Underage Drinking.

There are some who are affected by alcohol in very negative way.

I know I'm being technical here. But everyone is affected by alcohol in a very negative way. But some people manifest that affect in really bad ways.
Alcohol isn't all bad – a glass of wine every once in a while is supposed to be good for you. ANY food is bad for you if not taken in moderation.

That said, I could care less about alcohol – I don't see the "fun" in it either. I don't care what anybody – including underage drinkers – do with it: they can have it in moderation and respect it, or drown themselves in it and suffer from liver damage. You can do the same thing with steak for pete's sake.
Alcohol isn't all bad – a glass of wine every once in a while is supposed to be good for you. ANY food is bad for you if not taken in moderation.

That said, I could care less about alcohol – I don't see the "fun" in it either. I don't care what anybody – including underage drinkers – do with it: they can have it in moderation and respect it, or drown themselves in it and suffer from liver damage. You can do the same thing with steak for pete's sake.
Amen. Also, I haven't drunk in couple of years(guesstimate), so I don't see the fun in it either. :)
Guesstimate, why does that sound like a real word...whops sorry underaged post.:guilty:
Yeah, minor! Get out! :D real world? like a TV show? I've using "guesstimates" long before that show started, son. :sly:
Yeah, minor! Get out! :D real world? like a TV show? I've using "guesstimates" long before that show started, son. :sly:

Sorry, I've had vodka it doesn't do anything, anyways guesstimation is a real word!

an estimate that combines reasoning with guessing
<LI>estimate based on a calculation

I googled it...
....and cranberry juice is great for the uniary track. You're still killing brain cells and hurting your liver.

Killing brain cells, hmmm.... you have more than enough to spare, so that glass of wine won't hurt your mental capacity on the long term.

About hurting the liver, one or two glasses of wine won't hurt your liver. Actually it will put your liver to work, because that's what it's for... to clean your blood of harmful substances... which alcohol would be if it wouldn't be removed by your liver. You hurt your liver when you constantly drink alcohol at a rate which your liver can't keep up with.

My friend is studying to become a doctor for 4 years now and I talked with him about this subject often while enjoying a beer, so I am sure of this.
Alcohol isn't all bad – a glass of wine every once in a while is supposed to be good for you. ANY food is bad for you if not taken in moderation.

You can do the same thing with steak for pete's sake.

True, if someone would constantly bomb his digestive system with hamburgers and other greasy food full with cholestorol, that would probably end his healthy life just as quickly as being an alcoholic.

Drinking too much water at once also killed people before. Water is poison to people when drinking a gallon at once.
True, if someone would constantly bomb his digestive system with hamburgers and other greasy food full with cholestorol, that would probably end his healthy life just as quickly as being an alcoholic.

Drinking too much water at once also killed people before. Water is poison to people when drinking a gallon at once.

And if I remember correctly frats do that because drinking(alcohol) initiations have been banned.
"If your old enough to die for your country your old enough to handle alcohol drink consumption at that age."

While I understand that to mean that if you are presumed responsible enough to handle weaponry, commanding, and the emotional toll of killing other people, you should, in theory be able to handle responsible drinking, the correlation is flawed. First of all, age and cognative ability are not the sole reason youthful people are recruited, it also has to do with health and the successful passage of entrance exams. It is hard to recruit those all ready interested in college and civilian careers which tend to pay better and are inherently safer.

Second, the aspects of one's psychology pertaining to the ability to handle the obligations of a soldier in combat are not necessarily related to the ones meant to control his addictive tendencies, which, if due to a chemical imbalance, might be little or unaffected by any psychological training pertaining to the acceptance of one's actions in combat.

Third, whether you agree with a particular age group being targetted for recruitment in the military is irrelevant to the question of whether or not it serves the public interest to ban or more greatly regulate, lambast, or accept fully alcoholic drinks. You would have to show reputable and well done studies showing that the ability to handle combat also means the ability to handle alcoholic drinks. Theory from the moral premise of, if he can handle one thing, he can handle this, will not cut it.

I am not trying to make legislation, I just lament the influence and idolization that wretched drink has on so many. 👎
Alcohil isn't bad, I enjoy it, I don't get drunk and don't drink it for the effect. The fact that I drink it doesn't make me a worse person. Having a single pint of half depending on how you take it will actually calm you down, alcohol in appropriate doeses is not in any way bad for you. It's when you drink too much it has a negative effect on you're health long term. I find drinking fun in the sense that I enjoy a pint or two, getting drunk would only be fun in my case in the sense that I'd be enjoying the taste of the drink several times over. I tend not to have a hangover the day after, but I know if I'm drunk. I know my limit and when it starts to affect my judgment in a negative way. I know how much I nead to be relaxed so I'm super confident when I flirt with that fit bird at the bar. I know I can make a couple of pints last until the dancing the starts. Theres nothing wrong with drinking alcohol in the right quantity. Over indulgence does damage you're health, but so does too many kebab's or too many french fries ect.
Alcohil isn't bad, I enjoy it, I don't get drunk and don't drink it for the effect. The fact that I drink it doesn't make me a worse person. Having a single pint of half depending on how you take it will actually calm you down, alcohol in appropriate doeses is not in any way bad for you. It's when you drink too much it has a negative effect on you're health long term. I find drinking fun in the sense that I enjoy a pint or two, getting drunk would only be fun in my case in the sense that I'd be enjoying the taste of the drink several times over. I tend not to have a hangover the day after, but I know if I'm drunk. I know my limit and when it starts to affect my judgment in a negative way. I know how much I nead to be relaxed so I'm super confident when I flirt with that fit bird at the bar. I know I can make a couple of pints last until the dancing the starts. Theres nothing wrong with drinking alcohol in the right quantity. Over indulgence does damage you're health, but so does too many kebab's or too many french fries ect.

