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Somebody mentioned buying tuning parts from the car setup menu. Is this true? You can now buy parts without leaving an online lobby?
mafia_boyEven with Dirk sick, the Mavs have just taken the lead. 14-4 run in the past 5 minutes.Now turnover Miami and Dallas ball. HA HA!!
You noticed that too.
Another "Fun Fact", trolling in these threads usually gets your head bitten off, especially when you say silly things like "30 new cars, jk" or talking about useless things that aren't part of the thread like "my google chrome got an update".
mafia_boyALL THE CARS ARE CHEAPER!! Looking at about 1/2 the value!!
For example: Viper GTSR Concept - 500k!!
Zonda LM Race Car - 500k
seanchumpmavs retake the lead.. I cant believe I'm more interested in the game than the update right now
Also, fixed top speed indicator in fully customizable tranny.
Racing Gear Items
New racing gear items consisting of helmets and suits have been implemented. These can be used by players in A-Spec, or for any of the "My Drivers" in B-Spec.
There are plenty of variations to the racing gear items and, in addition to several sets being given out as presents when you start GT Mode, players will be able to win new ones when successful in online events. Players can also take a photo of their drivers wearing their favourite gear, and use that custom photo for a driver profile.
For more details, please refer to "Racing Gear" under Top Menu - [Manual] - [GT Mode].
Special Online Event Campaign
For a limited time, all event prizes will be tripled, and all cars appearing in the Online Collector's Dealership will be brand new (0 mileage) and at half price.
Prizes for online events
GT5 will now offer online events in which players can win Racing Gear items and cars as prizes, according to performance. The content of the prizes and the conditions for winning them will vary per event.
Details of the various events are found in [GT Life] - [Online Events].
Parts purchases through the Settings screen
In the Settings screen, parts that players have not yet purchased will now have a shopping cart icon appearing next to them. These can now be purchase on the spot. Purchased parts will immediately be equipped on their car.
For details, refer to Top Menu - [Manual] - [GT Life] - [Settings]
Improved Opponent AI Algorithm
The search range of opponent AI has been expanded and their intelligence algorithm has been improved.
Interrupting and resuming Championship races
In the championship races of A-Spec and B-Spec modes within [GT Life], there is now an interrupt button in the quick menu which appears after completing individual races.
If the interrupt button is pressed, the event will be interrupted and a players record up to that point will be saved, and the game will end. The next time the player starts the game, they can continue the championship race from where they left off.
Additional music track
After playback of the ending movie (*short version), "Day To Live/daiki kasho" will be added as a bonus music track.
Other Changes
Check the physical endurance of drivers that are resting in the B-Spec endurance races.
Sort the garage by [Last Car Driven]
In [Weight Adjustment] of [Settings], players can now see changes in the front to rear weight balance when the ballast position is changed.
The A-Spec driver is now displayed in the profile screen.
In the pit menu of B-Spec, the time limit for being able to direct pit work has been changed from reaching "0" in the count down, to "Until the car comes to a complete stop".
The sorting order of the music album has been improved.
When selecting a track created in Course Maker from the course album of Arcade Mode or GT Mode, players can now run single races with up to 16 cars. (Excluding some tracks such as those made before the update, and dirt tracks.)
It is now possible to take 3D photographs even without connecting a 3D compatible TV.
It is now possible to export 3D photographs to [Photo] on the XMB.
Correction of Known Issues
PDI has addressed the issue of the maximum speed set in the transmission settings of the settings menu differing from the actual top speed of the car. This will affect cars equipped with the relevant transmission tuning part, and almost all racing cars. Cars for which each gear ratio was adjusted manually with a full customised transmission in update versions 1.07 and earlier will not be affected.
An issue with the increase and decrease of the online logon bonus has been corrected.
An issue where the player's car and opponents cars braked at the wrong timings in the pit lane during B-Spec has been corrected.
A problem where racing sound effects were turned off after changing settings in the quick menu has been corrected.
An issue of how dirty the oil is when players purchase a used car not being affected by the car's mileage has been corrected.
An issue where some of the driver gear colours had changed after the 1.06 update has been corrected.
An issue in the championships of GT Life where opponent cars kept using the same tyres in the second race and onwards has been corrected.
An issue where the menu BGM was being played back during remote racing rather than the race BGM has been corrected.
An issue of the program freezing when opening a garage containing nearly the maximum number of cars has been corrected.
Next update, you can win racing gear that will add to your racing skills.
for example racing gloves +5 to cornering or pants + 10 speed.
Anyone know what the knew song is?
Update list from Playstation forums;