Update 1.10 Thread! (Check 1st post for Update Details)

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
Just got passed by a Ducati 1098 on the Nurburgring.

No offense but the last thing I want to see in a download for Gran Turismo are sports bikes. PD can just make a separate game for that. Stick to sports cars IMO, and give us some premiums. Tracks. Come on, PD, stop being so sad. You have to do something to compete with Forza or you're


Only thing this game has going for it now is free online play.
Let the trolling start... have to leave GTP for some day to avoid this! Always the same... Why didn't they that, I wanted that, what are they doing in all this time, why aren't the giving me GT6 by now, it's 3 months now and no update since so they have to add new cars, RMs, tracks... where is mid enduro save, still no leaderboard, blablablabla...
When you select a driver in the drivers tab, instead of the driver helmet, you get a driver that rotates 👍

It's like Christmas morning!

Anybody tried the tunability of karts?

And how many posts has this thread had in the past fifteen minutes? lol
After doing my usual crash test.

I can confirm that premium cars deform a little bit more. And also a little sooner than they did before.

Nothing major. But I can notice it easily, after all my previous tests.
Its pointless to expect anything anymore. Sad state of affairs really. I do not have the time now, but I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread to try and bring together any members of the community with legitimate experience in the video game industry (coding, art, UI design, anything) etc and send all their resume's to PD, to say, we are not just going to complain, we want to help. I seriously think PD needs help. I do not think they can compete in this world as the closed off company they are. In a world where T10 has over 400 employees working for them. I am sure they have a great close nit culture, and part of this is no doubt due to their Japanese heritage, and that no doubt brings something special to the game, but their series has gone from the most prestigious racing game on the market to a relative afterthought. If you talk to people outside of the internet, its "whats GT? All I know is FM and NFS." I am not saying GT should become all soft and bland, but it needs a serious formula overhaul.

Look at E3 all these developers talking about how the community drives their game, and almost none of it is BS. GT is probably one of the most closed off series I have seen.
