- 23,800
- Philippines
Okay, I finally give in. I'll play.
Background: Despite dire warnings from liberals and human rights activists over the past decade or so, fundamentalist Christians have taken over the government. The White House becomes a totalitarian dictatorship... Congress is abolished, and a Cabal of white ministers sits where the Senate used to be.
Year I: In a short but bloody war, The US finally kicks Fidel Castro (or whoever his successor may be) out of power. Cubans so thankful, they happily enlist in the US Army.
Year II: US and Canada renew non-aggression and security pact. Citing increasing Chinese influence and military power, which China is building up in response to Guerilla activity sponsored by the CIA, the US builds "defense bases" on the Pacific seaboard.
Security Bases in Iraq strengthened. Mutual defense pact with Israel signed.
Year II.5: US bases in the Philippines reactivated. US base in Guam upgraded. Mutual defense treaty with Taiwan strengthened (to further escalate tensions with the Chinese). Turning point: Is Japan with us or against us?
Year III: Here's the important part... the US must manufacture a plausible reason for the Sino-American war. Chinese attack on Pearl Harbor maybe? Chinese annexing of the Philippines or Taiwan?
Iraqi bases upgraded to full airfields. US now has land-based military aircraft coverage of the Gulf. Ties with Israel and Saudi Arabia start weakening, as leaders there become alarmed at US Fundamentalist propaganda.
Year IV: Sino American war in full swing. Japan remains neutral. US Bombers disguised as Tupelovs raze Tokyo and Okinawa. "Chinese" subs sneak nukes into Taipei. World is so enraged by these two actions that the US gets full UN support. Chinese military crushed in a year or so. Desperate Communist leaders actually DO launch nukes at Taiwan, Philippine bases and Korean Bases. Death toll is staggering. Backpack nukes are smuggled into Beijing in the last few weeks of the war, but the Cabal calls the CIA off. No need for that anymore.
Year V: US Military presence now stronger in Iraq. Carrier fleets roam from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. Next target: Iran. Citing "terrorist attacks" on US Refineries in Iraq, the US calls for the deposing of the current Iranian leadership. Riots ensue. "Terrorist" attacks in Iraq are now mixed with actual terrorist attacks sponsored by local radicals. With perfect timing, a CIA sponsored assassination throws Iran into chaos. US and UN troops move in to restore order. Iranian industry is now "managed" by US concerns.
At this point, the US has control of China, Cuba, the Philippines, Taiwan (government destroyed by war), Iraq and Iran. Treaties with and bases in Japan, Korea, Canada and other countries in Southeast Asia. A lull of two or three years should ensue... to allow US stockpiles to rebuild.
Still can't figure out how they'll pick a fight with Europe.
Background: Despite dire warnings from liberals and human rights activists over the past decade or so, fundamentalist Christians have taken over the government. The White House becomes a totalitarian dictatorship... Congress is abolished, and a Cabal of white ministers sits where the Senate used to be.
Year I: In a short but bloody war, The US finally kicks Fidel Castro (or whoever his successor may be) out of power. Cubans so thankful, they happily enlist in the US Army.
Year II: US and Canada renew non-aggression and security pact. Citing increasing Chinese influence and military power, which China is building up in response to Guerilla activity sponsored by the CIA, the US builds "defense bases" on the Pacific seaboard.
Security Bases in Iraq strengthened. Mutual defense pact with Israel signed.
Year II.5: US bases in the Philippines reactivated. US base in Guam upgraded. Mutual defense treaty with Taiwan strengthened (to further escalate tensions with the Chinese). Turning point: Is Japan with us or against us?
Year III: Here's the important part... the US must manufacture a plausible reason for the Sino-American war. Chinese attack on Pearl Harbor maybe? Chinese annexing of the Philippines or Taiwan?
Iraqi bases upgraded to full airfields. US now has land-based military aircraft coverage of the Gulf. Ties with Israel and Saudi Arabia start weakening, as leaders there become alarmed at US Fundamentalist propaganda.
Year IV: Sino American war in full swing. Japan remains neutral. US Bombers disguised as Tupelovs raze Tokyo and Okinawa. "Chinese" subs sneak nukes into Taipei. World is so enraged by these two actions that the US gets full UN support. Chinese military crushed in a year or so. Desperate Communist leaders actually DO launch nukes at Taiwan, Philippine bases and Korean Bases. Death toll is staggering. Backpack nukes are smuggled into Beijing in the last few weeks of the war, but the Cabal calls the CIA off. No need for that anymore.
Year V: US Military presence now stronger in Iraq. Carrier fleets roam from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. Next target: Iran. Citing "terrorist attacks" on US Refineries in Iraq, the US calls for the deposing of the current Iranian leadership. Riots ensue. "Terrorist" attacks in Iraq are now mixed with actual terrorist attacks sponsored by local radicals. With perfect timing, a CIA sponsored assassination throws Iran into chaos. US and UN troops move in to restore order. Iranian industry is now "managed" by US concerns.
At this point, the US has control of China, Cuba, the Philippines, Taiwan (government destroyed by war), Iraq and Iran. Treaties with and bases in Japan, Korea, Canada and other countries in Southeast Asia. A lull of two or three years should ensue... to allow US stockpiles to rebuild.
Still can't figure out how they'll pick a fight with Europe.