Update 1.31 speculation thread - coming December 5th

  • Thread starter Envoxeb

what do you think about the new track?

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He would like to know if we will get 2 updates for this month since we did not get an October update. 1 update for tomorrow and 1 update on Christmas. I think that is what he is asking.

My answer would be no. Unless PD feeling the spirit of Christmas this year, they might just surprise us all.

So I agree with your answer, but Porsche wasn't asking to be serious he was asking because the question was somewhat naive and a bit audacious. As if players were entitled to some October update and thus PD must at some point pay a sort of debt owed. None of which they should so @Castrol96 would be better off just "letting it go".

He knew exactly what was asked, his "What...?" was more of a "are you seriously asking this?"
It's soo simple what I said, that if there was no October update they could have moved it in position for a Christmas Update. @GTPorsche

Why are you like, "What??" :odd:
Okay, but that would require you to play The Crew 2 and no human should be subject to that kinda of torture.
I bought the Gold Edition in the Black Friday sales. Thank God I didn't pay the full price. However I feel it has the same underdog charm as TDU2 had. Talking of TDU, it's about time Kylotonn started working on TDU3. Could actually be a good cross-platform Forza Horizon.
So far, having played for a couple hours, the McLaren for me personally is a huge letdown... it under steers like a bus and has a braking distance like a container ship.... I’m an average driver and with a mostly stock setup, the thing handles like a pig...

The Ferrari F50 is probably my favorite so far with the Fugu and Tesla a close second. Don’t really care for the other cars, so haven’t bought them. Also not driven a single mm on the new Tokyo track... don’t really feel any desire to waste my time on another concrete jungle crap track.
Who thought it was a good idea to make the F50 capable of reaching N300

@Grandea GTR I detuned the F50 and monstered the MR2's and Skylines in the Real World GT League campaign.

To be fair that's pretty much what one can expect of a detuned car racing in a class that is inferior than its own, they still have the aero, gearing, suspension and brakes advantages.

The F40 casually stomps the competition in that race as well.
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