Kids, this is what happens when you type drunk! :sly:
Hahaha, I wasn't drunk typing that, honest.

It was gone 1am I was just tired when I typed that. :lol:.
why does ANYONE smoke? its much more pointless than drinking alcohol...

drinking is cool because you are not allowed to do it when you are young.
drinking is cool because adults do it and teenagers don't want to be kids anymore.
drinking is cool because society teaches kids so.
drinking is cool because you get drunk, loose control, do funny things.
drinking is cool because you can impress others by drinking a lot or drinking very fast or drinking the hard stuff.
drinking is cool because the adverts say so.

There are alot of things in this world that are considered "cool".
Funny thing though those things tend to leave scars, or cause you to do things that leave scars.

Chicks may dig scars, but they generally have little time for "stupid".
If they don't, remember someone dumber than you is gonna be raising your kids.:eek:
The real problem with underage drinking is the lack of self-control exhibited by the current crop of low-life scum ... sorry ... future valuable members of society ;).

When I was a young 'teen, in aeons lost back in the swirling mists of time, of course I used to have a drink but it was the odd glass of wine at weddings or a half of shandy whilst sitting with dad at the sea-front.

Away from parental supervision, more used to get consumed (as rebellion in teenagers is not something new :D) but thankfully bitter tastes pretty foul to tastebuds still attuned to sweet things (as do a lot of spirits) and thus getting falling over drunk was never a likely event.

Plus, it was actually seen as monumentally 'uncool' by the girls to be in such a state - so, despite the male peer-pressure of drinking being 'manly', there was a countervailing pressure to stay sober as there was more chance of a lass actually taking an interest.

Nowadays, it seems that 'teens hang-out around off-licences trying to badger the proprietors into selling them alcohol or getting an older 'friend' to get it for them. After they've had their half-bottle of Lambrinni they then stand at street-corners in 'hoodies' generally making a nuisance of themselves until the Police patrol by ...then it's off into the bushes to make some more teenage single-mothers :(.

I'm afraid that I sound less than liberal or understanding on this point ... and that's because I'm not, having seen far too much of what happens when young people (who have no discipline to start with) let down the barriers even further by artificial means.

Like the poor kid, about 16 or so, I had to keep watch over in the street until the Police arrived and the ambulance came to take his body away because he'd drunkenly staggered out into the road (in his 'hoodie' of course) and got splashed by a car. I know it's an extreme example but it's solidified my feelings on this matter. Being dead is never cool (not even for Goths).
That is the problem, not drinking alcohol itself, but drinking it TO GET DRUNK. When you're drunk you're state of mind alters too much the more often you get drunk the more it changes you when you're sober, eventually you need to have alcohol in youre blood all the time. It alters you're perceptions, but a little now and then or every other night even doesn' do you any harm.

PS No matter what you say about the other post, I certainly wasn't drunk typing this one:lol:.
That is the problem, not drinking alcohol itself, but drinking it TO GET DRUNK.

A perfect, succinct, summation, Mr Speed 👍.

If only I could've come up with that I'd've saved myself a lot of typing earlier :lol:.
Drinking is moronic, plain and simple. I honestly don't see the point of it. It's just....pointless, if you ask me. But then again, that one hits home for me, Big Time.
Drinking is moronic, plain and simple. I honestly don't see the point of it. It's just....pointless, if you ask me. But then again, that one hits home for me, Big Time.

I have to concur
Drinking Duvel can be tasty. Yum yum yum. I never drink more than 3 beers a week though.
Can you be more specific E55Power, am I a moron because I like the taste of Strongbow or XXXX and drink over a weekend?

^ Rhetorical question btw, but the point made by it is valid.
Drinking is moronic, plain and simple. I honestly don't see the point of it. It's just....pointless, if you ask me. But then again, that one hits home for me, Big Time.

Obviously you have little desire to experience new - and complementary - flavours. Do you eat gruel 24/7?

Wine complements a meal - if it's the right wine for the meal. Beer/lager can complement a meal too. Port/Sherry/Whisky/Drambuie (and so on) all add to the experience. You get the picture.
Drinking is moronic, plain and simple. I honestly don't see the point of it. It's just....pointless, if you ask me. But then again, that one hits home for me, Big Time.

Caffine is really no better for you either - i seem to remember that you don't have a problem with that? - I'm not saying that what ever bad experience you've had that involves drinking isn't enough to make you feel the way you do (if that makes any sense) I'm just saying that there are plenty of everyday occurrences that for some are life-changing, and for others just part of normal life.
I think many underage people do it because its illegal. I think the UK laws make a lot of sense. Once its legal many will find they have no need to do it anymore as the "fun" has gone, i think Everybody should be given a bit if they want by their parents and be brought up with it and in moderation so then they dont go overboard when they finally get their hands on it, which is normally is in an unsafe environment with wankers around them who act stupid.

Main point, be brought up with some and in moderation so that they feel no need to sneak off to a party or a mates house to get it as they are allowed anyway, that way they are less likely to get smashed.
Drinking is moronic, plain and simple. I honestly don't see the point of it. It's just....pointless, if you ask me.

I see you got some answers to this already but I could give you my excperiences on drinking too.

I drink because I very much enjoy the altered state of mind it gives me and pretty much nothing else.

I wouldn't probably drink any alcoholic beverages if they tasted the same and didn't have any alcohol in them, I prefer orange juice, milk and water when I'm not about to get tipsy or worse.
Drinking is not that bad as long as it is done IN MODERATION.

Are this opinion of yours just some random moral crap or is it something you could evolve?

(Not that it has to be only one of those options)