Update 1.07

  • Thread starter MatskiMonk
I can't even get to the hotfix yet. Right now I've tried signing out of PSN to see if that helps, along with rebuilding the file database and restoring the file system.
This game is so ruined! I am so upset!

Just played online. Entered a Nordschleife server. As I normaly do drive on Sports compound Hard or medium and the server was set up for free to choose option on the compound, I had to choose the soft race tyres, as everybody would use them. So pretty sure on having more grip I entered the track. First of all, the AI leaving the pits mode just sucks as my car hitted the pit exit wall by leaving the pits. I tried it 3 times, everytime it hitted the wall! Very logical to me!!!!
So then after I started to ignore this "little" bug I entered the track. Well, what can I say, I had less grip, it felt like driving on comfort soft or hards. I pitted and had a look if I had chosen thr right tyre compound, and realized, yes, racing softs. So I tried again, entered the track with the same result. No grip, no control of the car!

So this new tyre model was so much praised before the realize of GT6, and everytime I play GT6, this tyre model/physics is the bigges reason for making me upset about GT6!
It could be such a nice game, but it is just so unfinsihed. I am pretty bored with gettin new stuff added, half finished and the old bugs are just getting ignored!

Might be enough for some fanboys who would never let a bad word onto GT series, but for me this is just so useless and crap! Not at any point at the standarsd of time!
Adding Virutal cars unfiished to the game Hoooray, praise KAZ.................I would have other words, but might not be allowed to use them here!

I am totally upset and annoyed! Sorry but this is just for the trashcan!

1.07 did not change my mind on it!

The can go on and add so much stuff to it, the core of GT6 is ruined!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Hate it!
This is the worst feeling I ever had with the GT series! And I owned all of them on all PS systems!

I am off! Annoyed and sulking!

Thanks KAZ!

You should stick this game to where the sun never shines to!

So then after I started to ignore this "little" bug I entered the track. Well, what can I say, I had less grip, it felt like driving on comfort soft or hards. I pitted and had a look if I had chosen thr right tyre compound, and realized, yes, racing softs. So I tried again, entered the track with the same result. No grip, no control of the car!
Sounds like a bug of some kind. Maybe try a reboot of the system. Did you check to make sure you had the same tires on both ends of the car?
'503' is generally a server issue.
You can find it on any game, or even accessing a web server on your PC for that matter.
Normally trying again later is all that's needed.

Switching off the PS3 while files are downloading, installing, or deleting is a different matter.
You'll need to try the patch downloads again.
Test the game offline and check everything seems okay.
If all's good, try the patch downloads again.

What do you mean by "patch downloads"?

Also I tried many times to update it, it is stuck at the 50 minute mark
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This game is so ruined! I am so upset!

Just played online. Entered a Nordschleife server. As I normaly do drive on Sports compound Hard or medium and the server was set up for free to choose option on the compound, I had to choose the soft race tyres, as everybody would use them. So pretty sure on having more grip I entered the track. First of all, the AI leaving the pits mode just sucks as my car hitted the pit exit wall by leaving the pits. I tried it 3 times, everytime it hitted the wall! Very logical to me!!!!
So then after I started to ignore this "little" bug I entered the track. Well, what can I say, I had less grip, it felt like driving on comfort soft or hards. I pitted and had a look if I had chosen thr right tyre compound, and realized, yes, racing softs. So I tried again, entered the track with the same result. No grip, no control of the car!

So this new tyre model was so much praised before the realize of GT6, and everytime I play GT6, this tyre model/physics is the bigges reason for making me upset about GT6!
It could be such a nice game, but it is just so unfinsihed. I am pretty bored with gettin new stuff added, half finished and the old bugs are just getting ignored!

Might be enough for some fanboys who would never let a bad word onto GT series, but for me this is just so useless and crap! Not at any point at the standarsd of time!
Adding Virutal cars unfiished to the game Hoooray, praise KAZ.................I would have other words, but might not be allowed to use them here!

I am totally upset and annoyed! Sorry but this is just for the trashcan!

1.07 did not change my mind on it!

The can go on and add so much stuff to it, the core of GT6 is ruined!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Hate it!
This is the worst feeling I ever had with the GT series! And I owned all of them on all PS systems!

I am off! Annoyed and sulking!

Thanks KAZ!

You should stick this game to where the sun never shines to!

Look man I hear you, but I wouldn't get all bent out of shape over a video game. Just a quick word of advice.👍
This game is so ruined! I am so upset!

