Underage Drinking.

My job is to keep minors out of the bar I work for. When they try to drink at a bar, my job is at stake plus possible fines from TABC. I personally think underage drinking is wrong but this is only my opinion. What they do in the privacy of their own homes is up to them.

Another issue mentioned was minors consuming alcohol with parental permission and supervision. In TX a minor is allowed to consume alcohol under those stipulations but establishments do not have to honor it. The bar I work for used to let this happen until a mother let men from the bar buy her daughter shots. Needless to say the bar was fined and that is no longer allowed.

As to A6M5, you must not have been to many bars before. I've had my share of angry drunks and there is nothing fun about them.

Sorry, just my .02 cents as someone who works in the service industry.
As to A6M5, you must not have been to many bars before. I've had my share of angry drunks and there is nothing fun about them.
Once or twice a month, tops. Did that "I don't drink" part give it away. :D

Also, different kind of bars, I think. I don't go to rowdy one too much.
^^ That should explain it.

When I was 12 or 13 I never had wine yet either. When I was about 14 I had my first 2 glasses and was pretty tipsy because of that. :dopey: Pretty hard trying to pretend like you don't notice having alcohol in your system. :dopey:

As noted earlier in the thread by Flame_returns, in the UK the laws are:

5+: Consumption of alcohol legal in private, with parental consent.
11+: Consumption of alcohol legal in public establishments, with parental consent and with food.
16+: Consumption of alcohol legal in public establishments, with parental consent.
18+: Consumption of alcohol not illegal in any form.

Personally, I find it ridiculous that a legal adult cannot drink alcohol for three years in many parts of the US. You can vote, smoke, serve in the armed forces, have sex, operate heavy machinery and be sentenced to death - sometimes simultaneously - but you can't have a sip of shandy. But that's besides the point.

I've had wine with my Sunday dinner as long as I can remember. I am rarely, if ever, drunk. Alcohol has no mysticism to me and I don't feel the need to partake of it to enjoy myself.
Once or twice a month, tops. Did that "I don't drink" part give it away. :D

Also, different kind of bars, I think. I don't go to rowdy one too much.

It isn't rowdy bars but the random rowdy people. Sporting events bring this out in most people as they can't take someone else's opinion when intoxicated. Fortunately I haven't dealt with too many fights, more differences of opinion expressed severely. I don't like drinking, its just a fun job to me. 👍
As noted earlier in the thread by Flame_returns, in the UK the laws are:

5+: Consumption of alcohol legal in private, with parental consent.
11+: Consumption of alcohol legal in public establishments, with parental consent and with food.
16+: Consumption of alcohol legal in public establishments, with parental consent.
18+: Consumption of alcohol not illegal in any form.

Personally, I find it ridiculous that a legal adult cannot drink alcohol for three years in many parts of the US. You can vote, smoke, serve in the armed forces, have sex, operate heavy machinery and be sentenced to death - sometimes simultaneously - but you can't have a sip of shandy. But that's besides the point.

I've had wine with my Sunday dinner as long as I can remember. I am rarely, if ever, drunk. Alcohol has no mysticism to me and I don't feel the need to partake of it to enjoy myself.

You can die defending your country but heaven forbid you touch a glass of alcohol! I think the legal drinking age should be dropped to 18 also.
It isn't rowdy bars but the random rowdy people. Sporting events bring this out in most people as they can't take someone else's opinion when intoxicated. Fortunately I haven't dealt with too many fights, more differences of opinion expressed severely. I don't like drinking, its just a fun job to me. 👍
Funny you mention it. One single place where I've seen most well..... "excited" drunks are at the Blazers(NBA) games.
Funny you mention it. One single place where I've seen most well..... "excited" drunks are at the Blazers(NBA) games.

During the recent NBA finals, I had to break up a fight because a drunk overheard someone nearby say "Lakers". The drunk didn't hear the "suck" that followed and jumped at the guy. Spurs fans hate the Laker for some odd reason. Last night a woman told my friend that she was going to kick his ass if he ever wore his starbucks shirt again. We started laughed as she tripped over the curb leaving the pub. 👍
Personally, I find it ridiculous that a legal adult cannot drink alcohol for three years in many parts of the US. You can vote, smoke, serve in the armed forces, have sex, operate heavy machinery and be sentenced to death - sometimes simultaneously - but you can't have a sip of shandy. But that's besides the point.

