Violence vs. Sex in Movies

  • Thread starter Danoff
I'm going to break this one down....

I think sex deserves a higher rating than violence. I mean, you see violence on the street all the time, and on the news etc., but sex is somehow more "dirty" and bad.

Sex is dirtier than violence? You'd have sex with your girlfriend but you wouldn't beat her... You wouldn't have any ethical issue with married people having sex but I'll bet you think that murder is pretty "dirty" and "bad". Just because violence is more prevelant on television doesn't make it less dirty.

I mean, I don't care, given a choice I'd put NO censorship on sex, but hey, little kids can't be exposed to that sort of stuff.

This part is contradictory.
Just because violence is more prevelant on television doesn't make it less dirty.

Yes it does. We know the difference between the violence in the movies and the violence we see on the street. And we get desensitised to violence in movies by the amount that is screened. That makes it less 'dirty' in my book. I wouldnt call violence dirty in the first place however. How did the cattle end up as the food on your plate? Without violence we would all be self rightous veggies bleating on about how bad violence is.
Then why don't we know the difference between the sex we see in the movies and the sex we might see in the street? If more sex was screened, would that make it less dirty?

There's no logical difference. It's just a matter of what has become. It could easily have become something different, and it might well have been more healthy.
Then why don't we know the difference between the sex we see in the movies and the sex we might see in the street?

we dont?...speak for yourself....

the main difference between sex and violence is that sex is usually performed behind closed doors and is a private affair...violence on the other hand is frequently used as a vehicle to show others a warning not to mess with you...

sex is dirty...thats a fact and i dont dispute it in fact the dirtier the better for most people...few get turned on by the missionary position every night of their lives....violence is different beacuse it doesnt discriminate against effects children and adults directly and although i dont advocate the use of excessive violence in the movies i feel that children today know the difference between domestic violence in the home and fantasy violence on the TV.
sex is dirty

No it's not. I'll grant that it's very personal, but lots of stuff is personal and not dirty. For example, my yearly income figure is personal and not dirty.

Sex (between humans) is natural, desired by civilized society, and healthy. Violence (between humans) is natural, frowned upon by civilized society and unhealthy. I don't know how you can call violence clean and sex dirty. It certainly looks like it's the other way around to me.
Hold up Danoff....your getting off topic, this is about sex/violence in movies. Your building your arguement on real life alone and also upon the false presumption that i think violence is clean...lets throw these both out the window because they are irrelevant and lets get back on topic...

sex in dirty....i have never seen a detailed sex scene that involves a loving and committed healthy relationship between two concenting adults....if there are any then they are surely out numbered by the amount of exta-marital affairs, one night stands and casual sex....this is dirty (by your definition)....

the bottom line is this:

do i let my 10 year old kids watch the lotr of do i let them watch two women going for it in the back of a cab with close ups of their faces (if not thier pusies) ?
sex in dirty....i have never seen a detailed sex scene that involves a loving and committed healthy relationship between two concenting adults....if there are any then they are surely out numbered by the amount of exta-marital affairs, one night stands and casual sex....this is dirty (by your definition)....

No, it's not the sex it's the connotation. The act of sex is still pure and natural, but the context is dirty. You can't brand all movies like that anyway. This discussion, however, is beside the point. I'm not advocating that the restrictions on showing act of sex be relaxed. I'm advocating that the ratings based on showing the act of violence be more harsh... and that parents take heed.

do i let my 10 year old kids watch the lotr of do i let them watch two women going for it in the back of a cab with close ups of their faces (if not thier pusies) ?

I would say that lotr should be allowed before girl on girl action. But I wouldn't recommend lotr (especially rotk) for 10 year olds.
here in Australia our rating system is better (in my opinion) because instead of 13 they have a 15 yr cuttoff. We have G, general exibition. PG, parental guidance (stuff like peter-pan which has low level violence) M15+ which is what the majority of films are such as Fast and The Furious, Bond films most Hollywood films, except its only recommended for 15 yr olds which means 13-14 maybe even 12 yr olds can see it without a parent and ****. Then there's MA which is strictly 15+ or you have to be with an 18 yr old. Finally there's R18+, self explanatory.
But I wouldn't recommend lotr (especially rotk) for 10 year olds.

i agree...i wouldnt reccomend it either but if they wanted to watch it really badly, i might let them as long as i were there with them...

i think the rating system (here its enforced by he Video Standards Council) should not be law but serve only as a guideline and the choice should ultimately be left with the parents except when viewing is at a cinema where i would advise adult supervision.

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