your can do.

This topic is about underage drinking, of course drinking and driving is stupid and dangerous.... but age doesn't matter. If you're 60 and driving drunk you're also retarded. :crazy:
Ok, my class mates, when they at parties they drink and getting drunk...and they are only 14 and 15 years old. I've tried beer and wine, both are disgusting, so it deosnt bothering me.
In the UK anyone over 5 can drink alcohol in private, so I have never commited underage drinking.

I dont drink much and only ever get tipsy at friends Bar-Mitzvahs and at Christmas (I'm an athiest.)

I have only ever been pissed out of my mind on 2 occasions, one being the champions league final. I drank about half a bottle of champagne that night aswell as 3 glasses of beer.

As alcohol only negatively affects those under the age of 7 I see no problem in private underage drinking in the company of family or of those I trust.
As a mature 16 year old male, who has drank before, I think underage drinking is fine—if—

A) I'm at home
B) I'm not out in public
C) I have food + A or B
D)I have someone with me to make sure nothing goes wrong + A or B if I can help it.

I hardly ever get drunk, but I'll drink casually. Peopledon't seem to care if I walk around with a beer in my hand, and besides, if I were to drink more, they'd be drunk too and wouldn't remember or care. But that's beside the point. I like the UK's laws better; they have one of the youngest drinking ages and yet very few alcohol-related deaths, compared to Canada or the USA.

And I agree with the disclaimer above, I probably shouldn't be advocating under-age drinking, but generally it's not a good idea to put these ideas in to young kids' heads.
Its gonna happen. As much as you dont like it, underage kids are gonna drink, and its getting to where younger kids are doing it. When i was 13 i was still watching cartoons. Now 13 year old kids are smoking, drinking and having sex. Underage drinking will not stop, as much as you may not like it, and its getting worse with time.
I'm underaged (just nineteen) and I go to college where frats are still allowed and also one where the shops tend to be lax about selling it to minors. Going out and drinking only for the purpose of getting drunk is stupid nomatter what your age is. I don't think it should be illegal for a teen to have a beer or two at a barbeque (sp?) or while casually hanging out. Honestly the nights that I just end up hanging out and having a drink or two always end up being the best.
Ok. First of all, that whole... 13 years olds smoking pot and drinking and crap isn't 100% true.

w/e... don't comment on that.

Anyways, I have tried beer. Haven't tried wine. Tried a margarita. Only like the margarita.
My dad doesn't care as long as I don't sneak it, and it is with him. Other than that, he's pretty lax.
Are you talking about consuming alcohol at family functions, such as a glass of wine with dinner? Or a toast at some big family event?

Or are you talking about underagers gettting in the liquor cabinet, and drinking the "hard stuff" for the express purpose of getting drink?

One is basically okay. The other is definitely something I personally see as wrong.
Are you talking about consuming alcohol at family functions, such as a glass of wine with dinner? Or a toast at some big family event?

Or are you talking about underagers gettting in the liquor cabinet, and drinking the "hard stuff" for the express purpose of getting drink?

One is basically okay. The other is definitely something I personally see as wrong.

I agree with this. Then again where do you draw the line? One glass? One and a half? Two? Three?
You've never had wine?


May 22, 1992

^^ That should explain it.

When I was 12 or 13 I never had wine yet either. When I was about 14 I had my first 2 glasses and was pretty tipsy because of that. :dopey: Pretty hard trying to pretend like you don't notice having alcohol in your system. :dopey:
I guess I'm really lucky then. I had 3 glasses of champaigne, 2 beers and a ceaser and nobody noticed. I think I take after my grandpa. He was Scottish and Irish, so...
I'm 18 and the age for buying alcohol in NZ is 18. At 16 it is legal for you to consume alcohol but only at your parents knowledge.

It's hard enough for adults to control the way they drink so it'll be nigh on impossible for a kid to control it. It earns you big points with your friends if you get absolutely ****faced.

