Update 1.10 Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPorsche
One thing I noticed is PD purposely dumbs the game down, that new update which removes the hand holding on F1 and Redbulls that saved our rear ends when off throttle. How about they give us a mode that give us the raw uncut GT without all the made up nannies and that bizarre SRF, ugh....please!

You mean that option that you can turn off? ;)
You mean that option that you can turn off? ;)
The fact that it exists at all is the issue, it's worse than rubber band AI. It's literally magic, giving your car grip when you lost it so you don't spin out...that's not ABS, TCS or Stability Control it's completely made up by PD. Why did they even think to add that is beyond me, I mean the throttling they did for F1 cars is bad enough but it's still active on all other cars. Wish we'd get a mode that only has actual things that are use in cars and it's specific to each and every car. No brake balance on cars that have none, let us learn to deal with cars as they were, sometimes(well a lot of times) it's fun taming a car or learning how to drive it comfortably.
I know that you hate it (I hate it too, been racing without it since GT5 and haven't turned it on in GT6 since I started playing), but they are appealing to the casuals with that option. Its not the way I would've went, but that's how it is.
Actually I think this has more to do with manufacturers. PD seems to follow the manufacturer suggested limitations. Wheels can only go up to the size listed by the manufacturer for that specific car, make and model. I checked out the '04 Pontiac GTO and it comes stock with 17 inch wheels and on the site info for the car you can only install 18" max, in the game it goes up exactly 1". So any limitations you come across tend to be from whatever manufacturers listed for that car make and model for that year. Sure in real life we tend to do whatever we damn well bloody please, but PD have decided to only go as far as the manufacturer suggests. Although I have no idea why calipers can't be painted on nearly every car since it's a game and concepts should be a free for all.
One thing I noticed is PD purposely dumbs the game down, that new update which removes the hand holding on F1 and Redbulls that saved our rear ends when off throttle. How about they give us a mode that give us the raw uncut GT without all the made up nannies and that bizarre SRF, ugh....please!
Aww, if that's true, than that sucks. When it comes to games, you should at least be given some freedom. :indiff:
Aww, if that's true, than that sucks. When it comes to games, you should at least be given some freedom. :indiff:

That's not all it seems like PD also includes visual upgrades that are offered by manufacturers in house teams but they are severely limited. There are a great deal of options to choose from especially from Chevrolet when it comes to the Camaro and Corvette. PD just needs a gear head to go with them and do a recon on options for each and every model they offer in the game and get all those parts in the game. The Camaro is a bog standard setup, not the fully loaded version with halo headlights and 21" wheels. One day, I just hope that this little Q&A thing gets us a community mod who can field things that make sense in light of the games' representation of cars. I want to choose all the options like, I want the interior this color and exterior another color according to manufacturers choices and the correct seats too, all the external mods that are available I would like, from paint to body striping to visual mods. PD needs to give us an actual buying a new car from experience, complete with all the options and choices that concern the car. Also why is it in the wheel section we have no manufacturer wheels to choose from, BMW, Chevy, MB all offer their own wheels for their cars, which can be painted. Never understand that stock wheel being unpaintable weirdness.
It's annoying how SRF is forced on in some events such as the driving missions, should be able to turn off in all modes

Don't get me started on that one.

This is a great update. The numbers to the cars really is a neat feature to have. The mystery of the hidden features is enticing...

...but, there is still nothing truly new in the game. I am still waiting for that one big thing that keeps me playing the way GT5 did. I could come back this time next month and really only be out 4 or 8 paint chips. If it weren't for the WRS, I'd be all but done at this point. The carrot at the end of the string is getting less and less enticing.
I'm sure like many others, I'm waiting for the course creator. If it wasn't for the group of guys I race with, I would have quit playing this game months ago.
This is a great update. The numbers to the cars really is a neat feature to have. The mystery of the hidden features is enticing...

...but, there is still nothing truly new in the game. I am still waiting for that one big thing that keeps me playing the way GT5 did. I could come back this time next month and really only be out 4 or 8 paint chips. If it weren't for the WRS, I'd be all but done at this point. The carrot at the end of the string is getting less and less enticing.
There isn't just not something new. Stuff we were promised last game we were promised again - for sure this time. Not even a rudimentary track maker like in GT5, no community tab at all, no video recording or uploading (like it says on the box), no livery editor (although we're getting closer), and they promise us a new track for February that never shows but instead, months later we get the Red Bull Ring...

Perhaps it WAS too big a task to take on. Perhaps the guys at PD are spreading themselves too thin between render code, game code and simulation code, GT Academy and letting Kaz race on the Nurb... They are tweaking and "improving" things that make us players go "WTF?" and leave some of the most annoying and joy-wrecking bugs in it.

