Vice City Record Book v2


Screenshots required for unbelievable records

Main Records
Highest Criminal Rating

1. 425699 (Boss) - Acidman
2. 363622 (boss) - Spuds725
3. 319292 (Boss) - IntegraGS-R

Playing Time
1. 260 hours 30 minutes - IntegraGS-R
2. 230 hours 26 minutes - KieranMurphy
3. 225 hours 30 minutes - Acidman

People You've Wasted
1. 106049 - Acidman
2. 80843 - IntegraGS-R
3. 51748 - KieranMurphy

Road Vehicles Destroyed
1. 21081 - IntegraGS-R
2. 12801 - KieranMurphy
3. 11470 - space

Boats Destroyed
1. 1022 - KieranMurphy
2. 1006 - space
3. 411 - IntegraGS-R

Planes & Helicopter Destroyed
1. 3120 - Acidman
2. 1751 - Spuds725
3. 1142 - IntegraGS-R

Tires Popped with Gunfire
1. 3554 - IntegraGS-R
2. 3327 - Acidman
3. 2734 - KieranMurphy

Number of Headshots
1. 2346 - IntegraGS-R
2. 1210 - KieranMurphy
3. 407 - space

Gang Members Wasted
1. 10005 - KieranMurphy
2. 7149 - IntegraGS-R
3. 3934 - Space

Criminals Wasted
1. 32300 - IntegraGS-R
2. 30594 - KieranMurphy
3. 23901 - space

Kgs of explosives used
1. 63534 - Acidman
2. 39495 - IntegraGS-R
3. 14799 - space

1. 9036% - Shannon
2. 814% - IntegraGS-R
3. 115% - Acidman

Max Insane Jump Flips
1. 3 - vrmx
2. 3 - IntegraGS-R (with a rhino!)
3. 3 - Spuds725

Max Insane Jump Rotation
1. 2439° - Shannon
2. 2391° - IntegraGS-R
3. 2211° - KieranMurphy

Max Insane Jump Distance
1. 229 meters - IntegraGS-R
2. 210 meters - space
3. 208 meters - KieranMurphy

Max Insane Jump Height
1. 74 meters - Spuds725
2. 44 meters - IntegraGS-R
3. 31 meters - KieranMurphy

Longest Wheelie Time
1. 5458 seconds - Shraz
2. 666 seconds - Kieran Murphy
3. 349 seconds - IntegraGS-R

Longest Stoppie Time
1. 216 seconds - Kieran Murphy
2. 87 seconds - IntegraGS-R
3. 35 seconds - Acidman

Longest 2 Wheels Time
1. 142 seconds - Acidman
2. 42 seconds - Kieran Murphy
3. 4 seconds - IntegraGS-R

Vehicle Missions
Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission

1. 41370 - IntegraGS-R
2. 40049 - KieranMurphy
3. 31512 - space

Highest Vigilante Mission Level
1. Level 1685 - KieranMurphy
2. Level 1658 - IntegraGS-R
3. Level 1494 - space

Passengers Dropped Off
1. 160 - KieranMurphy
2. 139 - IntegraGS-R
3. 124 - RVDNuT374

Cash Made in Taxi
1. $147673.00 - KieranMurphy
3. $129336.00 - Viper_Maniac
3. $47350.00 - RVDNuT374

People Saved in Ambulance
1. 239 - IntegraGS-R
2. 113 - RVDNuT374
3. 96 - Viper_Maniac

Total Fires Extinguished
1. 334 - Viper_Maniac
2. 271 - KieranMurphy
3. 248 - IntegraGS-R

Fire Truck Mission Level
1. Level 25 - Viper_Maniac
1. Level 23 - vrmx
2. Level 16 - KieranMurphy

Pizzas Delivered
1. 151 - IntegraGS-R
2. 100 - Viper_Maniac
3. 93 - KieranMurphy

Ice Cream Sold
1. 285 - space
2. 104 - Viper_Maniac
3. 72 - KieranMurphy

Fastest Times
Fastest Time on "Alloy Wheels Of Steel"