Famine, the more you post, the more I like you.
in germany there are no laws regarding consumption of alcohol that i am aware of, only for buying alcohol. at the age of 16 you are allowed to buy beer and wine (without parents) and when you are 18 you can buy everything.

when i was 16/17 i got regularily drunk, mostly with vodka and other liquors (i hated the taste of beer when i was 16, but i could get liquors easily in supermarkets and clubs since nobody really cares about these laws). we often started the evening by ordering three vodka red-bull each and drinking them instantly, getting drunk was kind of cool back then...

i stopped doing this when i turned 18 though, and nowadays i only drink something about twice a month maybe. mostly beer, cider or cocktails and i don't get really drunk anymore.

all in all i have to say i has not hurt me. the danger isn't so much in the alcohol but in the peer group and strict laws don't really do anything.
It is actually good when teenagers get drunk. That's a learning process. Once I have been so completely wasted at 16 years old, and I definitely learned from that. It was so screwed up and embarrassing that I haven't been drinking that much ever since. I'm 22 now, and not planning to ever get that drunk anymore.

If you have to start learning like this at age 21 you're pretty late with it, and you might not even learn from it anymore.
Its good when teenagers get drunk? What are you stupid? That in America would be breaking the law and trust me you don't want to deal with a MIP.
Do you think it's alright if the consumer knows his/her boundries?
Yeah, sure.
Do you think it should only be consumed in the presence of someone 21 or older?
Hell no.
Do you think there are times where there should be exceptions?
Not that I can think of.
Do you think it's wrong?
Hell no.

I'm 19 and I've never had more than half a can of beer. Pretty boring.
Its good when teenagers get drunk? What are you stupid? That in America would be breaking the law and trust me you don't want to deal with a MIP.

Yeah, it's good if they don't make it a habit or get addicted to it. In America that would be breaking the law... so what is wrong? The law in the USA or a 16 year old getting drunk and learning that it isn't great at all to be completely wasted?

Someone who has been really really really drunk and puked half of his guts out and feels the aching pain of a hangover learned to not do that again. Someone who is being told not to drink "because it's the law" will only be more motivated to see why it is forbidden. Actually rebellious teenagers WILL drink only because it is illegal.
The problem is that not everyone gets a killer hangover after being drunk.

I started drinking in moderation when I was younger due to the fact that I don't get drunk.
First, I get the hangover. Then I proceed to drunk. With that progression, I've never seen the attraction of getting drunk.
Since it only takes two or three beers to birth the hangover, I may on occasion drink one beer or one glass of wine then switch to club soda.
Usually it's just club soda with a twist of lemon of lime.

But I digress. For those that are underage, if they are drinking at all it shoud be under the watchful eyes of their parents. And it should be in great moderation.
I never get a bad hangover. I can drive 7 pints and wake up feeling a little hazy but generally fine, no headache, no feeling ill or anything like that. I generally don't drink that much anyway, I try to keep under 4, but some nights I might be out till the early hours and you just have a pint an hour os so and it can build up. I don't get a hadache from the drink, but I do when I realise how much I spent on it the night before :lol:.
My big question is why is drinking fun? Why is it something young people WANT to do? It has no positive physical side effects. So, why is it so much fun for young people?
Because when you're lightheaded you will be more willing to do "FUN" things. I think thats the reason anyway, I like to drink but I like the taste and I very rarely have too much, I mus admit a drink helps when I'm out looking to pull and it's going to be the same with some others too. Getting drunk is like taking drugs, not quite as severe until you ecome dependant but it becomes sort of semi-addictive very easilly and then addictive.
Getting drunk is like taking drugs, not quite as severe until you ecome dependant but it becomes sort of semi-addictive very easilly and then addictive.

My point exactly. So that's why I'm so confused as to why it's "cool"
Why do kids smoke when they know it's harmful. I think theres a degree of trying to be rebelliouse involved too. I don't know why it's considered "cool", because it's stupid.
Why do kids smoke when they know it's harmful. I think theres a degree of trying to be rebelliouse involved too. I don't know why it's considered "cool", because it's stupid.

