Video Games You Currently Want?

Cruis'n Exotica (N64).
I could be wrong, but I think I played the arcade version of it at Chuck E. Cheese's over 20 years ago and it fascinated me as a kid. Upon getting the GBC version of the game just recently and liking it, it was only natural I would eventually take an interest in the game once again. However, upon researching the arcade version, I learned it cannot be emulated too well and there's no way on Earth I am buying the arcade cabinet! This brings me to the N64 version, which to my knowledge is more or less the same game on a different console with some small changes here and there. I feel like this might be the best way I can experience the game again without having access to the arcade cabinet. Thing is, I don't even have an N64, but I am starting to want one because of this.

Cruis'n USA (N64).
Kind of the same as above, however, I think it can be emulated a lot better. Still, I personally would feel better just getting the N64 version.
More games I could name:
Wreckfest 2
. The first game was easily one of the best racing games I played in years and with the sequel being announced just yesterday, you can imagine why I would already want this one. No idea when it's coming out, but I intend to get it ASAP!
ExoCross. Saw something about this recently and it looks pretty interesting.
World of Outlaws Dirt Racing. Being a huge fan of dirt racing and having an interest in iRacing, you say this game interests me.

Gameboy Color/Gameboy Advance.
Shantae. Saw some footage of the game a while back and being a fan of platformers, this one just tickles my interest a bit and looks fun. However, it costs a pretty penny for some reason and I don't know if I'll be able to get this game. 😕
This is more of a wish list than anything. But I’d like to see more classic NES and SNES games redone. Before I go on I’ll explain how they’d need to be done and that can be accomplished with one single title. SKY FORCE RELOADED. What a great game. They didn’t go too crazy trying to reinvent the wheel. It’s a lot like 1942 or Tiger Heli but it’s own thing.

I’d like to see that type of thing done with Guerilla War, TMNT 2, Jackal, River City Ransom, Double Dragon, Contra (new one is a bit pricey, I’ll buy it when it goes on sale) and Tecmo Bowl or Ice Hockey/Blades of Steel.

I know we got shredders revenge and it’s great but the idea is updated graphics. We could really use a good Karting game, CTR is good but they dropped the ball by not making it possible to do cups championships via internet, it’s couch coop only.
This is more of a wish list than anything. But I’d like to see more classic NES and SNES games redone. Before I go on I’ll explain how they’d need to be done and that can be accomplished with one single title. SKY FORCE RELOADED. What a great game. They didn’t go too crazy trying to reinvent the wheel. It’s a lot like 1942 or Tiger Heli but it’s own thing.

I’d like to see that type of thing done with Guerilla War, TMNT 2, Jackal, River City Ransom, Double Dragon, Contra (new one is a bit pricey, I’ll buy it when it goes on sale) and Tecmo Bowl or Ice Hockey/Blades of Steel.

I know we got shredders revenge and it’s great but the idea is updated graphics. We could really use a good Karting game, CTR is good but they dropped the ball by not making it possible to do cups championships via internet, it’s couch coop only.
Sorry, but this is not really the thread for that sort of thing. Although I didn't explicitly say it in the OP, this thread is intended for games that are either already out or were recently announced.

This thread however would be a great place to post about what you just mentioned though. :)
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Lately, I've had interest in playing CAPCOM vs SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001. I was watching a video about the different Grooves you can give a fighter in that game. I am somewhat familiar with Grooves when I had certain characters I downloaded for the PC fighting game engine, MUGEN. The Groove system can provide an interesting blend of strategy. I also just want to get more SNK fighting game experience outside of all of my CAPCOM experience. It's supposed to hit Steam as part of CAPCOM Fighting Collection 2 to be released in 2025.
I don't think I want the remaster of Horizon: Zero Dawn (for PC).
Update: And the save data from my original Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete Edition in Steam were wiped out!
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Some PC games I've wanted lately:
Test Drive 5 and Test Drive Offroad 2. Two of my favorite racing games on PS1 for many years and seeing how much better the PC version of Test Drive 5 looks and runs, you can imagine why I want it. Can't find much on Test Drive Offroad 2, but I still want anyway since it's very fun. Fortunately, theirs a two pack out there that has both, so that'll totally do for me! :D
NASCAR Legends. Being a big fan of Papyrus and its NASCAR titles and seeing how it centers around vintage NASCAR racing, this one is easily one I know I will enjoy.
NASCAR 2000. Grew up with this game on PS1 and love it, so naturally I am wanting to see how this one is too. I have noticed theirs a double pack that has this game and one other, I am hoping to that one just so I'll have another NASCAR game to play with it.
NASCAR Road Racing. Saw footage of it and liked what I was seeing, so now I am wanting to play that one too. :lol:

I couldn't get into Valhalla (fighting for the wrong side, don't want to be a Viking) and no Fallout London on console, so this might scratch an itch for a British open(ish) world game.
Eagerly waiting for Path of Exile 2, but until then playing my Diablo 2 Hardcore Aura only Paladin.
If only I would finally find the missing runes :/
In terms of old games, I’d love Mobil Rally Championship and to have it on a PC that actually plays it properly. The 30 minute, Ordinance Survey stages, the massive selection of late 1990s British and World Rally Championship cars, the shopping trolley physics, all of it. I remember this game so fondly and although the PlayStation version plays and looks like a slightly rougher version of the same, there was so much extra depth to the stages in the PC version. More to the point, I remember all those rallies so fondly - the Ulster with its bumpy country lanes splashing through puddles, the Pirelli up in Kielder Forest, the Manx at the end of the season. I’m probably more motivated at the moment by revisiting old games that I am by new ones. New games are great, but they’re boring me. Give me an old battle scarred Windows 98 PC and give me old stuff any day.
An official English translation of Saga 1-3. Also Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Saturn, to finish up my 5200 and 7800 collections, and maybe an arcade perfect Virtual On: Operation Moongate.
As of right now:

Currently available:
  1. Stellar Blade (PS5)
  2. Tekken 8 (PS5)

  1. Tokyo Xtreme Racer (PC)
Some PS1 games that have been on my mind lately are:
Gran Turismo 2 (PAL). Although I already have the NTSC version of the game, I still want this version since it has different music (which I am a very big fan of) different intro, and some cars that aren't in the NTSC version by default. These things alone I think would offer an experience different enough from the NTSC version to make it worth playing.
Robbit Mon Dieu. Being a fan of Jumping Flash!, I of course have been wanting to get the sequels for this game, this being the 3rd entry in the series. Going to be a challenge getting this one simply it was never released outside of Japan, but I met someone back in September who sold a lot of imported games and I have hope I might meet him again and find this game since he had a lot of Japanese stuff.
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I'm currently waiting on Konami Arcade something or other for GBA, Choplifter 2 for Game Boy, and Forbidden Siren 2 to arrive in the mail.