Unravelling the Mysteries of GT Sport's Driver Rating System (and How To Improve Yours)

How do they expect us to get gold achievements with a match system like this ?
Well, of course the easiest way is to keep your SR low and not care about the effect this has on your DR. That will keep you matched with less able drivers and, if you can put in a good qualifying time, you should be able to rack up 10 poles and wins a day with little bother.

But there's a couple of points here, aside from the question of how fair that is. The first is that you don't have to get the gold PSN trophies right now. GT Sport has been out for nearly 10 months, and there's plenty of us still to get the Platinum. It's not a game you play for a week and then move on to the next, it's a game you play until the next GT comes out, and then a bit more because you hate the new GT until the services for the old GT are turned off.

Above that is the consideration that not everyone is good enough to get those trophies. This is how games always used to be - 100% wasn't always possible for everyone.
Well, of course the easiest way is to keep your SR low and not care about the effect this has on your DR. That will keep you matched with less able drivers and, if you can put in a good qualifying time, you should be able to rack up 10 poles and wins a day with little bother.

But there's a couple of points here, aside from the question of how fair that is. The first is that you don't have to get the gold PSN trophies right now. GT Sport has been out for nearly 10 months, and there's plenty of us still to get the Platinum. It's not a game you play for a week and then move on to the next, it's a game you play until the next GT comes out, and then a bit more because you hate the new GT until the services for the old GT are turned off.

Above that is the consideration that not everyone is good enough to get those trophies. This is how games always used to be - 100% wasn't always possible for everyone.

I'm ok getting platinum after a few years beating a required time for a track like on GT5 for Nordshleife in a GT-R, that was fair for everyones.

But having to beat real guys over a system that never put me with oponents of my range ?
Dont seem right to me untill they fix the algorithm to split people in lobies.

That mean i'll never platinum this one as i really doubt i have a month to loose on lowering my DR+SR and geting it back. And i have to much honor to lower my "Clean Rating". lol

I guess i'll stick to local organisation championships and forget about other aspects of the game like Sport Mode etc.

Till they find better way to make it fun and fair, the game have the potential, they have the number of racers to make fair splits, time will tell if they make it right.

And like you said it's been on shelves since 10 month... i play way more than average player and won only 3 races yet and got one pole, how many years you think it will take me for reaching Platinum ? Too much for not been dropped by termination of service, unless they keep the name and update it forever. ;)

Thanks for your reply. :)
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maybe you aren't skilled enough to get the achievements

I platinum GT6 and reached around 95% of GT5... so not so teribble, just dont take oportunity of passing if it involve the other lending on grass or crash, not puching out either.
And like yesterday, game started me last over a bunch of guys qualifying better than me, what can i do against that ?
No matter how i push to qualify, i end up with guys to strong for me.
Dont get me grong, we all had good Qual Times, but i end up with guys faster, as always.

How come a guy doing 1:24/lap end up with group of guys doing 1:27 ?

I start to think i should make a new player with a name not starting with Z. lol
Be happy if you get in room with guys lower so you can enjoy some fresh air ahead... ;)
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I platinum GT6 and reached around 95% of GT5... so not so teribble,

GT5 Trophies were mostly single player and just progression based, but the hardest ones were getting the golds in some of the licenses and challenges such as the Red Bull event. But even then, I'd say single player licenses require less skill to achieve than 91 ranked wins.

GT6 Trophies were pretty simple. The licenses were way easier and the hardest trophy to arguably get was the Ayrton Senna trophy but that was DLC and hence not needed. Other than that, there were a few 'weird trophies' for example 'be 3rd before the final round of a championship and win' or overtaking at the end of a one-make race. Also there were the distance trophies which required enough time spent playing the game, but that isn't skill related.
I'm not here to claim i'm good enough to win trophies, i'm here to say that make no sence that with the number of players online we should be matched with oponents of our range.
How come that out of 130 races i win 3, pole 1 and get best time of 3 races only ?
How come i came only ONCE in 10 month first of my room in pre-qualification ???
Statistically that make no sence, if i can be last out of 12 so many time i should be first as many time unless i'm not slow but comlplete stall...

