Understeer Rattle Effect (Poll-Only for Wheel Users)

  • Thread starter super_gt

What do you think about the understeer rattle effect ?

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I always run my t300 in PS3 mode, but it only reduces the effect, it doesn't eliminate it.
Thanks for this. It feels so much better in PS3 mode, overall imo.

The rattle effect is completely gone in the PS3 mode, what remains is the lower frequency feedback when you turn the wheel past the point of rattle (in PS4 mode). This effect feels more similar to assetto corsas tyre slip at around 25%.

You do lose a some finer feedback though, kerbs and sausages.
DFP GT is a big rattler so I run with torque at 2 and that setting that has slipped my mind between 7 and ten, think doesn't dull the other ffb effects and feels the best for me, using a drivehub and that has given better wheel ffb than it was originally imo.
What is your Force Feedback Max. Torque in-game setting?

I can't remember , i tried many different settings and i didn't really find the perfect setting nor one that gave me the wanted feedback, i am more than open to any suggestions :)
This effect feels more similar to assetto corsas tyre slip at around 25%.

The tyre slip effect in AC affects oversteer, & it's great that it can be turned off completely. PD can learn a great deal from that game.
The tyre slip effect in AC affects oversteer, & it's great that it can be turned off completely. PD can learn a great deal from that game.
Ackshually its both over and understeer. It's all tyre slip causing rumble through the chassis. One of those effects that is felt more through the seat of your butt. Option to turn off would be great of course.
I haven't noticed the effect! Not sure if that is because of me or my wheel - I use a T500RS on default settings. I mainly race at Willow Springs, Big Willow as that is my preferred way of earning credits. I thought I felt something once, yesterday! To be honest I find the FFB and track feel rather dull and lifeless in GTS compared with other games (AC and PC2).
Ackshually its both over and understeer. It's all tyre slip causing rumble..

I don't feel the effect kick in with understeer in AC, only oversteer. Is that just your opinion? Or, do you have some insider knowledge?

It's all tyre slip causing rumble through the chassis. One of those effects that is felt more through the seat of your butt.

I've oversteered & understeered at a track day IRL, & I felt absolutely nothing in the form of vibration through the seat of my pants...
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I don't necessarily have a problem with the effect itself. I get what it's trying to do and it definitely lets you know when you are understeering. My problem with it is it seems to kick on a lot of times when it shouldn't and (at least in my experience) it sounds and feels like it's doing very bad things to my wheel internally.

Edit: Should have noted I have T300rs.
Well it seems I am several years late to commenting on this thread. While not reading every post, I hope somebody has mentioned this already, especially with the new affordable DDs on the market.

I am a Fanatec direct drive user and as such I have a menu item called ‘force feedback interpolation’ (new setting Dec 2019) that can handle this unwanted chatter. The setting can be ‘off or zero’ which does not have any interpolation which results in this nasty chatter during understeer. When interpolation is set at 1, this chatter phenomenon is already reduced. At setting value 2, it’s gone. The maximum setting is 20. (I don’t remember at the moment what results from higher settings.)

Here’s what Fanatec said when they introduced the setting:
1:1 game FFB can be quite rough and noisy, therefore we have added a new filter to the Tuning Menu called "Force Interpolation"