Update 1.10 Thread! (Check 1st post for Update Details)

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
On entry:

You received 8 new Outfit Items. These can be equipped on both your A-spec and B-spec drivers.

To equip an Outfit Item on your A-Spec driver, select your profile picture in GT Mode. For B-Spec drivers, goto the Driver Details screen from the Driver List and select "Change Outfit".

Next thing:
New song(s) added:
Day To Live/ daiki kasho
It's like Christmas morning!

Anybody tried the tunability of karts?

And how many posts has this thread had in the past fifteen minutes? lol

A record, I say 5-6 pages in 15 minutes.
Kaz says we're getting endurance race saves, and then gives us **** no one asked for or wants. WTFPD
Oh....all the rage in this thread is going to be glorious!

Now, when purchasing tuning parts, It displays the Horsepower change and the PP change at the same time; not switching between the two. That really used to piss me off so thats a plus!
In the UCD, if you hit circle it takes you directly out of the menu, rather than going to the home icon on the bottom left. Win there.
I would wait for the official release info for the update, but as far as expectations go, this was pretty much predictable.

Sadly, as long as there no paid DLC there will be no decent added content. PD should really take off the mask and release paid DLC, we're wanting to pay for it and you guys need the money, just do it.