Vice City Record Book

  • Thread starter Shannon
hey shannon, i think we should add in longest insane jump distance, and height, along with the time played.. what does everyone else think?

EDIT: I've got some updates too..

Criminal Rating: Capo (239880)
People You've Wasted: 29635
Road Vehicles Destroyed: 8094
Criminals Wasted: 12711
Accuracy: 74%
Criminals Killed on Vigilante Mission: 16935
Highest Vigilante Mission: 830
Fastest Time on RC Car Race: 2:22
Max INSANE Jump Dist: 184 meters
Max INSANE Jump Height: 30 meters
Playing Time: 118:43
ok well my people wasted is now finally 40050, i'll try for another 2,000 today. You'll never get me space...........NEVER!!!! muhahahahaha :lol: :D :P

oh and some other updates:
Criminal Rating - 141961
Media attention - 5115 - now that's my record ;)
Headshots - 788
Playing Time - 142:55 plus 55 hours from my other save game that crapped out on me :D
Originally posted by space
Is that a new one for you, or was that what you got before your game froze?

its a new one.. but i have a story about it as well.... it was about 4 in the morning and i was at about level 800 and decided to get a snack.. upon returning from eating my snack i had planned on going to bed but decided to play to 900... on level 830 i was flying over that fenced in grassy area by the airport (i believe it had a hidden package in the corner hidden behind two of those 18wheeler trailers) anyway.. i was getting kinda tired and for some reason accidentally pressed triangle, fell into the grassy area, and the helicopter fell in the street.. i quicly ran up the stairs and leaped the fence only to find that my apache had dissappeared.. i proceeded to maim and kill as quickly as possible to attract the law, but alas my 60 seconds had run out and i was stuck with 830... i was planning to demolish your 1494 too:D .. another day i guess ... :P
Originally posted by space
If he was up to it, it would be cool to have all the stats in the record book, but that is a lot of work.

i agree.. but i dont think three more would be that bad.. maybe a moderator could help out with the updating?
well my final number for a little while is:

People You've Wasted - 42072

I don't know space, if i do have to take second place in that record, then i'm glad that it is someone that is just as physco as me :D :cheers:
Originally posted by IntegraGS-R
how do you get it so high? i'll maim and kill for hours and it barely goes over 2000...

well to tell you the truth i really don't know, i just use a lot of rockets to kill and by the time i get rid of my stars, it just gets higher..... that's all i can really tell ya.
hmmm... i went on a rampage for about 3-4 hours yesterday blowing up everything from people to tanks and it only went up to 2103 or something
Nah, I don't have a clue either...:| Maybe the more rockets you use, the more media attention??? I dunno...
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
Maybe the more rockets you use, the more media attention???

Nope, I used about 5000kgs of the stuff and it didnt budge.

My Media Attention has been at 3500 for about 40 hours or so. I couldn't raise it if my life depended on it.
hey shannon, did you forget about the record book, or was it too much work?? like i said before, maybe we could get some moderators to help out?? the competition makes the game a lot more fun... and i also like to know where i stand on certain things :)
Ok, some nice race times :D.
+few other...


  • stats.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 44
Whoa baby, I beat Murphy's 2 wheel time, check this out:
i also had to crop some of the picture off to reduce the size of it so i could post it :D


  • im000065.jpg
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everytime i go to the shooting range after it shows my score it says 0% for the hits... i dont understand..

edit: acidman, what's your secret for the two wheel time? do you use a van?
Originally posted by Acidman
Whoa baby, I beat Murphy's 2 wheel time, check this out:
i also had to crop some of the picture off to reduce the size of it so i could post it :D

Damn you to hell anyway man....

Originally posted by Acidman
Heh i'll never tell, but it's not what you think :D

i'll make a deal with you.. enable me to do long two wheel thingies and if i beat your media attention record, it'll be our little secret (so you can keep your record ) :D