Update 1.10 Thread! (Check 1st post for Update Details)

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
In regards to AI.

I have seen them Wipeout, spin, crash, and take each other out a few times now....

Maybe it is better
I tried running a test in the practice one make race using the '89 Z with comfort softs around Grand Valley Speedway. The problem is that I don't have a point of reference (i.e., How was the AI performing pre-update). I will say that there was a bit more bumping, their overtaking seems to have improved and I didn't get the lead until the start of Lap 2. I was still beating them about 3-4 seconds a lap once I was ahead although I do consider myself a pretty fast driver.
Just as I thought I'd be coming back to GT5 with a nice update and all I get to do is where some different color helmets and suits.... SAD, just sad.....
I haven't read the whole thread but I don't think anyone asked ever for new driver gear. This is one thing that bugs me about the update as it seems very useless. I don't really care about how my driver looks like it's far from the point of this game. How my cars look like are more important to me as I see my cars the most in the game. How hard could it had been to instead of bringing this new gear for our drivers, giving us the ability to further customize are cars with decals, body kits or crying out loud at least wheels for our standard cars?

Now I am grateful for the new features of this new update considering what Japan went through recently so thanks PD, but are you listening to us? The consumers who have been trusting and buying your products for years? I know for many as for myself too the main priority is the "in race" feature because many of us just do not have 4,9 or 24 hours to be playing ps3. In real life the racers who race these endurances do not race for 24 hours straight as the team would have more drivers to rotate. So why do we have to race for 24 hours straight? this feature as I'm sure have been mentioned before many times is the one important thing missing in this game to help many of us finish the game and I guess that we will be waiting another month until we can continue to make progress.

Cmon PD, you were working on FIA GT and DTM cars before GT5 was released...release those as a DLC and I and many others will shell out hard earned for it. Do another DLC releasing new LMP cars and we'll pay for that too! New tracks? Yeap, you'll get my money, same for even just a "GT Original Tracks" DLC. Produce the aforementioned and you'll get my money, isnt that what a business is about anyway?
Calling troll alert on myself. I used to be a hardcore 36y/o GT fan since ver.1

I haven't powered up the PS3 in over 3 months and from the breakdown of this "update", I won't anytime soon.

Back to my PC and Richard Burns Rally, GTR2 and GTR Evolution.

I'll keep watching the news section in the hopes of physics to match the level of the graphics, FFB that is passable for a true sim and AI that is not ridiculous.
I have mixed feelings about this update. It's finally nice to be able to save during championships, but this should've been in the game since release. Being able to buy parts from the garage makes things more convient.

However, still need matchmaking desperately. Endurance saves too. I was really looking forward to taking on the Le Mans 24H finally but I guess that has to continue going undone. And still no GT Driver's Club, whatever the heck that's supposed to be.

I really hope PD and Kaz focus more on things that were promised before releasing the next update.
So have the rewards been tripled or not? I ran a A-spec race and a seasonal and still the same rewards as ever. Maybe it only applies to certain races?
I swear that people set themselves up with rediculous expectations, just so that they can bitch about it when they don't appear.


It doesn't matter what they do, people will moan about it.

It reminds me of the Playstation blog. A few commenters would show up in every single thread to demand in game XMB. And on the announcement for in game XMB, they instantly started demanding cross game chat. No 'wow, thanks!'. Just 'Still waiting, dammit! hurry up!' You could actually go from thread to thread and see a pack of folks thanklessly switching from one demand to another, their constant aggrieved tone unchanging. At the time, I thought perhaps these guys are astroturf, but it's probably just people who get off on complaining.

And I complain about GT5 too. The menus, man. I can't say I appreciate the uniform feature they added.

But it's an amazing game. One thing that is amazing is that people demand more cars. Hey, I'd love more cars too, but we did get a lot of them. It's not like there are other games sporting 40000 cars out there.

My big disappointment with GT5 is the complete lack of DLC.
So just woke up 5 mins earlier this morning and loaded the patch... Installed... read the news on the GT5 starting screen... nah useless patch...

Who the hell needs helmets and those crap stuff... We still can not save in endurance... Still not even 1 single new car since release! Hell they got the Ferrari,RUF and Lambo license and make nothing out of it...

So we must give up the GT5 dream, accept an 50% done game, force on FM4,5,6 till GT6 is out (in 2017) and is maybe better then GT5...

It doesn't matter what they do, people will moan about it.

It reminds me of the Playstation blog. A few commenters would show up in every single thread to demand in game XMB. And on the announcement for in game XMB, they instantly started demanding cross game chat. No 'wow, thanks!'. Just 'Still waiting, dammit! hurry up!' You could actually go from thread to thread and see a pack of folks thanklessly switching from one demand to another, their constant aggrieved tone unchanging. At the time, I thought perhaps these guys are astroturf, but it's probably just people who get off on complaining.

And I complain about GT5 too. The menus, man. I can't say I appreciate the uniform feature they added.

But it's an amazing game. One thing that is amazing is that people demand more cars. Hey, I'd love more cars too, but we did get a lot of them. It's not like there are other games sporting 40000 cars out there.

My big disappointment with GT5 is the complete lack of DLC.

You hit the nail on the head! People always have something to complain about, they don't 'count their blessings'
It's a possibility that there are still some kinks in implementing mid-race saves... would take some working to get it right. While they could use the same system that does the replays (some of my older PC games, like Aces of the Pacific, allowed players to replay a game from the middle of a saved video!), the problem is the replay system doesn't record past a certain point.

That could be it, but I don't know if you remember the old F1 game, it was F1 CE I, back from like 2007, but I remember you could save in the middle of a race and pick up right where you left off.
You hit the nail on the head! People always have something to complain about, they don't 'count their blessings'

NO the reactions would be different if PD would gave us 1 damn single new car or track with this patch... HELL who needs helmets and racing suits?