Cause who would bring black masks to a hockey game?
I went on the M5 Board and found these video... Felt sorry for the owner.
Here's the girl trying to protect her M5. (4:40)
I'm shocked, that's all I can say...
[Picture courtesy of]
What if the girl had a gun?! Wouldnt it be something spectacular? They would get what they deserve... but im pretty sure the insurance company will give her a new one! Hey who knows maybe its the 2012 new M5!
I wonder if she had Canadian Riot insurance
In the grand scheme of things, an M5 is just an M5. A terrible loss, but nothing compared to the injured police men, hundreds of injured people, and smashed up stores.
I am wowed by the ignorance that has popped up in this thread.
I wonder if she had Canadian Riot insurance
Seriously, why after every single 🤬 NHL's finals the fans start a riot?
In the grand scheme of things, an M5 is just an M5. A terrible loss, but nothing compared to the injured police men, hundreds of injured people, and smashed up stores.
I want to find the guys who posed in front of the burning M5 and kick them in the balls. Anybody with me on this?
Ever notice how the only time the world pays and significant attention to Canada is when we do do something negative, which rarely happens? As a curious Canadian, please answer me honestly and openly how often American or British or whichever country you live in's national media covers stuff that portrays Canada in a positive light, like how our troops are bravely serving (and dying for) peacekeeping missions around the world (often in support of America), or how our banking system and economy weathered the 2008 recession better than any country in the world and should be a model to be followed, or how we accept and help many refugees from countries all over the world? In many cases the same countries that now view us as crazy from coast to coast? I would be surprised if any of Canada's bright spots receive the same coverage as a hockey riot. I believe this deliberately taints many people's views of Canada, unfortunately....
I still think we have the best country in the world! One hockey riot is but a drop of blood in a deep blue sea, to speak...
While Canada was the best performing G8 nation out of the GFC, Australia was even better than that due to our resources boom, and you guys have the USA next door trying to flounder out of debt impacting your manufacturing. We have no such issues with our neighbours, China won't stop knocking for more raw materials.