VGTA Handicap Championship. Mondays, 8:00pm GMT, from 10th Jan 2022.PS4 

  • Thread starter Zolon32
For reverse grid there is always chance to do manual formation lap to get us in reverse grid order.
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Just a forewarning. There's a chance I might not make it today. Rather stupidly I had a fall while climbing over some railings at the weekend. I was fine at the time, I just rolled and got up again, but now muscles and bruises in places I didn't know I'd hurt are stiffening and twinging.

There could be a full lobby anyway so my absence won't be too bad. Send me an invite anyway and if there's a space I might give it a go.
now muscles and bruises in places I didn't know I'd hurt are stiffening and twinging.
NURSE, RUN A HOT BATH! Sorry to hear that Paul, especially as you are going so well. Hopefully your body will be saying "Go on, it's fine" (or something like that) by eight.

For reverse grid there is always chance to do manual formation lap to get us in reverse grid order.
That's a good idea Jammy, and I'll definitely use it in future series, but after a lot of thought, I think it's more fair to leave things as they are. I really have messed about with the format a lot already.
Yesterday me and Mario did a of new pit entry testing. I pited 5-6 times in practice session and everythink were fine, but the one more piting was different - I got message current ant next lap invalidated. I have no idea the reasson o f this because this one was the same as previous atemps. So I am not 100 % sure we won't be penalized for this :). We will see
Results from Sakitto. Let me know if you see errors.

Race 1:
Race 1.jpg

Race 2:
Race 2.jpg

Monday Individual.jpg

EDIT: I've added this separate table with my interpretation of what car drivers have to use next. @Zolon32 let me know if 1) I've done this correctly and 2) whether you wish me to do that each week as part of the results download.
Monday Individual.jpg
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EDIT: I've added this separate table with my interpretation of what car drivers have to use next. @Zolon32 let me know if 1) I've done this correctly and 2) whether you wish me to do that each week as part of the results download.
You have, and yes please. I'd just done it myself on my old abacus, but it's nice to know that modern tech can still keep up :)

And speaking of keeping up, deepest apologies to those who I swept past with my 460BHP, and then held up in the twisty bits. Particular apology to @Napalm_LT who I blew past in the closing stages of the second race, along the straight following "Not Spoon". I didn't have time to move right after the overtake and was forced to more or less park on the apex of the normally quick left hander. I don't know what thoughts went through his mind after that quite dastardly manoeuvre, but I would forgive him for thinking "&$$*&!!"

And so, on to Spa, where I imagine the Nissans will hit a wall half way along the big straight following water-red. It will be interesting to see Jammy, Napalm and Mario duking it out with the slowest car. The handicap seems to be working quite well, I think. Especially for me 😀

On the subject of penalties (were we?). We all know that mucho, mucho time can be made at Spa, by blasting over the top of the first hill, having little regard for where the track actually runs. This is one of the places in the game where having penalties on makes a lot of sense. Paradoxically, it is probably the one place in the game that will be at the top of the list for people getting seriously aggravated about those penalties, because a) it's difficult to see the track as you come up the hill. b) the nature of the hill can make your car act in a slightly unpredictable manner.

Please chaps, keep in mind the fact that it really is the same for everyone. The penalty system is digital, it is either breached, or it is not. It doesn't have a mind that allows it to consider your particular position, and it isn't trying to p**s you off; it's a computer. The nature of racing is that we push hard (witness my lousy overtake on Napalm, I'm much too nice a guy to do anything like that in any other walk of life). Just accept that, if you push too hard, the game pushes back, without malice.
Were the penalties on? I never noticed. :mischievous: ;)

I'm glad I could make it. A gradual easing of the muscles through the day plus a couple of paracetamol did the trick.

1st race, great. A few good chases following the fast guys. Managed to gain a couple of spots.
2nd race, not so great. After a 1st corner incident, that involved a trip to the pits, I didn't get to race anyone properly for 23 laps! I was going at a quick pace but not really catching anyone. I 'chased' Mario (safely) towards the end just to get a bit of action.
Nice work @half_sourly, it's funny to see the table showing "average finish" position, a concept so integral to this championship.

My quick recap

Race 1 -

Qualified 9th, not too bad, but last of the Nissans, which made a dent in my self-esteem :dopey:

Race was a mess, twice I tried to overtake on the inside of the long left corner leading to "not Degner" and twice the car on the outside didn't see me and then I had that "cars glued" situation that usually ends in tears. First time was with @xeronima, second with @Pantheons. End result, I limped almost half the race with a damaged car (20 at the front), not a big handling problem but I was seriously down on speed (maybe engine, maybe aero, don't know) and my 10th position at the end was more about luck than anything else.