1/130 win = about 0.8% win
chances of being 1st of 12 in a split = about 8%
so if splits were well done these numbers should match, i should have been 1st of 8% of my qualification sessions and won about 8% of my race untill i reach the top players in A and S, not strugling since i'm C bit still rank trough 2/3 of B...

In the first days i got my chances, in the de i was doing great... since first update and as soon i reached C it was a nightmare to get in top 3 simply because i get matched with guys way out of my league.

Why is this system puting A guys against B and C ?
Why dont A race against A, B against B et ???
Even low B should race against low B and not high B !!!

Thats what i talk about, i understand if it's 2am, but on a saturday evening... come on !
They have the number of pilots required to create fair room, why dont they do it ?

It's getting like noob masacre in GTA5, just no way to win races once in a while and enjoy close fights but with one or two of same skills.
So much more fun when there is a bunch of same skills to fight with.

maybe you aren't skilled enough to get the achievements
Is this the experience of VeeDoubleU007 of 1hour1 minute and 38 seconds in GT Sport that make you believe that the system is quite well good and my skill are so way off to even win a forth race after 10 month off hard play ? Or do you uave another account where you made some more test of the game ?

Because after a quick check it seem that i just been trolled with your comment. lol
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Is this the experience of VeeDoubleU007 of 1hour1 minute and 38 seconds in GT Sport that make you believe that the system is quite well good and my skill are so way off to even win a forth race after 10 month off hard play ? Or do you uave another account where you made some more test of the game ?

Because after a quick check it seem that i just been trolled with your comment. lol
That may not be his main account. His main account is DR A or A+. I don't remember which exactly
That may not be his main account. His main account is DR A or A+. I don't remember which exactly
Thanks, because only other name i seen like this did not even had GT Sport installed. lol
Make mose sence if he A to debate about that. :)
Lucky him to be talented enough to reach it, since FIA RACES I just fell down the slope.
Starting last in qualifications despite numbers and get crashed by crashers geting back from behind after i passed them.
Both SR and DR need adjustments, but mainly split system.
Is this the experience of VeeDoubleU007 of 1hour1 minute and 38 seconds in GT Sport that make you believe that the system is quite well good and my skill are so way off to even win a forth race after 10 month off hard play ? Or do you uave another account where you made some more test of the game ?

lol what, I don't own that account. I only have one account and it is not that

By the way, as much as I understand some of your statistcs regarding a 1 in 12 chance of winning (for Race A), you have to also remember there are tens of thousands of new players every week and hence you will have people moving up the rankings naturally, going 'through' your tier as they move onto a higher rank.

Also, you will have some players who have a lower rating than they should, either due to purposely tanking their rating, or having their DR dropped due to a low SR hit.

Hence, it makes sense to be quite a bit less than 8% with those 2 factors
lol what, I don't own that account. I only have one account and it is not that

By the way, as much as I understand some of your statistcs regarding a 1 in 12 chance of winning (for Race A), you have to also remember there are tens of thousands of new players every week and hence you will have people moving up the rankings naturally, going 'through' your tier as they move onto a higher rank.

Also, you will have some players who have a lower rating than they should, either due to purposely tanking their rating, or having their DR dropped due to a low SR hit.

Hence, it makes sense to be quite a bit less than 8% with those 2 factors

How do you explain that on my last 20 sport mode races i been puted with 95% guys faster than me, been last or before last in qualifications. While the stats sites show that i'm in the top 5% and i'm in total mid range of a really active championship filled with top notch guys ?

Again, be happy that system dont affect you, because when it does, you are done...
The best i did in those 20 races was to climb up to a 3rd place, bug generally i can clim more than half group.
What can i expect racing systematicly in groups faster than me ?

If it was at last 50/50 in front and behind... nope, all ahead.