Well as long as we agree on that point. :)
why does ANYONE smoke? its much more pointless than drinking alcohol...

drinking is cool because you are not allowed to do it when you are young.
drinking is cool because adults do it and teenagers don't want to be kids anymore.
drinking is cool because society teaches kids so.
drinking is cool because you get drunk, loose control, do funny things.
drinking is cool because you can impress others by drinking a lot or drinking very fast or drinking the hard stuff.
drinking is cool because the adverts say so.
why does ANYONE smoke? its much more pointless than drinking alcohol...

drinking is cool because you are not allowed to do it when you are young.
drinking is cool because adults do it and teenagers don't want to be kids anymore.
drinking is cool because society teaches kids so.
drinking is cool because you get drunk, loose control, do funny things.
drinking is cool because you can impress others by drinking a lot or drinking very fast or drinking the hard stuff.
drinking is cool because the adverts say so.

And it's cool because your kidneys and liver get destroyed. And let's not even talk about the driving thing....
Getting drunk is like taking drugs, not quite as severe until you ecome dependant but it becomes sort of semi-addictive very easilly and then addictive.

Yeah, actually alcohol is a hard-drug... the only difference is that this is socially accepted and cocain is not. When used in large doses alcohol is just as dangerous as cocain. This doesn't mean that a couple of beers are dangerous or hazardous to a teenager.
Yeah, actually alcohol is a hard-drug... the only difference is that this is socially accepted and cocain is not. When used in large doses alcohol is just as dangerous as cocain. This doesn't mean that a couple of beers are dangerous or hazardous to a teenager.

So then a line or two of cocaine is ok?
And it's cool because your kidneys and liver get destroyed. And let's not even talk about the driving thing....

Actually having a glass of wine every day has a positive effect on your heart and kidneys. More than that will have a negative effect on it. Drinking and drunk driving are 2 seperate things. Driving while calling with a phone in your hand is dangerous too, that doesn't mean that calling someone on the phone should be banned all together or frowned upon.
I abhor alcohol. I try to be libertarian, as is my nature, so I do not act against the purchase consumption of alcoholic beverages in a substantive way, unless my opinion is persuasive, but I cannot say I care if the drink is poured down the drain. A terrible drink that far too many people in need to fix a quick desire get involved in. It never has and never shall have any value to me. Mind you, if a doctor told me I have to drink it, for some odd reason, and there is no alternative, then I would have to consider it. But aside from that scenario, and may it never occur, beer, wine, vodka, etc., can go to hell.

Yes, I am being judgemental, and yes I think not drinking makes one a better person, though not necessarily a good person. And too bad if people think I am a prudish jerk. They don't have to agree.
Actually having a glass of wine every day has a positive effect on your heart and kidneys. More than that will have a negative effect on it. Drinking and drunk driving are 2 seperate things. Driving while calling with a phone in your hand is dangerous too, that doesn't mean that calling someone on the phone should be banned all together or frowned upon.

....and cranberry juice is great for the uniary track. You're still killing brain cells and hurting your liver.

Yeah, I totally agree with your last statement. That's why I barely if at all use my phone while driving.
I abhor alcohol. I try to be libertarian, as is my nature, so I do not act against the purchase consumption of alcoholic beverages in a substantive way, unless my opinion is persuasive, but I cannot say I care if the drink is poured down the drain. A terrible drink that far too many people in need to fix a quick desire get involved in. It never has and never shall have any value to me. Mind you, if a doctor told me I have to drink it, for some odd reason, and there is no alternative, then I would have to consider it. But aside from that scenario, and may it never occur, beer, wine, vodka, etc., can go to hell.

Yes, I am being judgemental, and yes I think not drinking makes one a better person, though not necessarily a good person. And too bad if people think I am a prudish jerk. They don't have to agree.
I think you're being a little harsh, but I do agree that IMO, alcohol does more bad than good in this world. Reason I said that is because I just remembered about my exstepfather. He was alright guy, a nice guy, until he starts to drink that is. There are some who are affected by alcohol in very negative way.

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