Soon after the early celebration in my post #139, I had a hard time with the car on the wet track of 24 min Le Mans. The previous successful setting for dry is not working on wet. The difference is night and day. I was totally baffled, no idea how to deal with it.
Then, a helping hand from
ULTRAVIOLENZZ reached me with a 'secret' recipe by his own hard works. At the first glance, some numbers didn't make sense to me, but I tried anyway because I had surprising moments not long ago, showing how ignorant I was.
Bingo! it works wonderfully on wet Le Mans. (and the fact it brought me an easy winning is no big deal by comparison)
I'd like to share some important principle of the tuning here. (Sorry for no exact numbers but I think it's good enough, since within a certain range, adaptation between driving style and tuning happens naturally. For those who really want to tune the car, a guideline is more than enough.)
Described as proportion by the scale bar on each parameters (except camber and toe):
Spring rate:
front: 100% / rear: 60% ~ 70%
Damping (both ways, fine tune as you like):
front: 50% ~ 60% / rear: 60%-ish
Sway bar:
front: n.a. / rear: 100%
front: 1.8~2.0 / rear: 0~0.2
front: -0.5 ~ 0 / rear: -0.5 ~ -0.35 (surprised? me too, but it works!)
Brake bias: very rearward, or tune as you like
LSD (rear only, initial torque/acceleration/deceleration): very low / lowest / low (puzzled? me too, but it works!)
Gear box: set the top speed to your need.
Down force: 100%
By such setting, with intermedium or RS tires on the bumpy and wet Le Mans, the car stays very stable and coherent no matter in the straight or bends, accelerating or braking. It feels neutral and easy to me in all speed. Very high limit of this car is approachable and controllable.
Please give it a try and feedback.
And then, let's have some chat on the LSD and toe, shall we?