Video Game Music - Post your favourites!Music 

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NHL '94 had great intro and menu music, this was back when EA actually used to be good. Before the dark times. Before the deaths of Westwood Studios and Maxis. Before the empire.

Another 16 bit game, this one is relatively obscure, and made by the infamous LJN that gamers used to avoid back then, but it had some groovy tunes.

Spider-Man's Theme

Cyclops's Theme

Wolverine's Theme (this one is a bit creepy, in the game there were also laughing clowns trying to annoy Wolverine :lol:)
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Ori and the Blind Forest
Usually, I consider it a bit lazy when a composer bases the bulk of their pieces on a single melody, but when said melody is pure gold, and accompanied by such a great selection of instruments, I can't help but throw that criticism out the window.
Tracks of interest:
-Escaping the Ruins
-Felling Kuro
-Light of Nibel
Naru, Embracing the Light
-Riding the Winds

Metroid Prime
It has a distinct sound to it that nothing else has properly captured since, not even the sequels.
Tracks of Interest:
-Chozo Ruins
-Hive Mecha Incinerator Drone Boss Theme
-Main Title Theme
-Phendrana Drifts
-Talon Overworld (Version 2)

MotorStorm and MotorStorm Pacific Rift
Basically the foundation for my current taste in music. Lots of great Metal, Rock and Electronic tracks between them.
Tracks of Interest:
-Black Sun Empire & State Of Mind - Red Velvet (VIP Mix)
-Bullets & Octane - I Ain't Your Saviour
-David Bowie - Queen B****
-Kings of Leon - Spiral Staircase
-Lalula - Supa Bajo (Instrumental)
-Pendulum - Slam
-Slipknot - Before I Forget
-South Central - Golden Dawn

The Crew
One thing that tends to go unappreciated about The Crew is its interesting orchestral soundtrack, one that has been unfortunately trashed with the sequel.
Tracks of Interest:
-LA Inked

Thunder Force 3
A game that's basically been lost to the sands of time, it has a select number of tracks that really do deserve more recognition in the world of retro gaming.
Tracks of Interest:
-Stage 1 Boss
-Stage 1, Hydra
-Stage 2 Boss
-Stage 2, Gorgon
-Stage 4 Boss

And lastly, some noteworthy singles:
Battletoads Double Dragon - Menu Theme
Call of Cthulhu - Innsmouth Town Square
Call of Duty 5: World at War - Black Cats
Dark Souls 3 - Ludex Gundyr
Doom 2016 - BFG Division
Driveclub - All Torque (Raffertie Remix)
Endless Space 2 - Immaterial Breath
F-Zero GX - For the Glory
F-Zero GX - Night of Big Blue
F-Zero GX - Planet Colors
Eve Online Jukebox - Safe Trading Routes
Eve Online Jukebox - Surplus of Rare Artifacts
Halo Reach - Overture
Killing Floor 2 - No Rest for Anyone
Killzone 2 - Fighting the A.T.A.C.
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Green Eye
Monster Hunter Frontier - Shantien Theme
NFS Hot Pursuit 2 - Going Down on it (Hot Action Cop)
Rayman Hoodlum Havoc - Hoodoo Sorcerer
Remnant from the Ashes - Main Menu Theme
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - Corridor of Death
Star Wars, Jedi Fallen Order - Black Thunder (The Hu)
Super Smash Bros. Melee - Fountain of Dreams
Terminator Resistance - Main Menu Theme
Twisted Metal: Head On - Main Menu Theme
Zelda, Link to the Past - Dark World
Little Big Planet.

Ahh, that brings back good memories of making funny machines in LBP with my nephew. 👍 We also made a working trebuchet if I recall correctly.

Found some badass Zelda song covers.

Dark World - A Link to the Past

Deku Palace - Majora's Mask

Saria's Song / Lost Woods Theme - Ocarina of Time
There is some amazing music in RDR2. Even the campfire folk songs are great.

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Been listening to the Emperor: Battle for Dune soundtrack lately. This is a relatively unknown RTS game from Westwood Studios, a bit of a hidden jewel. The tracks I'm posting were composed by Jarrid Mendelson and David Arkenstone, for House Ordos and House Harkonnen, respectively. I can't believe I haven't posted these yet. :lol:

Failure is not an option. That is the imperative.

Not an Option

The Strategist

For the Baron!

House Harkonnen

Harkonnen Force

Tribute to Evil

If you liked these, be sure to look up the rest of the soundtrack, ALL of them are this awesome. :D
Got an upgrade for my Switch's memory card and went back to reinstall a bunch of games I hadn't played in a long time, and it reminded me that Nintendo has developed an interesting policy for Zelda side games:

1: Take an existing game,
2: Put Zelda characters in it,
3: Turn the soundtrack up to 11 and break the knob off.

Never played any Elder Scrolls games until last year, been missing out a bit. :lol:

Skywind seems like a promising Skyrim mod:

Wow a whole year bump. Guess that's what using the search function gets you.

Anyway, I have a guilty pleasure. The DRIV3R main theme:

It just has that very moody feel.