Pre1.16 the Dynamic Range was way more nuanced. 10/1 felt almost perfect.
Now it’s just very compressed and very dull.
It’s just heavy and firm, there are still SOME Details but the biggest issue is the non progressive FFB .
It feels like a constant Force.
Heavy and strong.
Going in a straight Line feels ok, but as soon as you go through a Corner, there’s 0 Feedback.
And although I have to admit that it most probably feels Realistic compared to the Feeling you get in real Life just through a Rim, but the Chassis Dynamics which you would feel through Seat of Pants irl and which were felt in 1.15 are now completely gone.
Such an important Feature which added so much immersion is missing now.
The Game is still playable perfectly fine though, don’t get me wrong but I personally rather drive by the way the Car FEELS rather than having to rely on try and error.
ACC is a Perfect example.
It’s claimed to be very realistic.
And indeed it definitely FEELS very Realistic.
And therefore it’s very easy to drive imo.
GT7 though is very hard to drive just by Feeling because well, you don’t get much detailed Feedback.
1.15 with a bit more Strength would have been the perfect Solution which would have most probably pleased everyone.