VGTA Handicap Championship. Mondays, 8:00pm GMT, from 10th Jan 2022.PS4 

  • Thread starter Zolon32
About raeggee he isn't a member of gtplanet but I just called him and he confirms availability for tomorrow 8 PM so count him in.
It's looking good then!
If I will be alive at this time probably I will join.
Smashing Napalm, the more quick drivers in the mix the better chance there is of me being in a Porsche!

Also ... 90 aggression :ill::ill::ill::ill:???
I got them sussed out Mario. It seems like they have a secret meeting before the race that goes something like "This loony b*****d wants to race at 90% aggression, better give him a wide space." Seriously, I race at that level of aggression in all my AI matches, and they treat me with a great deal of respect :mischievous:

Also, I take your point about the number of AI guys we can have online, I'll just fill it up to whatever level it will take.
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any of you chaps up for it?
Can't I'm afraid, as I am not at home. Since you cashed the entry fee cheque I sent you, I've had to find some funds to cover it. The Contessa has flown me in to entertain. She does pay so generously, I could not say no. Must dash, those palm leaves do not waive themselves.
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I would used AI's 80/20. 80 means their're using stock setup.
I think I could join tomorrow too for test session.
Okay fellas, I think we got ourselves a test race.

Using incredibly detailed study of the results of GT Won, and the scores so far for What t' Dickens, I have concluded that Jammy should be riding a bloody bike, to be honest. Anyway, the Nissan is as low as we can go, so that's that. Nissan for @jammy21, Nissan also for @Napalm_LT if he is able to make it and, reluctantly, Nissan for me too. I genuinely feel bad about putting myself in the highest category, but that's what the results say (I think I must have been cheating).

@Hun200kmh and @IfAndOr both get the Porsche, (whilst acknowledging that they both kick my butt when they have a mind to).

And Reagee, I would appreciate it if he'd take the Mustang. Then, depending on whether he's feeling quick or not, he may well scorch to the finish line in first place.

I'll have the AI set to sensible levels, and we'll have five minutes of quali, just to get the feel of the place, as much as anything else.

It'll be a rolling start, and the weather will be set to clear, haze, dark cloud, clear, at 1.00pm on 14th August 2021.

Don't forget, track limits, penalties and performance effecting damage will be on. With regard to this, the AI guys will be VERY slow around the first few corners, as they more or less queue up, rather than filtering through with human levels of instinct for the clear line. Please don't get caught up in this, and cause yourselves significant damage.

There will be a mandatory pit stop, but whether or not you put new tyres on is up to you. No-one, not even the gas guzzling Mustang should need fuel. But, if you've got the wife with you and she, like mine, is paranoid about the fuel light EVER coming on, please feel free to pop some in.
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Got it, and will inform raeggee. We'll see how the handicap system works! It'll be a simulation of the longer race, right? 21 laps with tyre wear accelerated?
Ooh does that drop me into the Mustang then. More oomph. ;)

There's definitely a new found love between Paul and the americans ... :D

raeggee on the Jag then? :odd:

EDIT - Ok, never mind, I see you're suggesting Paul to take the Ferrari, not the Mustang
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I expect @Zolon32 got some information and insights he needed. But what I learned from yesterday's test session is that I need to adjust my finishing results in the series so that I'm always in the Mustang. It's a beast, but not beastly to drive. :)
It was a fun test. Here's what I have to say about what I've learned so far:

(I can oly speak about the Porsche, the Nissan and the Mustang, never drove the Jag or the Ferrari)

The Nissan isn't as helpless as one might imagine at a flowing track. It may lack top speed (should be a serious handicap at a track like Algarve/Portimão) but, at least compared to the Porsche, that car has a better gear ratio setting. This was very apparent yesterday, the Porsche has a HUGE gap between 2nd and 3rd gears and that meant the Nissan (with no such problem) accelerates out of medium to high speed corners much better than the Porsche. Speaking objectively (facts not impresions) my best lap in each of these cars was only 0,5 seconds apart (1.17,5xx with the Porsche, 1.18,000 with the Nissan) and that sums it up I think.

I didn't drive any other car, but Paul managed a 1.16 :crazy: with the Mustang so that must mean that car works very well in a handicap series.

