Update 1.10 Thread! (Check 1st post for Update Details)

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
If only my PS3 was not YLoD'd. Looks to be a decent enough update. I like the new online events that allow you to win cars and such.

Now, if we could just stop the idiots from discussing basketball here. There's a SPORTS subforum in The Rumble Strip, go use it.
Day To Live / daiki kasho

First thing I did was go to Le Mans pit stop, I am so disappointed. Especially after reading the OP.

Is there a way we can just get Kaz to acknowledge if they are still developing in-race saves or if the project has been scrapped. I'm sure I'm in the same boat as most people that I'm going to do them either way, but just honestly sick and tired of waiting in the dark. This is only a video game but it really bothers me.

I do appreciate that they are still updating this game in general.

I know it may look like a silly idea, but I think its time for a petition or whatever that ask them to at least tell us what's going on.

Yeah, its only a game, but it is annoying to wait in the dark.
Of note: The non-reversible upgrades (Weight Reduction, Engine Tuning, Window Weight Reduction, Carbon Hood, Chassis Reinforcement) are NOT selectable for purchase from the tuning screen.
To all those concerned - I've added the official update spiel to the first post, to make it easier to access for all.

Any questions about what's included can be answered there!
They weren't kidding about Expert Seasonal.

I ran a Stock Fiat 500, was in the Mid 2:08 for lap times and still finished 20 seconds behind the leader....
This actually looks like a pretty good update.

A weight distribution graph? Buy parts from the settings menu? Fixing the transmission bug? Hm.

Though I'm sad to see that I won't be able to have anymore Dream Car Championship series races where the AI chooses the wrong tires race after race.

Weight balance also affects Performance Points.
I think it always did. It just almost never presented itself.
There is also LVL22 & 23 tickets to be won, though I also suck and will never win them. :D