Vintage & Later Model 2 Speed Traffic-Honda s500 & s2000- wins - Cobrius & Aceboy127!

Hey, just realised I haven't announced my will be shocked to I will be sporting my now traditional raspberry red pearl. You will be to know, that I have not been able to.get below 1.40.4xx. Will try & get in early as desperately in need of practice!
Great event again Watermelon. :cheers: It's great to see it only differs a few seconds after nearly 1 hours racing.
It was harder than I thought to get past the s500's, I hope I didn't force anyone off track.
I opted for smoothe driving, knowing I couldn't match cobrius´speed, and tried to preserve tires and pit only once. Apart from a weird incident on one of the first laps, where I suddenly felt my tires lost all grip and I ended of track, I didnt loose much time though, until the final 3-5 laps of each stint. During which I lost maybe 4-5 secs to cobrius, who must be really good at preserving tires..:)
Great event watermelon, hope you´ll create more of this kind when you return from your holliday!
Very enjoyable race this evening. I thought this was taking place over the weekend, so I didn't have time to work on a setup. I struggled with a lot of oversteer, both on and off the power.

Good car combination, and one I would like to do again.
Yes, this was more difficult than the Civics race for me!
I had planned to use the s500, so I was not practiced enough with the s2000, particularly regarding tire wear.

No one has lodged any formal complaints, so I posted the results, though I haven't reviewed the entire race (as much as I want to & plan to)... about 8 laps in I accidentally hit exit! :ouch: (I really wish there was fast-forward & rewind!!!)

So the only contact incidents I know about are the ones I was involved in, and neither case caused anyone to have their race effected for the worse. Tiger had a bit of mishap & tapped me toward the end of the race, but there was no way I was going to catch up that late in the day anyway, even without a tad of damage, and it caused him more grief than myself. In the other case, I think I may have caused an incident with Ace - not sure didn't get to see the replay... but in that case, he won his class anyway, and I lost mine, so I don't think the incident is worth troubling over.

@ ID_Racing - I'd notice that which you mention... and I was at a loss when it happened, as I wasn't sure why your car got unsettled at that moment. At the time I was thinking perhaps you'd gotten distracted by something IRL. haha. (Sometimes that happens to me!!)

I think sometimes there are slight moments of lag, which make things not synch up. For example, after the race, we had a short race with AOK, myself & Aceboy127 in the s500s. At one point in the race, I was behind those 2, and suddenly their cars jumped to change positions in an odd way. And somehow I was able to get ahead of both of them, because they both became quite slow - I assume they must've experienced something odd from their perspectives.

@ Cobrius... I agree, it was FAR MORE DIFFICULT to pass the s500s than one would imagine it should have been!! I'm glad to learn it was not just me.

On both times now I have been in a 2-speed traffic race, in the faster model, I have been surprised that it is NOT as easy to pass the slower cars as one might think!

And particularly in this race, I noticed that on certain parts of the track, the s2000 was NOT a great deal faster than the s500. In certain parts of the track, I often felt like I had to struggle to complete a pass on an s500, and then be very diligent to make a gap between us, as the s500 just passed, would be getting a bit of draft I think, and was actually quite agile in certain parts of the track.

Very different than the race in the Civics at Deep Forest, where there were more straight lines where sheer HP & torque difference made passing a bit more sure-footed at various points in the track.

And yes, I will definitely plan more of these when holidays are past.

I'm looking forward to trying other car pairs and various tracks.

Perhaps a track I'm better with, as I realize now how much I didn't know about the good lines on Autumn Ring. On the up side, I believe this race has made clear to me how better to navigate this track.
To be honest, I was too busy trying to control my own car at the time to really see what was happening with yours. :lol:
I was annoyed with myself because I could have potentially taken it a bit easier through that section & completely avoided you, no matter what type of magnitude of oversteer commandeered your car!
The temptation to keep on truckin' sometimes gets the best of me!! Particularly when I'm behind. It must be a psychological effect - in the heat of the race.
I really think falling behind has the effect of making one slower because of rushing. I see this happen to others. But of course it's easier to see when someone else is doing it, and very difficult to recognize oneself doing the same thing.
just another remark; I think the s500 drivers did a great job on track, I especially noticed cc570 defending his line very well - not easy to pass him at all! I hope I didnt hit you during passing on one of the last laps, my tires were almost gone and I went more wide in the corners than I wanted too! :)
just another remark; I think the s500 drivers did a great job on track, I especially noticed cc570 defending his line very well - not easy to pass him at all!

I agree! cc570 becomes more difficult to pass with each race we participate together! Apparently even when I'm in a faster car.
Last 2-speed race, cc570 was in the faster car, and it seems he does pretty well in either situation, with passing, defending, and general racing etiquette.

I have always found it difficult to pass jackargent. I guess we all have our nemesis rivals, and jackargent is mine - even in a different class! haha Though I have to remark that I was disappointed to be in a different class, and not to have my usual battles for position with jackargent. haha.

I really think that with future races, when summer comes to a close, we will have a larger participation (what with people being stuck indoors more! lol), and it could get very interesting with a pile of cars on a shorter track. ;)

And though the next race will probably not take place until September... It's never to early to start pushing for your favourite car pairs & tracks. :lol: :D

I've been keeping a list of potentials here:

There may be others, so let me know so I can take a look at the cars.
The general outline of the choosing is this:

vintage model & late model of same model car.
vintage model & late model of same manufacturer.
OR possibly
vintage model & late model from the same country/nation

I am considering low hp race cars as well. (Such as Honda s800 race car.)

And I'm trying to dial in the 80s Celica somehow... So if anyone has an idea of how to pair that one up, I'm open to suggestions. (I'm itching to race Celicas. :D)

We're staying in the lower hp range with this series. IE: the faster car topping out at about 350hp maximum (upgraded). So I'm only choosing car pairs where the later model would be ballpark 300hp or LESS in unmodified stock condition.
Little leeway there of course, if it's a tad over 300hp - but basically staying away from cars that are 400hp & such.

The reason is that as the organizer, I'm more familiar with the lower hp road cars & vintage cars, as they are my favourites in the game!

But also, WSCC is planning several 2-speed races that many of us would also be interested in, and they will likely involve more modern & higher hp cars, some vintage & later models of higher hp cars (such as Mercedes), and probably involving some GTs or race cars.

I highly recommend checking out the WSCC to those who haven't already: