The reason America has nuclear warheads, along with Russia and many other european nations, is for a deterant. It scares people. If you notice, there are lots of countries that have nuclear weapons, and all these countries are sane enough to not use them. We know bad things will happen if we use them. We found that out after WW2. We made a pact to never use them again.
Iran and North Korea (the countries we are worried about) were not part of this pact, and the leaders of those countries are just insane enough to use the weapons they are developing.
Ok how about this. America has threatned and is doing something unjust to the muslim people but the government cant do anything about it because america has nukes and thay have not. So then angry men come together really annoyed seeking revenge and a way to hurt america. They cant attack the whitehouse or any military bases though because its too highely guarded.
So theiryre only other target? Low protected civilian buildings that will hurt america as much as possible. So buildings that stand as symbols or take out a part of the infrastructure. If all these supposed terrorists who threatn america so much really want to just kill people for no god damn reason they can easily do so. They can get a gun or amke a bomb and then walk into a hospital and blow themselves up. They would cause a hell lot more casualties than osama did with the world trade center.
What is it that we are doing unjustly to the Muslim people? I don't understand. Why does it matter that we have nuclear weapons; we won't use them. The reason Terrorists attack America and other democratic countries is because they despise freedom. They have totally opposite beliefs from the US and der Nederland alike. They want total control over what people do. They want to rule the lives of each individual person.
That's not what we believe. You know what we believe, so I won't explain it.
And they absolutely can attack our government buildings and military bases if they want to. I'll send them good luck.
The World Trade Center attack and the Pentagon attack accumulated well over 4,000 casualties. When's the last time you saw a hospital that big? Those people are almost dead, anyway. They attacked the Trade Centers because it is the center for world trade, which its name states. The most important economical building in the world. It was extremely expensive, so they see they can cause monetary loss. A huge number of important people work there, and they hate free people. They killed them, too. They attacked the Pentagon because that is the brain of the most powerful military the world has ever known. The terrorists know that now.
There is a race track in America called Bristol Motor Speedway. It fits 160,000 people in a very small, confined space during an NASCAR race. Why didn't they attack that? It has no governmental or militaristic value. It doens't hurt the counrties ability to fight back or make decisions or fund a war. That's why they attacked where they did.
The reason America attacked these terrorists when no other counrty did is because we are the only ones brave enough to do so. We are the only ones powerful enough to fund and win a war that will takew decades. It's a very slow, uneventful, dangerous, and specialized war. America doesn't **** with people who **** with us. We don't practice appeasement anymore.
America does not target civilians. We target the government, if there is one, which in this case there is not, and military vehicles, weapons, supplies, etc. We attack anything that the enemy can use against us. We don't even target the soldiers if we don't have to. We try to target the equipment and money and government. This is not a conventional war, though. There is no equipment to target; the thing that does the damage is the people themselves. They use whatever happns to be lying around, and they are very good at what they do. Better at improvising than the US, in fact.
In Iraq we attacked important buildings first. This got rid of the headquarters and any strongholds that the Iraqi military had. They couldn't hide indoors anymore. Then we attacked their military supplies and equipment. They couldn't fight us after that. Then they gave up, with minimal soldier and civilian loss. See haw that works? It hasn't always been this way. But the US has changed. We follow these rules of war because it's the right thing to do. And because we're good enough to win while doing it the hard way.
I used the word "we" a lot in those paragraphs. I used that because most Americans, including me, feel a real connection to the ideals and beliefs of our Constitution and we can associate with the loss of those killed in attacks or in battle. We want to defend our beliefs and the sane world's beliefs, just ask any of the United Nations. They help significantly, though America bares the brunt of the work. Nobody likes it when their friends seem to be killed for no good reason. These terrorists will know that when the UN countries get done with them. You live in a United Nations country, you should know this.