1. 1:21 - DODGE the VIPER

Fastest Time on "The Driver"
1. 2:00 - vrmx

Fastest Time on RC Plane Race
1. 2:15 - Viper_Maniac

Fastest time on RC Car Race
1. 2:22 - Viper_Maniac

Fastest Time on RC Helicopter Pickup
1. 6:53 - IntegraGS-R

Fastest Time on "Terminal Velocity"
1. 0:46 - Viper_Maniac

Fastest Time on "Ocean Drive"
1. 0:59 - Viper_Maniac

Fastest Time on "Border Run"
1. 1:22 - Viper_Maniac

Fastest Time on "Capital Cruise"
1. 1:35 - vrmx

Fastest Time on "Tour"
1. 1:43 - IntegraGS-R

Fastest Time on "VC Endurance"
1. 4:27 - RVDNuT374

Fastest Time on Downtown Chopper Checkpoint
1. 2:03 - KieranMurphy

Fastest Time on Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint
1. 1:44 - IntegraGS-R

Fastest Time on Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint
1. 1:48 - IntegraGS-R

Fastest Time on Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint
1. 1:53 - IntegraGS-R

Fastest Time on "PCJ Playground"
1. 1:19 - KieranMurphy

Fastest Time on "Trial BY Dirt"
1. 1:55 - DODGE the VIPER

Fastest Time on "Test Track"
1. 2:11 - DODGE the VIPER

Fastest Time for "Cone Crazy"
1. 0:20 - IntegraGS-R

Fastest Time for Checkpoint Charlie
1. 2:02 - GrandTheftAudio

Hyman Stadium
Fastest Time in Dirtring

1. 5:01 - Acidman
2. 5:11 - IntegraGS-R
3. 5:46 - KieranMurphy

Fastest Time in Hotring
1. 3:15 - space
2. 3:18 - IntegraGS-R
3. 3:19 - Viper_Maniac

Fastest Lap in Hotring
1. 15:00 - IntegraGS-R
2. 15:00 - DODGE the VIPER
3. 15:00 - Viper_Maniac

Longest Time in Bloodring
1. 240 seconds - space
2. 120 seconds - KieranMurphy
3. 120 seconds - IntegraGS-R

Number of Bloodring Kills
1. 145 - space
2. 85 - IntegraGS-R
3. 54 - Kieran Murphy

Other Records
Flight Hours

1. 1:15 (Ace) - space
2. 0:58 (Ace) - Viper_Maniac
3. 0:52 (Ace) - KieranMurphy

Best Percentage of Hits for Shooter
1. 100% - Shannon
2. 92% - vrmx
3. 92% - KieranMurphy

Highest Score for Shooter
1. 95 - DODGE the VIPER
2. 94 - GrandTheftAudio
3. 88 - vrmx

Highest Score with Keepie-Uppy Beach Ball
1. 73 - Shannon
2. 19 - Viper_Maniac
3. 17 - IntegraGS-R

Seagulls Sniped
1. 263 - IntegraGS-R
2. 138 - Spuds725
3. 79 - Viper_Maniac

Highest Media Attention
1. 5527 (Stuff of Legends) - Acidman
2. 5023 (Stuff of Legends) - GrandTheftAudio
3. 4998 (Stuff of Legends) - IntegraGS-R

ok, if i left anything off let me know...

also, i added a few categories... insane dist, height, flight hours, and total time played
Criminal Rating = 263986 (capo)
Playing Time = 117 hours 33 minutes
Days Passed in Game = 479
Safehouse Visits = 238
People You've Wasted = 41907
People Wasted By Others = 2345
Road Vehicles Destroyed = 11470
Boats Destroyed = 1006
Planes and Helicopters Destroyed = 379
Tires Popped by Gunfire = 1737
Number of Headshots = 407
Gang Members Wasted = 3934
Criminals Wasted = 23901
Kgs of Explosives Used = 14799
Max Insane Jump Distance = 210 meters
Max Insane Jump Height = 29 meters
Max Insane Jump Flips = 2
Criminals Killed on Vigilante = 31512
Highest Vigilante Level = 1494
Fastest Hotring Time = 3:15
Fastest Hotring Lap = :15
Number of Bloodring Kills = 145
Highest Media Attention = 4905 (Stuff of Legends)

You need to fix my total people killed stat, Integra. the 42k was an estimate, actual total is 41907.
did some more mass murdering last night :D

People you've Wasted - 45017
Playing time - 151:05
Crminal rating - 150434 (underboss) when did you guys reach capo?

accuracy - 115%
flight hours - 0:41
seagulls sniped - 41
kg's of explosives used - 63534 - i like the rocket launcher :D
Playing time : 184:45

Insane jump distance : 147.00m

Insane jump height : 24.00m

Flight hours : 0:45

Seagulls sniped : 43

Bloodring time : 120 seconds

Bloodring kills : 38

Headshots : 600

My gang members wasted figure is about 7300 or so. I'll have to go get it.

