Uploading .webp images

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43


GeoGuessr God
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Can we please have support for .webp files to be uploaded as images in forum posts. Every site nowadays seems to default image downloads to .webp, including GTPlanet. However, the image below is a screenshot of the issues I get when uploading any file. I run a thread that requires me to post the same image in multiple threads, and it is often easier to download and reupload it, but this doesn't work as it downloads as a webp and then isn't recognised upon reupload.

Could this be looked into please.
Having a WebP image and needing to embed it to the site, forcing me to save it as a PNG is a familiar procedure to me at this point.
Having a WebP image and needing to embed it to the site, forcing me to save it as a PNG is a familiar procedure to me at this point.
Some of the pictures in the F1 Caption threads end up as 2nd or 3rd generation screenshots if I end up doing the updates on a different device to the original picture being downloaded.