It's not even the idea of 'getting what you're looking for'. It's getting what the game needs. Which is, by the very point of the game, a point that, I will continually note, is one that Polyphony more or less gave the finger to classic fans in order to court more focused, online focused sim racing. Now Polyphony, either because they're winding down GT Sport production for GT7 or whatever (A lie I don't believe for a second, alongside basically shooting yourself in the foot if you're winding down production on a game you're still trying to push tournaments and e-sports events across) or because they're trying to bolt on a career mode into the game (Again, it should be noted, a game mode that chances are we won't even be able to play if the servers go offline, considering how 90% of the game has been gated with what amounts to always online for literally no reason) but they're leaving what they tried to push heavily in the game's initially marketing behind.
Like...what point is there in trying to force a career mode that isn't even very good into the game, when you could have done that from the beginning and added onto it? What is the point of adding in single player events and road vehicles when that's more or less the only thing that's been added for the past five months or so? What's the point of adding racing vehicles that are classic race cars that need to be BOP'd to infinity in order to make them competitive for the VGT/GR. whatever classes that are present, or add in spec series racers that trounce every other vehicle in it's class, even after being BOP'd to make every other vehicle try and catch up?
So many people are missing the forest for the trees here, in that people *can* criticize free updates, especially when they are running opposite to the actual stated goal of the game, the one that Polyphony very much told people to either take or leave, and they can't even balance it out with doing one Sport Mode focused update, and one GT League afterwards.
But what a surprise. It's been incredibly obvious for a while that apparently Polyphony can't do no wrong, even though there's ample examples of doing wrong, and either neuter the game they tried to make at launch, or would be lambasted by this forum if it was done by any other developer or publisher.