VGTA Handicap Championship. Mondays, 8:00pm GMT, from 10th Jan 2022.PS4 

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Any points for fastest lap or pole?
I'll treat DNF as finishing last. If >1 DNF I will treat it as joint last.
On the assumption you need a score keeper.
Very good of you to offer Half, and I will gratefully accept :)

There's no bonus score system at all (except my 'Organiser's Premium' of ten additional points per meeting. And grab half a dozen yourself... but don't tell the others ;))

Roll on Monday. Recon I'm going to be knackered by the time 8:00pm comes around, because it looks like we're going to get started on the roof, at last! Yippeee.

I'm going to try to get on line for about 7:30pm, by the way, to get myself up to speed with the hosting thing, so invites may get sent a bit early..
So we ok use some duplicates, in liveries?
Yeah, no problem John. I just thought that some people might fancy having one as theirs for the duration of the Championship. From the response I think I overestimated the demand somewhat!

Anyway, feel free to pick what you want. I got to be honest, when we're on the screens that show everyone and their cars in a list I can't make out which particular livery people are using very well anyway. And then, in the race, I only see their rear end :) (And my spotter never says things like, "He's two lengths behind, you know, the one in the pink Mustang".)
Zol I know you have nothing else to do (yeah right), were you going to add the livery numbers next to peoples names on page one? so we know what's left? I think its handy for people to have the same ones (handy for replays and when on track) ill pick whatever is left (as long at its not brown!)
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Zol I know you have nothing else to do (yeah right), were you going to add the livery numbers next to peoples names on page one? so we know what's left? I think its handy for people to have the same ones (handy for replays and when on track) ill pick whatever is left (as long at its not brown!)
That was my plan, but no-one has come forward with any requests for any specific livery, as far as I'm aware... unless there's another thread somewhere where folks are reserving like mad :eek:

There might be a bit of thinking along the lines of "I don't want to say that I'll have so-and-so Nissan, because people might think that I'm getting beyond myself, reserving a Nissan, or Ferrari, or whatever". I do understand that, but everyone who has a preference could ask for a particular Porsche, and we can work out the other motors as we go along.

So fellas, roll up roll up, for this once in a lifetime offer :)
Anyway, feel free to pick what you want.
I'll have the yellow Nissan then. :mischievous:
ill pick whatever is left (as long at its not brown!)
But I thought that was your favourite!

I will have a look later and try to pick cars with similar colours, or perhaps the same number. (In Pcars 3 we could could design a common livery and number and apply it to all of the cars. They made that much easier. :) )
My picks. By no means I have any claim to these or want exclusive use, if anyone else has these as favourites we'll just be teamates (in a Leclerc/Sainz Jr kind of thing, not Hamilton/Rosberg ;) )

Car #1


Car #2


Car #3


Car #4


Car #5

Pictures, that's a good idea Mario.


I've gone for as similar colours as I could find. So if you see a red, white and blue car it might be me.
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I don't care about liveries and just take the default car. If that happens to be someone else's choice and they prefer I didn't use it too, just say on the night and I will change to a different one.
A bit of a trawl though the first post reveals...
Race 2, random grid, rolling start. For this race, tyre degradation shall be set to accelerated and fuel will be burnt. There is a mandatory pitstop required on the longer race.
By the way folks, ABS and TC are available as you please, and any view point is fine by me.
And my view point is that pitstops will probably set to automatic. I don't think he's experimented with manual ones yet.

@Zolon32 if you want to update your list - Max, Oldbass, Napalm and Xero are all joining us I believe. @Don Mejillone will most likely be there too - he likes to be surprised at what we're racing on the night. ☺
John, if he's wheely good, will I'm sure join in.
That just leaves @beachboy6658 has a unknown. Depending on that there may also be a space available if @AndreasR wants to return at any time.
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So to make sure for longer race. Do we have mandatory pitstop? If yes is it manual or auto?
@Zolon32 is it a forced interior view?
There is no mandatory pitstop and free to choose view I think.
@half_sourly @IfAndOr @richroo @Hun200kmh @Saltyjoe90 @Don Mejillone @John Wells @Maxmusmonster @Oldbass47 @xeronima @JockeP22


I'm sorry that the OP is misleading, but I had thought that the tyres would wear out to some degree, and make it possible that a pit stop would be a good idea. I have mentioned the change of regs somewhere in the thread, but didn't update the OP accordingly :dopey:.

