Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Unpopular opinion: Most conspiracy theories are proposed by folks who know barely anything on the issue they are talking about, or mentally ill people completely out of touch with reality (ex. schizophrenics, psychotics, etc).
Do you know what 'unpopular' means? Is that not the general consensus on conspiracy theorists?
I think what I said is unpopular enough; far too many people believe in conspiracies, and some think that they're proposed by educated people.
So, i just learned that thinking erectile dysfunction (ED) is BS is pretty unpopular. It's not that i think impotence is fake. I understand it happens, but its generally a symptom of other underlying issues.
It wasnt until Pfizer discovered one of their pill was better at raising the ol snake then it was at treating blood pressure that ED became a thing. Its of the the rare, great examples of a company creating a "disorder" to make profit.
Have you ever heard of whisky dick or tried to bonk after a few white lines? Pharma compaines didn’t create the demand for viagra and such, people’s vices did.
So, i just learned that thinking erectile dysfunction (ED) is BS is pretty unpopular. It's not that i think impotence is fake. I understand it happens, but its generally a symptom of other underlying issues.
It wasnt until Pfizer discovered one of their pill was better at raising the ol snake then it was at treating blood pressure that ED became a thing. Its of the rare, great examples of a company creating a "disorder" to make profit.
So you did what others have done in that you seem to have glossed over that little bit of admittance there in bold. I didnt say impotence is all around fake. My point is that the term ED, and treating it as its own stand alone disorder is. As you so willingly point out in your examples, its almost always a symptom of an other issues. In your case, that would be getting drunk or high.
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Snap-backs look extremely stupid. Its like a construction hard hat had sex with a baseball cap and the Snap Back is their deformed kid. Neither does it have the safety of the hard hat nor the sun protection of the baseball cap, and it looks just like a shrunk deformed baseball cap.

I refer to snap backs as helmet-caps.
Unpopular opinion: hair that grows in the following areas - armpits, genitals, butt- is highly unhygienic / slightly disgusting and should be shaved all the time, both genders.
This has a health benefit to leaving hair there, but I'd need to look into the benefits and drawbacks.

Personally don't think the insane rashes after shaving are worth it.
I just occasionally trim it if I think it grows to big.

Going all the way for rashes doesn't seem worth it to me, either.
If your pubic or armpit hair is causing hygiene issues, you should probably do that showering thing I've been hearing about (or see a doctor).
Ah, the voice of the ignorant is always a harsh one.
Hair in general is known to be the perfect living space for various bacteria because it has a tremendous surface area. If you increase the surface area in various places of your body you offer bacteria lot of space to grow and expand very quickly, that is why shaved armpits never develop the smell of a hairy ones, even with good hygiene. This is also the reason why synthetic clothes smell bad extremely quickly, its the fine structure of the denim where bacteria find perfect living conditions.
Bare skin has absolute minimum surface area and it is much easer to keep clean from, bacteria and their smelly excrements, especially since their numbers are much lower on skin. On top of that, every day dirt gets caught in hair but not on skin. Especially pubic skin is know to have a rough texture which does give the bacteria even more room and better hiding places.
So it is more hygienic to be shaved.

This has a health benefit to leaving hair there, but I'd need to look into the benefits and drawbacks.

Personally don't think the insane rashes after shaving are worth it.

If you have rashes when you shave, learn how to shave. Use a sharp razor, the right angles and proper lubrication to reduce friction. Billions of people run around without red rashy faces because they know how to do it. People have been shaving their faces since ancient Egypt, they knew how to do it 3000 years ago.
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Thats one of the weirdest things I've ever read, I've never run into any of those problems and I do not just climb stairs but I actually do tons of cycling and weight lifting. It sounds like this person has super sensitive skin and some serious hygiene problems, on top of ''bum-leakage'' which is a surprisingly common problem among people who have either a bad and unbalanced diet (fiber) or problems with a certain ring-shaped muscle.
With proper wiping your bum should be squeaky clean all day, leakage is not normal.
Look, if I want advice on becoming strong enough to move mountains, I'll ask you. When it comes to matters of health, I'll stick to people who went to school to learn how everything works.


But hey, keep calling people ignorant without providing any evidence, see how far that gets you!

Again, if people do not possess the ability to properly shave then yes, they should not shave as it will leave a sore skin prone for infections, which is the main problem as it is discussed in the article. (learn to shave without injuring your skin though, its not hard) As for friction, if you are not wearing underwear made of sandpaper and your skin is not screwed up from improper shaving you should able to deal with it just fine, like the rest of your bodily skin that is not covered in hair. I've never had a problem with any of that, if I had I simply would not do it. First hand experience always beats Internet articles.