How do you explain that i have friends slower than me that reached like 20 poles and won about same amount of races while been same or slower speed than me in championships we do together with about same number of races on sport mode ? Try, try harder. :(
How do you explain that on my last 20 sport mode races i been puted with 95% guys faster than me, been last or before last in qualifications. While the stats sites show that i'm in the top 5% and i'm in total mid range of a really active championship filled with top notch guys ?
Because a good 70-80% of the community isn't actually playing Sport mode
How do you explain that i have friends slower than me that reached like 20 poles and won about same amount of races while been same or slower speed than me in championships we do together with about same number of races on sport mode ? Try, try harder. :(
I am willing to bet that your friends are either in lower SR ratings or fluctuate all the time. Most of the fast guys are in SR S, which I assume is where you are, so that's why you keep getting matched with faster people all the time. Iirc, of the remaining percentage that play Sport mode on a regular basis, only a fraction of them are in SR S at any given level. I know this because from both kudosprime and jaqsonguersney.
Zalex has a point, it is kind of frustrating. I mean i am happy to just have good races but a few more wins would be nice, i know i am not that good (B DR) but you'd think i'd win more than 5 of 250 races or whatever it is.

TBH i think it is the SR, when i make mistakes and my SR drops i am suddenly in a much easier room and that's when I nab wins. As soon as the SR gets above D, I am matched against much, much faster drivers.
Anyone have explanation why SR A seems to be cleaner than SR S and low SR B is the worst by far. Even compared to SR C.. :indiff:

I think currently daily race B is a SR destroyer. Such a short race, that even the slightest rubbin at the beginning cant be compensated with rest of the race clean, as theres too few sectors.

Or is it the new system. Ive gone from steady SR95-99 to even sub SR40..
Anyone have explanation why SR A seems to be cleaner than SR S and low SR B is the worst by far. Even compared to SR C.. :indiff:

Simple, people in SR.A want to advance to SR.S, which means you have to drive carefully to earn points.
People in SR.S are already maxed in points and have a budget to spend on risky maneuvers as long as the end result is around 0 SR it's all fine.
SR.B is the rubbing is racing crowd, sometimes a few points down, sometimes a few points up, happy to stay in SR.B on average.
SR.C is getting close to the bottom and DR reset points, time to drive careful to build up a little buffer again.
Simple, people in SR.A want to advance to SR.S, which means you have to drive carefully to earn points.
People in SR.S are already maxed in points and have a budget to spend on risky maneuvers as long as the end result is around 0 SR it's all fine.
SR.B is the rubbing is racing crowd, sometimes a few points down, sometimes a few points up, happy to stay in SR.B on average.
SR.C is getting close to the bottom and DR reset points, time to drive careful to build up a little buffer again.

This sums it up nicely, going by Sven's post I am just about to head back into SR A territory so time to play it carefully when racing to get
SR points increase.
@Zalex love your stats, in particular your SR graphic, you have the manners of a top tier, I respect that, man :bowdown:.


This is the best achievement reward i got since i play GT Sport... thanks man ! ;)
You made my day !!! :)

Can you immagine that with a SR99 most ofthe time i cant pass the cap of 6 clean races in a row ?
It keep been reseted by ramdom turns dive bombs i dont see coming, and i race against S SR guys (?!?)

In iRacing i think i reached twice that number of clean races in a row and i specially like the Hugh Jass championship as it promote been clean by giving bonus pts on clean races.

The way to go, you would love it. ;)

Cheers !

@Kano Manel What is you PSN name btw ? So i can follow you and jump in your races if i ever have a chance to see you online... :)
It's a stress relief to know there is other real clean racers on the track. ;)
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I wish it did. I've had situations where I start in 8th, get bashed off the track and end in 17th, climb back up to 9th, and end up losing DR. We should be rewarded for those kinds of comebacks, but unfortunately the DR algorithm has blinders on and only cares about your finishing place.
Wha I don't get is an internet friend - he is in Canada and I am in Australia - he has been racing longer, but ... he gets far more points than I do. He is a fairly high B, I am a fairly low B (driver performance that is). But I am around a second a lap faster and a second faster in qualifying. So a day's racing ( a few races) I get 13,000 points - he gets 25,000. Do you get more points because you've been racing longer??? Curiously too, it seems that my Asian sector, the drivers seem to be on average faster ...
Wha I don't get is an internet friend - he is in Canada and I am in Australia - he has been racing longer, but ... he gets far more points than I do. He is a fairly high B, I am a fairly low B (driver performance that is). But I am around a second a lap faster and a second faster in qualifying. So a day's racing ( a few races) I get 13,000 points - he gets 25,000. Do you get more points because you've been racing longer??? Curiously too, it seems that my Asian sector, the drivers seem to be on average faster ...