Perhaps this game will never be complete. Perhaps they will eventually kill it although it wasn't finished like they killed GT5 once GT7 is playable. Perhaps this won't happen until 2018. Perhaps the next release I won't stand in line to buy a system for just so I can curse out my system when I can't stay in a lobby and race...

Perhaps I shouldn't have bought it at release but should have waited until it's a "greatest hits" title for $20...
There isn't just not something new. Stuff we were promised last game we were promised again - for sure this time. Not even a rudimentary track maker like in GT5, no community tab at all, no video recording or uploading (like it says on the box), no livery editor (although we're getting closer), and they promise us a new track for February that never shows but instead, months later we get the Red Bull Ring...

Perhaps it WAS too big a task to take on. Perhaps the guys at PD are spreading themselves too thin between render code, game code and simulation code, GT Academy and letting Kaz race on the Nurb... They are tweaking and "improving" things that make us players go "WTF?" and leave some of the most annoying and joy-wrecking bugs in it.

Perhaps this game will never be complete. Perhaps they will eventually kill it although it wasn't finished like they killed GT5 once GT7 is playable. Perhaps this won't happen until 2018. Perhaps the next release I won't stand in line to buy a system for just so I can curse out my system when I can't stay in a lobby and race...

Perhaps I shouldn't have bought it at release but should have waited until it's a "greatest hits" title for $20...

Maybe they should have marketed it as GT prologue instead of GT6, so as not to trick us consumers into paying full price for nothing but hype, promises, and an Unfinished game... 5 years of development and all they got to show for it is a faster menu and some "tire physics", guess work when it came to aerodynamics such a the 4wd handling and those "custom wings" and less visual features ( ie. rain effects ) than it's predecessor.
I'm beating this dead horse again:

The other night I was tooling around with a few friends on Route X, trying to find top speed in my DB9. Time progression was high, the sun set, street lights came on. From quite far away you can see the safety beacon blinking red atop the big tower at the east curve, same with street lights. I was very surprised indeed when suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere 3 cars came down the road the wrong way and I didn't see their high beams until the headlights were many pixels in size.

Head lights appear brighter than street lamps when viewed dead on. Why is it so impossible to have the cars' lights bright enough to see at distance? If I can see a street lamp from a mile away, I should be able to see someone's brake lights further than 100 feet.

And there is still no hint of reflection in wet road surfaces... too hard to program? Then how come GTA IV has proper wet looking roads when it rains?
It's a draw distance thing. Those street lamps you see a mile away likely aren't actually street lamps. They're most likely just colored pixels made to look like actual lights. The physical lamp wouldn't be rendered because it is so far away from you, so they just put a bright dot there instead. For example, if you play GTA V, look at a bridge at night from far away. The moving dots are not headlights/taillights. They're just dots.
^ yep
It's most noticeable when you're flying at night. You'll see lots "traffic" on the highway brides but when you get closer, the "traffic" disappears and the highway's deserted.
yup, that's true. What I'm talking about is that there isn't a model to simulate brightness of distant tail lights. I find that a really important miss. It doesn't need to simulate tons of distant traffic, but if you look at digitized video of a night race, very distant brake lights flare up to a few pixels of bright pink or orange with a few pixels of red glow around it, regardless of how large they appear if they aren't lit. GT6 renders the lights at maximum intensity for that color, no overblooming, and the smaller the area they occupy in pixels, the smaller their appearance is until they're indistinguishable from the pixels rendered for the car itself.

When I'm driving at night, I don't care so much about seeing the lights on a distant skyscraper far beyond the track's confines, I do however care whether I'm going to crash into a car whose driver is standing on his brakes 400 yards ahead.

What gets me also is the lighting effects miss this aspect. When you watch a replay of a car with a bright red or orange paint job, at certain angles GT6 renders a very noticeable bloom to the image, the very same effect should exaggerate the light coming from the head and tail lamps but it does not, it appears to only apply to environmental light and specular reflections.
Guys i just bought a new PS3, spent about three hours installing updates for GT6 in the PS3 menu and when the game start, the update install but then there's an error message and when i cancel the installation it goes back to the same installation that stop after 30 minutes :indiff:

I WANNA PLAY GT6 FOR GOD SAKE!!! :indiff::indiff::indiff::indiff::indiff:
Guys i just bought a new PS3, spent about three hours installing updates for GT6 in the PS3 menu and when the game start, the update install but then there's an error message and when i cancel the installation it goes back to the same installation that stop after 30 minutes :indiff:

I WANNA PLAY GT6 FOR GOD SAKE!!! :indiff::indiff::indiff::indiff::indiff:
That doesnt exactly belong here... search for a thread that deals with installation problems. This thread deals with what is included in the newest update patch and what is STILL missing even though it's written on the game box...