Update v2.16 Discussion, Memories and more (with Poll)

  • Thread starter bman1984

Did you update to v2.16?

  • Total voters
Over-emphasis placed into Online play IMO. Online play shouldn't be an expensive full-service operation, but more like IROC races using identical cars sequestered on a server. That would show who the real best drivers are and solve the cheating problems at the same time. As we have seen, restricting cash flow and access to cars did nothing. One can hit B-Spec Level 40 in a week but it takes forever to collect all the cars and items. GT2 was a lot more fun. A racing game shouldn't live or die based upon online play alone or else it should be marketed as an online-only title so people know what they are purchasing right up front. Not complaining... just saying.
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My best, educated guess at first was no, but after batera99 pointed out that the Car Delivery will also be taken offline, I have no idea. I can't see why anything trophy related would be changed because you can earn trophies while offline. Then sync them with the servers NOT related to Gran Turismo. Guess we'll find out in 9 days. To this day I haven't earned the B-Spec trophy (500 races of something). I don't feel like "BOBstitting" (babysitting).

Yeah I said that because now Trophies can be found in "Network"
So, after reading through this thread, I'm a little confused about something. We they speak of "car delivery", are they talking about the items in your delivery truck? I have over 3,000 tickets (some are super rare) in my delivery truck so should I receive them all before the 30th or will I still have access to them and be able to receive them after the servers go down. I was unaware that function was tied to online as far as receiving items off your truck.
So, after reading through this thread, I'm a little confused about something. We they speak of "car delivery", are they talking about the items in your delivery truck? I have over 3,000 tickets (some are super rare) in my delivery truck so should I receive them all before the 30th or will I still have access to them and be able to receive them after the servers go down. I was unaware that function was tied to online as far as receiving items off your truck.
If you have tickets in your delivery truck well they should be there even if after the server closes down and I don't think the delivery truck has nothing to do online function so your tickets GTP_CargoRatt are safe in there because when you are offline they are in you delivery truck.
@hall90 Thanks for the information, appreciate it.

@TonyJZX I was a very active trader in the Market Place back in the day and simply left them in there as not to go over the 7000 item limit. If you seen my save, you would understand. I have everything..and I mean everything. All cars including Stealths and Chromes, very rare tradable tickets (2J ticket as well as all other rare tickets)

My save includes everything from this thread https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/gta-green-ticket-pass-gifting-thread-spl-kart-125s.267659/ as well as this one. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/mclaren-and-other-ungifted-paintchips.279962/

I also have everything from my thread here. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/premium-to-standard-cars-giveaway.288004/

So, as you can see, I had to save room where I could because I was always flirting with the 7000 item limit. Keeping tickets in my truck helped with that. In a few days the save will be useless as far as trading goes, but it is a save I am most proud of as it really is a kind of Ultimate GT5 Save.!!
So I just tried to claim the car tickets, not being signed into the Playstation Network. After getting past the army of "Sign into PSN" messages (again hope that's removed in 2.16), I tried the following combinations...

*Open a ticket from the Car Delivery Truck. 1 ticket of each color, Year Ticket, Car Specific Ticket, Level Ticket and 1000 Ticket.

*Open a ticket from the "Items" button. The same ticket combinations as above.

All worked without issue. So either they are taking the Car Truck Icon away (but not the "Items" link?), taking all the tickets (why??), or my feeling is this is just another "translation error", which is getting old by the way.

As batera99 mentioned, there isn't anything about the Museum in this announcement which requires online. Who the heck knows. It seems so disorganized and the communication within the studio is non-existent. Now I see where they get it from.

I really look forward to the Q&A now haha. I now have to question if anyone in that studio knows the complex formula on how to make ice!!💡
@hall90 Thanks for the information, appreciate it.