Just played online. Entered a Nordschleife server. As I normaly do drive on Sports compound Hard or medium and the server was set up for free to choose option on the compound, I had to choose the soft race tyres, as everybody would use them. So pretty sure on having more grip I entered the track. First of all, the AI leaving the pits mode just sucks as my car hitted the pit exit wall by leaving the pits. I tried it 3 times, everytime it hitted the wall! Very logical to me!!!!
So then after I started to ignore this "little" bug I entered the track. Well, what can I say, I had less grip, it felt like driving on comfort soft or hards. I pitted and had a look if I had chosen thr right tyre compound, and realized, yes, racing softs. So I tried again, entered the track with the same result. No grip, no control of the car!

So this new tyre model was so much praised before the realize of GT6, and everytime I play GT6, this tyre model/physics is the bigges reason for making me upset about GT6!
It could be such a nice game, but it is just so unfinsihed. I am pretty bored with gettin new stuff added, half finished and the old bugs are just getting ignored!

Might be enough for some fanboys who would never let a bad word onto GT series, but for me this is just so useless and crap! Not at any point at the standarsd of time!
Adding Virutal cars unfiished to the game Hoooray, praise KAZ.................I would have other words, but might not be allowed to use them here!

I am totally upset and annoyed! Sorry but this is just for the trashcan!

1.07 did not change my mind on it!

The can go on and add so much stuff to it, the core of GT6 is ruined!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Hate it!
This is the worst feeling I ever had with the GT series! And I owned all of them on all PS systems!

I am off! Annoyed and sulking!

Thanks KAZ!

You should stick this game to where the sun never shines to!


Yep, so dramatic a change that nobody else can notice it. Honestly what is more likely here, the physics drastically changed but only you can notice it or you are imagining it? I know where my money lies.
Yep, so dramatic a change that nobody else can notice it. Honestly what is more likely here, the physics drastically changed but only you can notice it or you are imagining it? I know where my money lies.

I never said the physics changed, if so understood, it was not ment on the physics itsself! The game does not realize at some point which tyre compound is fitted to the car. So you got Racing soft mouinted to the car in the menue but the game gives you sports soft for example.
Which might have been earlier with the game wrong with the tyre physics/wear which was/is a known bug.
So maybe they`ve tried to fix it and at some point this might happen, as you can not be aware by 1200 cars and 50 to 60 tracks and 13 different tyre compounds that this might not happen in some sort of combination. So I will try to recreate it and let you know. Might take a few days though.

I do not see it dramatic, I do SimRacing since 1998, so I do think I have quite a bit of experience, so a game can not make me kill myself. But it annoys me that there are so many bugs in the game, which for me, and I say for me, maybe not for others, just spoils the fun out of it! I don`t even care about the 60 Euros I spent, but the frustration I feel when playing the game!

Sounds like a bug of some kind. Maybe try a reboot of the system. Did you check to make sure you had the same tires on both ends of the car?

Yes, I checked it more than once!
As I wrote before, I will try to recreate the problem I have had and let you guys know.
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Just got home, switched on my PS3 and loaded up GT6 for a few races. Started installing the update and it's telling me it's going to take 40 minutes! :ouch:
Just got home, switched on my PS3 and loaded up GT6 for a few races. Started installing the update and it's telling me it's going to take 40 minutes! :ouch:

Ignore the estimates. They can be wildly inaccurate.
And also, don't try to quit, or you'll end up like me, wasting a week and then being forced to wipe my PS3's memory as a result.
I do not see it dramatic

You said that racing softs gave less grip than sports hard. How is that not dramatic? A change of that magnitude would be felt by all. If there is a bug which makes that happen it must be very rare.
Just got home, switched on my PS3 and loaded up GT6 for a few races. Started installing the update and it's telling me it's going to take 40 minutes! :ouch:
I installed it for just 17 minutes. The estimate says it needed 100 minutes so.
I installed it for just 17 minutes. The estimate says it needed 100 minutes so.

Yeah um I think my PS3 died, 40 minutes left it says but it stared from 140 minutes down to 40 and it wont load from there.. just stuck there for the past 2 hours
Yeah um I think my PS3 died, 40 minutes left it says but it stared from 140 minutes down to 40 and it wont load from there.. just stuck there for the past 2 hours
You'll probably need to reset the PS3, so back up every save file worth saving on your PS3.
it's the hi-def video(s)

Welcome to the digital age!

Anyways I know 1.08 came out but like I installed it perfectly and now its slowing down like a snail. I went to my garage and switched to my Ae86 and pressed change car, game still played music but when i clicked it, the engine kept on starting in a pattern until it takes like 10 seconds for it to change the car. and right now I went to change my wheels on the FC and it didn't even say work is loading . . . , i'm stuck at the room spinning really slowly and nothing has popped up so far nor music.

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