From my understanding, it depends on your finishing position in the race. The higher the position, the more points you receive. Your friend may simply be doing twice as many races as you each day, therefore getting more points.
From my understanding, it depends on your finishing position in the race. The higher the position, the more points you receive. Your friend may simply be doing twice as many races as you each day, therefore getting more points.
Probably right. I don't have many races in a day, probably because I don't know the tracks and spend some time learning the tracks. I normally go very badly racing in the first half of the week and then get OK at the end of the week. He knows the tracks already so likely races a lot more. Maybe zi should just race more, but its hell if you don't know the tracks - I end up loosing drive and manner points because I'm down the back. Learn the track and its more fun.
That'd be me.

Tbh I think you're a bit more than a second a lap faster once hooked up. Here's why my Dr is double yours;

- I limit racing on tracks I am bad at, hitting the challenges instead
- I am a savvy racer that limits the damage when a bit off the pace, usually finding a way to finish top 6 or so no matter what
- you have a far higher incidence of disconnects that is killing your dr
- I know the cars better than you
- I have been using the game for far longer than you so yeah have had more time to accumulate Dr, whilst it is based on finishing ahead of those ranked above you, Ive had more races to do so. Follow?
- if you look at my stats, I peak then drift down a bit, solidify then go up then stay there a bit then repeat, shows I am able to avoid catalogue atrophic drops in Dr other than my two Sr resets.

I'm at 26k right now, as you can see on my kudos, I'm struggling to beat that, it's about where I belong.

So curious, to take time out of it, how many races did you do and how many Dr points Gaines at interlagos this week?
I’ve got 21 Wins through 85 races so far and am 400 or so points away from DR A, I can’t wait to get to DR S. I got 11 wins this weekend and I’m hoping for more of the same this coming week with the new races. I even beat a couple DR A/A+ guys Saturday. :)
Well in the last week, i went from DR B to DR A (SR A). What did i find out. As you get into higher DR (B to A) 1st corner incidents were less and less. Which meant a cleaner race.. dont get me wrong, ive had a few "scuffles" with people. But i also think the points depends on the level of people your racing. I bagged 3 race wins in a row, never lost a place but had to race 2 "SR A" class and the rest were "SR D".. i didnt get many point for those wins
So curious, to take time out of it, how many races did you do and how many Dr points Gaines at interlagos this week?

I gained 1700 points at Interlagos Race B, i would estimate that was over about 15 races and included one win, average finishing position was maybe 5th.
That'd be me.


I'm at 26k right now, as you can see on my kudos, I'm struggling to beat that, it's about where I belong.

So curious, to take time out of it, how many races did you do and how many Dr points Gaines at interlagos this week?

Thanks "A", yes to all I guess. I am not sure how many races I did at Inerlagos, but I think 5 races yesterday when I got 15,000 points. By then I was pretty competitive, I beat two "A' guys in a race. One was catching me though but I think he decided not to get aggressive and he hung back a little. I raced more the previous day and got close to 15,000 but below 15k, also, but I did come back from leaving track due to a nut case. But the game doesn't seem to reward you for that.

A bit like at Interlagos in the F1 GP, Ricciardo started from 11th due to his turbo being killed by a trackside official, he finished 4th, I think had the fastest lap, was 0.7 seconds off Kimi's 3rd placer, but Max Verstappen gets best driver because he didn't win due to not evaluating the guy who was likely to hit him.

I have not raced yet at barcelona, maybe I should do a check after every race. It will upset me though because at the beginning I may be getting negative points I reckon ... i score pretty badly in the first half of the week.

I feel I should have a dirty driver notebook and recall those bad drivers ... but if I recognised them, what would I likely do!!
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Wha I don't get is an internet friend - he is in Canada and I am in Australia - he has been racing longer, but ... he gets far more points than I do.

You also have to beat drivers ranked higher than you. Finishing high against drivers ranked lower doesn’t earn you much points.
How can I tell my car number when I am in a weekly race lobby?

I'm using the Gr4 Lancer which doesn't have a number on the hood.