[Update!][PS3] GTA IV Role Play Events!

  • Thread starter Vince
I'm free all day and all night for RP, this will be it for me until next Friday, and then after that, like I said, I probably won't get enough time like this until Christmas.
Anybody know where Pinky is? I'd really like to RP tonight... mind you, who's to say we can't host our own? :P
I think he might be afk, from life. Nah, i have no idea, if i had checked here earlier, i might have made a lobby, but im going to bed now, and wont be able to play till wednesday.
Guys, im now not available to play for a month or two as my brother took the PS3 back to his boarding school, ill be back when i have it.
Feel free to host your own, but when you announce it (or if you do ;) ) be prepared for the flood of asking for friend and game invites. It gets annoying quickly :lol:
Where have you been, Pinkintron?! :confused:

Not close enough. Between school and Fallout 3, I have been distracted. Also, GTA IV is getting a bit stale for me. Hopefully it will come back sooner or later. I can host games, but I lack the "aptitude" to do it.
Not close enough. Between school and Fallout 3, I have been distracted. Also, GTA IV is getting a bit stale for me. Hopefully it will come back sooner or later. I can host games, but I lack the "aptitude" to do it.

Spring is GTA V, so hopefully the whole roleplay era will be re-ignited.
Spring is GTA V, so hopefully the whole roleplay era will be re-ignited.

I'm hoping we can start role playing on GTA V, too. Definitely going to try and pre-order it! :D
Some frigafragger stole my PS3, so I've got no choice but to retire from this RP:censored: effective immediately, I'm sorry.
Some frigafragger stole my PS3, so I've got no choice but to retire from this RP:censored: effective immediately, I'm sorry.

Oh man, that's rough. How did someone steal it though? Break in your house or something? Hopefully you get it back, or a new one, soon! 👍
I'll be able to make the Friday RP and possibly Saturday too. Oh, and sorry to hear about your PS3, Marcus!
I'll be able to make the Friday RP and possibly Saturday too. Oh, and sorry to hear about your PS3, Marcus!

Same. Tomorrow's an early release day, so I get out about 2.5 hours early, so I should be at home by noon (GMT -7).
Also, I dont have to work at all monday, so ill be free sunday night (after the walking dead is on) and all day monday...
So much for an RP tonight then. Not even enough people online to start one myself. Next time I'll be free for an RP will be December 21st if I can't make tomorrow.
Is this thread dead?

This thread is on its last leg. I'm fading out from GTA IV (and GTP truth be told). I'm just not seeing anything keeping the fire going, at least that big.
But abandoning events and flaking people off isn't right. I apologize, and I should know better. I would like to squeeze one more event with katiegan before she's gone for a while, for sure. I'm leaving to a car show on the morning so I can't host a room then.
Maybe Katiegan, Doog, or Aston can host an event early, and when I get on later in the day ill join.
Again, sorry got just ditching this and the members behind. Possibly, if I get to busy or distracted, someone can make a new RP thread? Or wait untill GTA V?
I would've gladly hosted an RP if anyone else was on. DBeav was on, and Doog came on briefly, but that was it. Am I the only one who still wants to actually do this? The thread is dying because nobody else makes RP rooms, everyone depends on Pinky to make one, and when he's not online, they presume the RP isn't on. It's not just him that has the ability to host a room. We all do. It's just that not enough people were online last night for me to host.