@TonyJZX I was a very active trader in the Market Place back in the day and simply left them in there as not to go over the 7000 item limit. If you seen my save, you would understand. I have everything..and I mean everything. All cars including Stealths and Chromes, very rare tradable tickets (2J ticket as well as all other rare tickets)

My save includes everything from this thread https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/gta-green-ticket-pass-gifting-thread-spl-kart-125s.267659/ as well as this one. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/mclaren-and-other-ungifted-paintchips.279962/

I also have everything from my thread here. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/premium-to-standard-cars-giveaway.288004/

So, as you can see, I had to save room where I could because I was always flirting with the 7000 item limit. Keeping tickets in my truck helped with that. In a few days the save will be useless as far as trading goes, but it is a save I am most proud of as it really is a kind of Ultimate GT5 Save.!!

I'd love to have a copy of your save after the servers are shut down, to act as a GT5 library. Are you thinking about uploading it?
So, after reading through this thread, I'm a little confused about something. We they speak of "car delivery", are they talking about the items in your delivery truck? I have over 3,000 tickets (some are super rare) in my delivery truck so should I receive them all before the 30th or will I still have access to them and be able to receive them after the servers go down. I was unaware that function was tied to online as far as receiving items off your truck.

Well done bro! I thought I was the only nutbar who did this, but you putting me to shame. I have about 2400 in the truck, including all green tickets (and that's one for every colour car available as a green ticket) all cars every colour 0/0/0 except only have black NSX's and S2000's, all museums, paint chips, year/level tickets etc

it's nuts!
Now that it's over I may get GT6

cheers! :)
Well done bro! I thought I was the only nutbar who did this, but you putting me to shame. I have about 2400 in the truck, including all green tickets (and that's one for every colour car available as a green ticket) all cars every colour 0/0/0 except only have black NSX's and S2000's, all museums, paint chips, year/level tickets etc

it's nuts!
Now that it's over I may get GT6

cheers! :)

Yea, not to brag, but I have yet to see anybody with as ridiculous of a game save as I have.:crazy: I know of you from GT5 and you are the closest one that I know of. 👍 I really enjoyed putting that save together and its one of the things I miss in GT6...online trading, collecting stuff, and just otherwise being a "pack ratt" (pun intended :lol:) of cool and unusual items. I also have an awesome list of unpaintable cars from GT5. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/thre...ble-painted-cars-stealths-chromelines.282740/
I really miss GT5 in these regards. Good times!!!!

@Dark Motor Yes, in GT5 there is a 7000 item limit. These included suits, paints, ect. Baisically everything except the Museum Cards. Once you reached that limit, you could not collect anything more until you deleted some stuff. It was paint which I usually deleted, paints in which I had multiples of, because...well, you know....I collected all the paints there were also. :crazy: I even had all the paints that you didn't receive from certain cars when buying them, see linked thread above. Like I said, my save is the Ultimate GT5 save. It was a lot of work putting it all together, but it was also some of the most fun I had with GT5. Met a lot of cool people in the Market Place in my time there from the beginning and a lot of good times were had there also...really missing it in GT6. So, here is my shout out to the Market Place and all the good times I had there.....R.I.P GT5 Market Place, it was a great ride. :bowdown: :cheers:
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This is called getting the most out of a game after we have already got 100% 👍

I did this with GT2 and have all cars in all colors, all of the hidden cars as well.
Those never completing 100% love to point fingers, but why stop after 100%?
Mad props for doing it with GT5, despite increased difficulty to placate some. :bowdown:

Funny how they impose a 7,000 item limit, then include thousands more items.
I just deleted Suits and Helmets that I had doubles of, to free up more room.
I'll never get close to what some of you have accomplished, but do my best.
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Yea, not to brag, but I have yet to see anybody with as ridiculous of a game save as I have.:crazy: I know of you from GT5 and you are the closest one that I know of. 👍 I really enjoyed putting that save together and its one of the things I miss in GT6...online trading, collecting stuff, and just otherwise being a "pack ratt" (pun intended :lol:) of cool and unusual items. I also have an awesome list of unpaintable cars from GT5. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/thre...ble-painted-cars-stealths-chromelines.282740/
I really miss GT5 in these regards. Good times!!!!