Pity the tyres last so much, even in accelerated wear mode, it takes a bit out of the strategy. But still I think this'll be a very interesting, and fun, championship!
For the very first race everyone will be in the Porsche. At that meeting, for the second race, those effected by the handicap will change cars. The drivers who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd will take the Nissan. The driver who came last will be allocated the E-Type, second last, the Mustang, and the two drivers ahead of them (third and fourth last) will get the mental waterbed that is the Ferrari 365 allocated to them.

If I get it right, first race podium finishers should get slower car for second race, others - same or faster car.
Personally me I don't like idea of switching car for second race and don't have posibility to do few laps with it before race. Keep in mind damage will be on so every mistake (espessially with new car) can end your race.
Can I suggest to shorten qually time in first race to 5 min., and have 5 min. practice for second race. Other races would be fine with no practice for second race because everyone will have possibility to use the same car as it was used in the first race of that day.

Also I would ask everyone to use proximity sensors and spotter. According to our Christmas races I think not everyone uses them.
Can I suggest to shorten qually time in first race to 5 min., and have 5 min. practice for second race.
You can suggest that Napalm. In fact, I suggest that you do... oh, hang on a minute, you have. Okay! I have no objections to that, seems quite sensible to me.

Hi Zol, did I say im in? if there's space, bit late to the party.
You're always welcome Simon :)

Okay folks, I've determined, through rigorous scientific study, what the weather will be like at Silverstone.

It will be 31st August 2021, in the height of the day; 1:00pm. It'll be clear to start, then hazy, heavy cloud, and back to clear to finish.

So there you go.
first race podium finishers should get slower car for second race
@Zolon32 I thought we kept the same car for the full meeting, then at the next meeting the car changes happen. If that is so, then the change to qualifying duration may not be required.
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I thought we kept the same car for the full meeting,
I think I can answer that (since I asked him the same question). The car change between races is only on the first meeting at Silverstone. After that it's 1 car per meeting, no swaps. So I presume the qualification would return for just the first 20 minute race again.
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Just to confirm, so I dont have to try and decipher many posts, will the main 1st original post include all current changes to the series?
count me as confirmed too if there's enough space.
You're in Joe (as in, you are in, not urine, which would just be taking the...)

So in the longer race that's about 37 minutes of grip and 12 minutes of not so much grip (if synced).
Is that for both races? Any time progression? Just the PC2 weather man in me interested. ☺
Honestly Paul, I can hardly determine any change in grip at all with these damn indestructible/won't-change-grip/can't-handle-rain tyres. Trying to introduce any sort of variation in their behaviour is driving me MAD!

Just to confirm, so I dont have to try and decipher many posts, will the main 1st original post include all current changes to the series?
Oh Simon, I feel your pain, honestly I do. I think that I've got a comprehensive overview in the OP, but it really wouldn't surprise me if not a word of it was true :confused:

I would suggest just putting in as many miles as you can in warm conditions around Silverstone in the Porsche, or any car you fancy, and I'll stick to what's written down in entry No 1.

While I'm on the subject of practice, I think I have found the Porsche to be significantly quicker in stable tune, than it is in loose. Rather surprisingly, it understeers less in stable, or is it just my imagination?
If your anything like me and need a short printable summary of the series to refer to, next to ya race wheel while practising. Its just taken from the 1st page post.
Hope thats ok Zol, if not feel free to delete it.


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If your anything like me and need a short printable summary of the series to refer to, next to ya race wheel while practising. Its just taken from the 1st page post.
Hope thats ok Zol, if not feel free to delete it.
No problem at all Simon, fill your boots, as they say. All I need now is a printer!

@half_sourly @IfAndOr @richroo @jammy21 @Hun200kmh @Saltyjoe90 @xeronima @beachboy6658 @Don Mejillone @John Wells @Maxmusmonster @Oldbass47 @Napalm_LT @RACECAR

The more eagle-eyed might have noticed that we don't have a scoring system for VGTA as yet. But now we do, 16 points for first place, 15 for second, etc. Tadaaa!

And, those who fancy reserving any particular livery for their campaign, please feel free to do so. I'll attach any such reservations to your name. The one exception is the yellow Nissan (I think it's number 84?). This is reserved for the person who's finishing positions have been the best through the championship, yellow jersey style. So, when you see the yellow Nissan, you know you're in good company.