Bum guns are good, they’re popular here and used in conjunction with loo roll they leave the bum spotless.
Absolutely , I wish more bathrooms had those. Wet wipes are an acceptable compromise though.
Again, if people do not possess the ability to properly shave then yes, they should not shave as it will leave a sore skin prone for infections, which is the main problem as it is discussed in the article. (learn to shave without injuring your skin though, its not hard) As for friction, if you are not wearing underwear made of sandpaper you should able to deal with it just fine. I've never had a problem with any of that, if I had I simply would not do it. First hand experience always beats Internet articles.

None of that supports your claim that leaving it there is a problem though. Which is where those internet articles come into play, unless you post one I can't give you any credibility and just have to figure your talking out of your hairless backside.
None of that supports your claim that leaving it there is a problem though. Which is where those internet articles come into play, unless you post one I can't give you any credibility and just have to figure your talking out of your hairless backside.

Don't forget those articles are simply opinions of other people, which are often not nearly as credible and worthy of credit as you may think. For example I do know a lot about weight lifting, I have been powerlifting for over 10 years now and I can tell you, more than half of the Internet articles you find about that kind of sport are utterly false, giving very dodgy advice which are often nonsensical or even dangerous. And those often come from so called certificated trainers. How do I know this? Because I have gathered enough first hand experience about it to make that claim, I can back those things up with reality.

My point is, since this is not a dangerous thing, don't listen to the Internet articles and do not listen to me either, try it out and gather first hand experience to form a truly valid opinion about the matter.
Are we allowed to debate these opinions ?

If so I have to comment on this...

My sister has had one miscarriage, my sister in-law has had three, my boss has had one, and another friend of mine has had one recently too. There are millions of things that can go wrong when making a baby, so for me whenever a couple do get pregnant and successfully give birth, that is an achievement worthy of congratulations.
....And well, it's like saying please and thank you, it doesn't cost you anything to say congrats.

Why do people get all out of context?

The point that was being made (and excuse my being crass but it's necessary for the morons :banghead:) anyone with the equipment can make offspring it takes parents and real people to raise HUMAN BEINGS.

The reason why some people can't have children? Perhaps it's nature telling you something do you think evryone paired up and had kids? SAll these foolish modern unrealistic made up notions! Everyone seems to think they have the right to multiply now. I don't mind children if they are well mannered and personable, some people don't have the time to raise children (never mind properly) so why should they bother. Don't ram your views down someone's throat if you can't accept/see another's.

The world isn't black and white.
My point is, since this is not a dangerous thing, don't listen to the Internet articles and do not listen to me either, try it out and gather first hand experience to form a truly valid opinion about the matter.
scholar.google.com could help you with finding peer reviewed sources for/against your opinion...If you even want to bother supporting it.
Why do people get all out of context?

The point that was being made (and excuse my being crass but it's necessary for the morons :banghead:) anyone with the equipment can make offspring it takes parents and real people to raise HUMAN BEINGS.

The reason why some people can't have children? Perhaps it's nature telling you something do you think evryone paired up and had kids? SAll these foolish modern unrealistic made up notions! Everyone seems to think they have the right to multiply now. I don't mind children if they are well mannered and personable, some people don't have the time to raise children (never mind properly) so why should they bother. Don't ram your views down someone's throat if you can't accept/see another's.

The world isn't black and white.

The point that was being made was that 'getting pregnant and birthing a child is not a major achievement' ? What I was saying is that birthing a child is a major achievement, and I just listed a few people that are close to me that birthing a child would be a major achievement.

I wasn't ramming anything down your throat :banghead: .... In a way I was saying everything isn't black and white too :banghead:
The reason why some people can't have children? Perhaps it's nature telling you something
Ignoring the fact that you're replying to a year and a half old post...


Just because people have difficulty conceiving in no way reflects on their competence as parents.

There is a member of GTPlanet that was trying to have a child. Through no fault of their own, they were unable to. So they found an alternative. I can guarantee they will be better parents than I am.

Conversely, there are countless people that have no business bringing children into this world that do so anyway.

"Nature telling you something" is wholly inaccurate.
Some people are infertile ...I made the point about some people having no right to bring children into the world (as they are awful humans themselves).
My sister had a miscarriage ...you have done what most on the net do just jumped on your preconceptions and bellefs to make a point. I didn't read the date of the post why is that so important to you? are you the GT Planet police now?
Some people are infertile ...I made the point about some people having no right to bring children into the world (as they are awful humans themselves).
My sister had a miscarriage ...you have done what most on the net do just jumped on your preconceptions and bellefs to make a point. I didn't read the date of the post why is that so important to you? are you the GT Planet police now?

We can only go off of what you posted as that is all we have in order to understand what you are trying to say. Don’t get mad at other people because you didn’t elaborate more.