@Dark Motor Yes, in GT5 there is a 7000 item limit. These included suits, paints, ect. Baisically everything except the Museum Cards. Once you reached that limit, you could not collect anything more until you deleted some stuff. It was paint which I usually deleted, paints in which I had multiples of, because...well, you know....I collected all the paints there were also. :crazy: I even had all the paints that you didn't receive from certain cars when buying them, see linked thread above. Like I said, my save is the Ultimate GT5 save. It was a lot of work putting it all together, but it was also some of the most fun I had with GT5. Met a lot of cool people in the Market Place in my time there from the beginning and a lot of good times were had there also...really missing it in GT6. So, here is my shout out to the Market Place and all the good times I had there.....R.I.P GT5 Market Place, it was a great ride. :bowdown: :cheers:
ehm... I beg to differ there. My save is extremely comprehensive, however I do not keep the tickets in the truck, I get the cars and put them in the garage.

Now, you cant even get a tenth of the stuff available before hitting the item limit, so I have the stuff I feel is the most important, and you have the things you feel is the most important. So it's hard to make it into a competition:P
ehm... I beg to differ there. My save is extremely comprehensive, however I do not keep the tickets in the truck, I get the cars and put them in the garage.

Now, you cant even get a tenth of the stuff available before hitting the item limit, so I have the stuff I feel is the most important, and you have the things you feel is the most important. So it's hard to make it into a competition:P

Well then, whatever makes you feel good there Elias. 👍 Like I said though, I have tickets I can almost guarantee nobody else has, except maybe one or two other people. That's not including the few tickets I made myself and never got around to making them public. :sly: And no, you can't fit everything thing on one save which is why I have two other saves, prioritized of course. I've been doing this along time mate and have a few surprises hidden under my belt....you can't be the top dog all the time there my friend. :) I'm pretty sure I hold all the cards on this one, like it or not. :cheers: Again, not bragging, just extremely proud of what I've been able to accomplish here....you know, the whole talk the talk, walk the walk thing. 👍
The reward for over-doing things to near insane levels is a personal sense of satisfaction for doing them. I can respect what others put themselves through to get there, even if they are a little different than me, that's cool. :)
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I went ahead and updated the thread in anticipation of the update. Also, I added a poll so we can get an idea how popular the update is. Use this thread to discuss any experiences, information or even kind words as the GT5 support comes to an end. Gone, but not forgotten.

for me i got home from work at 6.30pm... quickly had some dinner and let GT6 Senna DLC download and have a quick look

gotta wait for my kid to come home and i'll get some final GT5 time in and then... lets have a beer to see out this game

let me get my $20 mil.
good news is i got my $20 mil

bad news is 2.16 installed and it removed seasonals, ocd and museum

the dream is dead

lets hope gt6 takes over in due course
So that's it then.. GT5 online is off, time goes by really fast...
Can someone check please if you still can get trophies?

There was to online trophies which was to share a track and a photo which you can't get anymore. If you don't have those two trophies then you can't platinum Gran Turismo 5.
There was to online trophies which was to share a track and a photo which you can't get anymore. If you don't have those two trophies then you can't platinum Gran Turismo 5.

The only trophies I'm missing are the "get all gold" (I only have to gold 2 of the Vettel races to get this one) and the platinum one. I guess that's going to be ok?
A little disappointed the main menu wasn't updated to remove the online feature icons. Now you just get an "inactive feature" message when you select online related items. I was hoping for a more polished approach from PD.

I started a new post 2.16 profile just for kicks. With all the DLC and two stealth's, my garage is already at 32 without entering my first race.
This isn't the end, just the beginning of what the game would have been had so many not been distracted by online play. Many players haven't even begun to work on completing the game offline which is what all previous Gran Turismo titles consisted of. If you move on to GT6 without completing GT5, you are missing out on what made Gran Turismo great.