Drivers can use whatever view they want, and T/C and ABS will be available.

Hello, everyone. It's been a while.
If there is one spot left on the grid let me know, Zo.
I'd be happy to join in.
Jocke! Long time no virtual see. You are most welcome, and have grabbed the final place on the grid.

And, Mario. I think that Silverstone is so named because of the nearby village of Silverstone. And it is so named because Mick Jagger once visited it, and his hair was quite white with age/drug abuse/sun bleaching etc.
No head explosions, its all good man, your doing a great job. Just wondered out of interest, what's the difference between manual and automatic pit stops. If its manual, do I have to get out the car and change the tyres myself, one at a time. :lol::banghead:
And, Mario. I think that Silverstone is so named because of the nearby village of Silverstone. And it is so named because Mick Jagger once visited it, and his hair was quite white with age/drug abuse/sun bleaching etc.

LOL that's a cop-out! But I will keep my promise

As you probably know the Sarracens from North Africa invaded the Iberian Peninsula in the 8th century and ruled most of it for centuries (in Portugal's case until the 12th century, a couple more in the south of Spain). Algarve, their last stand against the Portuguese kings, is where they stayed longer, and in fact the Portuguese kings after the cconquest always named themselves "King of Portugal and Algarve". Soooo, all this to say that the region's name comes from the old Arabic Al-Gharb that means "The West" (same as the current word Maghreb, meaning "West" and used to name the westernmost part of North Africa)

That one is easier and predates Al-Gharb for another number of centuries, meaning that it endured and survived the sarracen era of occupation. The big natural bay formed where the city is was a safe haven for ships since the dawn of civilization and maritime mediterranium merchants began exploring into the west of Gibraltar (ultimately entering the Atlantic). The romans, when they arrived, called it "Portus Magnus" (self explanatory I guess), and the name stuck, although somewhat changed, for the last couple of millennia.

Back to racing, thanks for the clarification on pitstops, will tell raeggee. 👍
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Ah right there is a mandatory pitstop in the longer race. Sorry, I'd lost track. :dopey:
I've updated my post above to save confusion.

But I will keep my promise
I think I may have missed something somewhere. :P
what's the difference between manual and automatic pit stops
In automatic you just drive into the pit entrance and the AI takes over your car, does it's stuff, then chucks you out at the pit exit. Manual stops require you to slow down fully, drive along pit lane (at the correct speed) to your pit bay, stop and wait while the crew do their stuff, then drive out back onto the track. It's quite realistic. There's no jacks or wheel wrenches required however. :)

And @JockeP22 👍 Great to see you around again and even better, back on track. That'll be a treat for 2022.
@Zolon32 if you want to update your list - Max, Oldbass, Napalm and Xero are all joining us I believe. @Don Mejillone will most likely be there too - he likes to be surprised at what we're racing on the night.

@half_sourly @IfAndOr @richroo @Hun200kmh @Saltyjoe90 @Don Mejillone @John Wells @Maxmusmonster @Oldbass47 @xeronima @JockeP22
@Zolon32 I don' see yself in the list. Since total time of gteh meeting was reduced I thought it is clear I am in. I haven't done any practice yet so I don't know if I should do it.
You are in @Napalm_LT, I think he's just forgotten to add you to that list.

However take a look at THIS post and you'll see your name on there. ;)

I'm Zolon's secretary (as usual) and try to keep on top of things. :P
I haven't done any practice yet so I don't know if I should do it.
Yes, yes you should do it. No, no, you should not practice :). Sorry for the confusion. I'm trying for the world record in ***** ups in one thread. I think I've got it in the bag 👍

It's not GTS where you can enter flat out!
Don't I know it, got myself a sold "Get the freak out of here!" in my first ever race on PCars for steaming into the pits full chat. Didn't come back to the game for about two years 😀. To be fair, I'd made a right old mess of everything I'd done in that race before the D/Q too.
Nissan #10
Porsche #63
Ferrari #58
Ford #83
Jaguar #58

Week 1: First race Porche, car 2nd race depends on your position.

Week 2: First race choise of car depends on your position in the Champioship ?? and the 2nd race the car of your choise depends of your position at the end of the first race of week 2 (???)

Greets Don.
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