Lets be honest, a sober teenage party would have to be one of the most boring things in the world so if I were the parents involved I would control the amount of alcohol consumed myself. Enough is enough, end of story.

I have no problem with underage kids having a good time with some alcohol mixed in but I don't condone taking it past anyones limit.
Standard, it doesn't go for all 13 year olds, but it sure as hell does go for a lot of them.

IN Tx., I saw many kids even a 10 year old, who was smoking pot, and talking about his sex the night before. And these young kids who do this are typically the wanna be punks. (And are the kids I'd love to beat the loving **** out of.)

Anyways, I don't drink beer. Typically, not a big fan. I do love going out to a fancy dinner and having champaigne. In fact, the other night, me and my g/f had a nice dinner with champaigne. Of course, I kept myself in contact in which I meant I drank to where I could still keep control of my actions.
I just like drinks from champaigne to wine, to my uncommon drinking of a Margarita.
And you bought that?
I don't care that he was talking about it or that his friend was confirming it, I wanted to knock the crap out of him because he was bragging.

Besides, the kids in my neighborhood have a tendency to do illegal things. Their always the same to get caught anyways, so I wouldn't doubt these sexual over-active little dip****s.
heh, I think alcohol is pretty disgusting... sorry yall but I don't think I'll drink even when it's legal (I'm in the US). I'm just not much for it... the smell and all. Makes you vulgar to sober people, and I don't wanna be like that.

BTW, smelly, when you're in the army here you can drink for the exact same reason you stated; if you can die for your country, you can handle alcohol.

And anyways, what's up with the 'no one under 21 in this thread' thing goin on? Shouldn't you want the teenager's perspective most of all?
Actually most people when they are drunk are amusing to sober people.
I drink a bit, but I can certainly handle my alcohol very well. It helps that my parents always let me have wine if they did, and since I was about 15, a beer if they were having some. (As long as I wasn't going anywhere). I've also spent time overseas (UK, Italy), where it's legal for me to drink, and I've had no problems. The only time I've ever gotten truly smashed was at a multi-day anime convention, where I was staying in a hotel, and had the better part of a bottle of Jack's, a good deal of vodka, and a beer or two. Still, all it did was make me lose coordination, and have a wicked hangover the next day.
Im 18, which is the legal age to buy alcohol. here in Australia
Ive been drinking since i was 14... due to "peer pressure", and i didn't really know the consequences. But now i drink whenever i feel the need. Not saying the im a lunatic looking for party's every weekend. The social activity's im involved in are usually pretty controlled, and i have fun without out getting to hurt.

I don't have a problem with underage drinkers. there are limits, but in general i don't.
I have a regard for laws(most of the time), so I'm against underage drinking. But like amp was saying, I don't see any harm in it, if it's in front of his/her parents, as long as the parents are reasonably sane people.

Actually most people when they are drunk are amusing to sober people.
Yeah, and there aren't that many "angry" drunks. Most of my buddies are happy drunks. There's been occasional "sad" drunks. :rolleyes: I like my drunk friends. It's really funny, because we'd be playing vids or pool or something. Early in the evening, I'd be getting my a$$ kicked, but as they drink little more, I start to even the series. :D

As you've guessed, I don't drink. Ocassionally, I'd have a beer or two, but I've never gotten drunk in my life. I'm one of those losers who's drinking cola at bars. :lol:
As you've guessed, I don't drink. Ocassionally, I'd have a beer or two, but I've never gotten drunk in my life. I'm one of those losers who's drinking cola at bars. :lol:
Can i ask why that is? Is it simply you don't like the taste?, or something more?
Can i ask why that is? Is it simply you don't like the taste?, or something more?
I hate both the taste and the smell. I think the last beer I had was like two years ago, actually.
How can i argue to that.
Fair enough.
:) I did used to actually make effort to drink. I think peer pressure did have little to do with it, but especially to help me relax a bit. I get little tense, once in a while.

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