Valve Decides PS3 Not Worth Bothering With... OH WAIT!

  • Thread starter Robin
It would be funny if HL3 or HL2 Ep3 turned out to be an average game all round, AND if it was released on PS3 all the PS3 owners boycotted it because of what that fat slob said about Sony's console. Serves him right! The PS3 is home to some cracking better-than-what-Valve-can-do shooters like Killzone 2, and the upcoming Crysis 2 is better on PS3. Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it Newell. What I say? Sod off Valve, we dont need you.
You're taking business rather personally there. Sony have probably given Valve some kind of deal or incentive to come back to them, but this is just corporate business. I make calls like Gabe did all the time, who we're dealing with and who were screwing over for a bigger percent each and every day of the week. It's not on a Sony sized level, but it's business and it happens behind closed doors all the time. Gabe just spoke more openly about it.
You're taking business rather personally there. Sony have probably given Valve some kind of deal or incentive to come back to them, but this is just corporate business. I make calls like Gabe did all the time, who we're dealing with and who were screwing over for a bigger percent each and every day of the week. It's not on a Sony sized level, but it's business and it happens behind closed doors all the time. Gabe just spoke more openly about it.

Microsoft, Xbox 360, Gates the geek, Valve and Newell - all one big happy family who thought for a while they had it all and could screw over PS3 owners. Never mind that Gates' console was put together in a rush job, and that Valve had the admittedly brilliant Pc versions of Half-Life to back up whatever shoddy conversions they could churn out on consoles. The fact is, the PS3 now has a strong user base, is a far more powerful and reliable console, and that Newell realises the mistakes he made sticking with Gates and Microsoft. Well, I for one dont buy it. As I said before, the PS3 has some brlliant games and has game designers working for it with the talent that Valve could only dream of. True, I did enjoy the Orange Box, but played through it only once. When I completed it, I was hoping to hear news of the next instalment (Episode 4) after the cliffhanger ending. Then I heard what Newell said about the PS3. After that, I wasnt interested. Am I foolish to hate the next HL episode just because of what Newell said? Possibly. But Microsoft, Gates, Newell and Valve are just typical of big money grabbing corporations who dont care who they piss off just as long as they are lining their pockets. Sony took a gamble with the PS3 - they made a loss on every unit they sold remember - but they have always struck me as a company who actually care about the gamers in general. Microsoft and Valve don't. I bet Gates designed the 360 to break down easily so people would be forced to fork out on a new every now and again. I may have paid over £400 for my PS3 when it first came out, but at least it is still going strong after 5 years.