Originally posted by IntegraGS-R
got to capo through all those vigilante missions... if my game didn't freeze i'd be well above spcace :)

nah, i mean like what number did you acheive capo at? 200,000?
yeah suppoedly, one guy said once that he used a gameshark or something to increase his criminal rating to like 999,999,999 and he was still at Don, but other prople say they get gaodfather at 500,000 so it's still a mystery
My new criminal rating : 251398
Criminals wasted : 14351
Road vehicles destroyed : 6801
Criminals killed on vigilante mission : 19246
Highest vigilante mission : 507
I'm not even going to try to beat any of those records. It would be a waste of time to try as many of you are too far ahead for me to catch. I'm only on there on a few records and I hope I can hold on to them.
You should add

Vigilante Missions (Up to lvl 12) completed the honest way. That means done with the fbi cheetah, cop car or FBI Rancher, not with the Hunter nor Rhino can you can put my name there.

Done with the Fbi Cheetah.:D
Acidman - where do you go for those insane jump rotations?

Tercel driver - i dont see anything wrong with using the hunter or the rhino, they're still police vehicles :) also, there would be no way to prove what vehicle you used... i think i got up to level twleve once with either the fbi washington or the rancher.. its quite a task to say the least...
The only records i can keep up with are the racing ones...I might have to go racing at the Sunshine Autos place to get my records back again...:mischievous:
I think it does, but only for really unbelievable records.
i guess i should post my updates too :)
CR: 255691
PT: 135:39
People You've Wasted: 40891
Road Vehicles Destroyed: 10602
Planed & Helicopters Destroyed: 598
Criminals Wasted: 15424
Criminals Killed on Vigilante Mission: 20710
Passengers Dropped off: 107
Cash made in taxi: $35612
Wow, you're slowly gaining on that people destroyed record eh Integ? ;)
Fastest time on 'Alloy Wheels of Steel': 1:49
Fastest time on 'The Driver': 2:03
Fastest time in Dirt Ring: 7:28
Fastest time on RC Plane Race: 2:47
Fastest time on RC Car Race: 2:30
Fastest time on RC Helicopter Pickup: 8:35
Fastest time on 'Terminal Velocity': 0:59
Fastest time on 'Ocean Drive': 1:02
Fastest time on 'Border Run': 1:39
Fastest time on 'Capital Cruise': 2:15
Fastest time on 'Tour!': 2:51
Fastest time on 'VC Endurance': 4:36
Fastest time on Downtown Chopper Checkpoint: 2:03
Fastest time on Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint: 1:56
Fastest time on Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint: 1:53
Fastest time on Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint: 2:00
Fastest time on 'PCJ Playground': 1:19
Fastest time on 'Trial By Dirt': 2:53
Fastest time on 'Test Track': 2:53
Fastest time on 'Cone Crazy' : 0:29
Fastest time on 'Checkpoint Charlie': 2:30

No one will ever beat the "only"record i hold!!! :)
[color=F0F0E9]Please don't beat it...[/color]
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
The only records i can keep up with are the racing ones...I might have to go racing at the Sunshine Autos place to get my records back again...:mischievous:

No don't do that. I might have to improve my times too then :D.

Though I have to be without my PS2 for a week or so :(...
Originally posted by IntegraGS-R
Acidman - where do you go for those insane jump rotations?

well it was kinda a fluke i only ever did it that once, i just flew off the fountain on prawn island with a PCJ 600 :D
Insane jump distance: 192
Insane jump height: 40

also.. space - i have been searching hi and low for a jump to beat your distance score.. i'm stumped.. i'm thinking maybe that really tall set of stairs by ammu-nation in downtown, but its hard to get there full speed with trafic and that swerve in the road.....