Race 2 -

The usual Gods smiled at me (maybe they felt pity for my troubles in race 1) and placed me in front row with @xeronima in pole position. I guess he didn't get a good start because by the end of corners 1-2 I was first. couple of laps later @Zolon32 and @Napalm_LT overtook me (I didn't make it easy for any of them but also didn't put up a unreasonable defense, it was pointless to do so). From then on I raced alone and my main concern became a group of 3 cars that was some 6 secs behind me lapping more or less at the same pace I was, maybe slighty faster (@xeronima, @Pantheons and @jammy21 ). I guess the fact that they were all fighting each other gave me room to breathe for many laps.

Eventually (not sure if due to pitstops or something else) @jammy21 emerged as the victor of that 3 car battle and started a multi lap chase that had me busy until the end. Lucky for me I got the involuntary help of @IfAndOr because for some reason he was a lap down and I got to follow him close for a few laps (always in the 1,58's ), which gave me much needed slipstream. Sadly I think Paul must have thought he was damaging my race so he pulled to the side in the main straight with a few laps to spare (my thought about that wasn't "thank you" , instead it was "oh **** now he is going to pull @jammy21 into me". :irked: :lol:

Thankfully there were not many laps left and neither me nor Jammy had pitted yet so he couldn't get to use much of Paul's car slipstream. He pitted first, I pitted later but kept 3rd place, there was no undercut this time.

All in all a very intense - and fun - 24 laps race. I'm not sure if the sprinters here are changing their opinion on longer races, but I have always been a fan of these and every race I do just makes me love them even more.

Final thoughts -

I think the handicap system works brilliantly, especially because it isn't too extreme. The Nissan, although not a naturally winning car, can still hold its own during a full race, and I think the pace of the 3 Nissans yesterday showed exactly that. About the "faster" cars, I guess both the Ferrari and the Mustang can be considered faster than the Porsche, but they are also much more difficult to drive so it is good that they aren't mandatory, anyone assigned to them can instead drive the Porsche (the car that I think is the overall best, being both quick and with good handling). The Jaguar is a rocket, I'm glad @Zolon32 got to use it and even gladder that he is now back to the Porsche! ;)

I was hoping that going back to the Porsche for Spa would be the silver lining to my 10th place in Race 1 but ... I see that's not the case, soooo .... I hope all you Porsche guys crash heavily at the Eau Rouge/Radillon complex ... and that I don't! :D
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On the subject of penalties
Well, I know I'm the prime suspect for bringing this up, please accept my apologies for swearing 🙂. Completely agree that they are needed, and Eau Rouge is a very good example.

They are one of few flaws on this otherwise brilliant game (another being kerbs, and the two conspire together very effectively).
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They are one of few flaws on this otherwise brilliant game
The not knowing how much it wants you to slow down for, or for how long you need to keep at this unknown speed (and the resulting confusion this causes on track), is certainly a bit rubbish - and is really why I usually have it turned off.

Otherwise I don't find the penalty system too bad. I always try to lift off the throttle if I know I'm close to or over a track limit. If you're not gaining advantage, under power, it doesn't generally penalise you - just like ACC in fact.
Actually lifting off the throttle works with the kerbs as well, it's just managing to do it at the right time is the problem. Or traction control, that works a treat on most kerbs.

Sadly I think Paul must have thought he was damaging my race so he pulled to the side in the main straight with a few laps to spare
I did think that maybe I was probably towing you along a bit. But after awhile I thought that might be a little unfair to Jammy so eased aside. Plus after multiple laps by myself I wanted someone to 'race' against. :)
Well, I know I'm the prime suspect for bringing this up, please accept my apologies for swearing 🙂. Completely agree that they are needed, and Eau Rouge is a very good example.

They are one of few flaws on this otherwise brilliant game (another being kerbs, and the two conspire together very effectively).
😀 I didn't make the point with any one person in mind Joe, I was just aware that the penalties were causing a lot of pain at Sakkito. I got a warning myself and had to let a couple of Porsches past on the rise up to Not Spoon, where the Jag was absolutely mighty under normal circumstances. That hurt, until I blazed back past them on the run to the start/finish, tee he.

Anyway, if there was one piece of advice I would give, it would be do plenty of AI races with penalties on. You will find that they are incredibly consistent, and you can find exactly how far you can push the limits (and occasionally overstep them on the way to the run up to Not Spoon :).)

I know you're incredibly quick, don't let the penalties phase you. Beat them at their own game, and take the Porsche to the Nissan guys. You definitely can.

EDIT: The point Paul makes about backing off if you think you are going to be in breach of the limits is a good one. However, I rarely manage to have the self control to prevent myself from gaining an advantage when I do overstep the mark. Something I must work on...
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Apologies for my part in race 2 first incident, especially losing on the grass and careering back into @richroo , give rich ma points, and a tin of paint. I quite like having the penaulties on, I hope it makes me drive a bit more carefully. Im only guessing but is it the case mostly that if you have at least two wheels on the track side of the white line, you'll be ok?
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Thanks @IfAndOr and @Zolon32 🙂. It seems that if you don't lift off at the right time, it can really bite you. I got so annoyed because of the compounding effect: I went too aggressively over an exit kerb, which pulled the outside wheels slightly over the limit. This had already slowed me down, but the penalty warning popped up anyway... so I slowed down to a crawl to try and appease it, two cars passed me, then it still gave me a 3 second penalty 😭.

It clearly takes, patience, practice, and better judgement than I had yesterday, and I commend you chaps for towing that line so well!

The Nissan has grown on me, thanks to @Hun200kmh 's advice to drive more aggressively in these older cars. It's very difficult to do and you have mastered it well... Hence you are awarded again with the Nissan 😀
I tried a few practice laps last night in the Porsche and it took 5 attempts to get through Raidillon without oversteering at the top lefthander and crashing into the left wall. It gets really light through that section and the only way I could get it through was to lift substantially off the throttle almost all the way through. It is going to make for an interesting race through there with the different abilities and different handling characteristics of the cars.
I tried a few practice laps last night in the Porsche and it took 5 attempts to get through Raidillon without oversteering at the top lefthander and crashing into the left wall. It gets really light through that section and the only way I could get it through was to lift substantially off the throttle almost all the way through. It is going to make for an interesting race through there with the different abilities and different handling characteristics of the cars.
Had a go before, it's very tricky indeed. I found a dab on the brakes helped, nudging the weight forward a bit. With the Porsche having the engine at the back, I guess it's more prone to losing grip in the front tyres. The other long nosed, front engines cars might have an easier time of it.
it took 5 attempts to get through Raidillon without oversteering at the top lefthander and crashing into the left wall.
Grim! For me the best way through is (with the car in 'stable' mode), have a lift on the approach to Eau Rouge, take a bit of the first kerb on the left, pick the throttle up (around 50%???) as the car bottoms out, then, avoiding the kerb on the right, nail the throttle to climb the hill. I sometimes need to back off a little, but not fully, momentarily, to contain the understeer, but then about 75% throttle over the top keeps the car steady... and GO! Along the straight, and blast past those dog-slow Nissans :) (But watch out for the Ferraris, the Mustang and the E-Type.)

The other long nosed, front engines cars might have an easier time of it.
I think they do Joe. The Nissan is a doddle. Mind you, it's only doing 35 MPH on the approach, so there's no surprise there 😀

Weather forecast for Monday: (Which will be set for 14th September 2021. 13:00hrs)

Quali and short race, clear.

Long race, Overcast, heavy cloud, light cloud, clear.
I just had a great race with @Napalm_LT at Spa, very very close, whatever position I end up monday I just hope it'll be as fun!

After the race Napalm mentioned that he published a YT video that featured another nice battle between us (at Sakitto). I just watched it.

I lose two places during this clip (to @Zolon32 and @Napalm_LT ), but the video shows I sure didn't make it easy for any of them! :mischievous:

In any case, as Fernando Alonso would say, we always gave each other "da space!" :D

Here's Napalm's video.

Wow, can't believe people pay that. By the way, love the precision of their pricing. Not £13k or £12,900, but £12,894.05.
Its a bit quiet soo..
Was going to order this, but shipping wasn't included, so they can forget it!!
But its pretty.
Just did a single player race. And when the AI Drove my car out of the pits it bumped the wall and I had 4 damage on front aero before even exiting three pit lane. Anyone else experienced that?
Just did a single player race. And when the AI Drove my car out of the pits it bumped the wall and I had 4 damage on front aero before even exiting three pit lane. Anyone else experienced that?
Sadly Xero, I have experienced that too. I sincerely hope that such damage doesn't have any noticeable effect on the driving characteristics of the car.

Don't worry about it too much, I literally have not yet managed to finish a race of any significant duration without smashing my car to absolute pieces anyway. Seriously, I am soooooo fed up with myself.

Guys, I wont race tonight. Got flu or some virus and it is second day I am in the bed :(
Aaaaaargh! Napalm, I hope you're body gives that damned virus a bloody good kicking pronto fella. Flu is truly, truly horrible, and I wish you all the best. I'm sure that Mario, Salty, Jammy, and all the others who have their eye on the crown will deliberately take lowly places in the races this evening, so they don't benefit too much from your absence. Or maybe they won't...

Get well soon :)