VR Thread

  • Thread starter crowhop
I've always hated the lock to Horizon setting, it looks so stupid to me seeing the world not moving at all but the cockpit moving a lot. Makes it feel like you are just floating along the road with someone holding a cardboard cutout of a cockpit and shaking it around.

Personally I find that I filter out the movements/vibrations like I would in real life, they are just there in my peripherals to give more feedback on what the car is doing.
I tried bumping up the G forces to the max but I felt sick after a while. Also the wheel would move towards me far too artificially when braking hard (after all there are seatbelts). The default settings are fine to me (and world movement is 0).
For now I've left the shaking enabled, partly because I don't see it happen that often.

Project CARS is a must have for someone with a VR setup.
I've been tinkering with my settings some more and realized I had more headroom than I thought.

UPDATED Settings (a constant WIP):
SS at 1.3
Texture Res HIGH
Aniso at 16x
V-Sync OFF
MSAA Medium
Reflections HIGH
Environment Map HIGH
Car Detail HIGH
Track Detail HIGH
Pit Crew Detail ALL
Shadow Detail HIGH
Enhanced Mirror YES
Motion Blur OFF (***I don't think this has any effect at all in VR; I've tried all the settings in attempt to add Sense of Speed)
Enhanced Mirror YES
Detail Grass OFF
Particle Level HIGH
Particle Density HIGH

Post Processing OFF
Exterior Sun Flare SUBTLE
Interior Sun Flare SUBTLE
Bloom OFF
Heat Haze OFF
Exposure Comp 1.0
Rain Drops YES
Vignette NO
Crepuscular Rays NO
Screen Dirt YES
Cockpit Mirrors ON
  • Occasionally dip into ASW in extreme instances (full grid at start in a thunderstorm). Otherwise I maintain 90fps locked, verified with Debug Tool.
  • These settings work with SS at 1.4 and stay at the 90fps most of the time. But as @TommySalami also stated, I can't tell the difference between 1.4 and 1.3 SS. I would rather that spare bit of processing headroom help keep fps locked at 90.
  • I can run with Grass on LOW, but I'd rather not even waste the juice on grass. I'd rather those resources be used elsewhere.
  • There is a substantial difference in Shadow quality from LOW to MEDIUM and another bump from MEDIUM to HIGH. Shadows cost a lot of performance, but I think they're worth it.

I'm guessing some of you with even better CPUs than I have can run higher settings than you have been using. If I can do it, surely you can too.
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My settings are similar to yours except...

I'm using SS 1.4
Car Detail: Ultra
Enhanced Mirrors OFF
Detailed Grass: High
Shadow Detail: Low

I ran a performance test in a thunder storm with 25 cars and it was terrible. Normal whether it's pretty solid 90.

I'll follow you and turn grass down even though I love the grass. I tried Shadow High and Ultra and it always looks the same to me so I set it to Low and I don't see any difference.

If you're able to play in thunderstorms then I think I'll go with your settings.

Is there any way to just get a simple fps value instead of that huge Performance graphic from Oculus Debug tool?

My settings are similar to yours except...

I'm using SS 1.4
Car Detail: Ultra
Enhanced Mirrors OFF
Detailed Grass: High
Shadow Detail: Low

I ran a performance test in a thunder storm with 25 cars and it was terrible. Normal whether it's pretty solid 90.

I'll follow you and turn grass down even though I love the grass. I tried Shadow High and Ultra and it always looks the same to me so I set it to Low and I don't see any difference.

If you're able to play in thunderstorms then I think I'll go with your settings.

Is there any way to just get a simple fps value instead of that huge Performance graphic from Oculus Debug tool?
For me the difference in shadows from LOW to MEDIUM was stark. From MEDIUM to HIGH wasn't so much in clarity, though they do look generally sharper, but in volume and dynamics. The shadows on LOW are more or less fixed and there weren't many of them. On MEDIUM there were a fair bit more and they moved a little with the time of day. On HIGH there more still and they seem to be fully dynamic, changing with the time of day.

This is best illustrated at Zolder in the late afternoon. On HIGH, the Windmill blades cast shadows onto the track that move as the blades rotate. I found this nuance to be too good to pass up. I wasn't getting that level of detail on LOW or MEDIUM. Daytona and Texas seem to be tracks where Shadows make a difference for me as well.

I have tried Car Detail on ULTRA. I can't tell the difference between it and HIGH.

I love the grass too, really. I need to benchmark it with Grass on LOW. It does look kinda weird without Grass at all. It looks like all the grass is freshly cut without any detail.

The only way to view live FPS is through Debug or Tray Tool. You can also turn FPS display on in Steam, but it will only show on screen you're mirroring to. You could perhaps have someone there by you reading out the FPS values as you drive, benchmarking the settings.
Have seen this on the Oculus reddit before and used it to judge which settings I want at high and which at low, based on performance and personal preference.

Have seen this on the Oculus reddit before and used it to judge which settings I want at high and which at low, based on performance and personal preference.

Dude, this is invaluable info. Thanks!

Did you SEE the difference with Motion Blur ON or OFF? I tested and couldn't really tell one way or the other. Will definitely set that to ON going forward. I'll change the resolution of the screen mirror, too.
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Dude, this is invaluable info. Thanks!

Did you SEE the difference with Motion Blur ON or OFF? I tested and couldn't really tell one way or the other. Will definitely set that to ON going forward. I'll change the resolution of the screen mirror, too.
Yeah, I’m surprised about the resolution the most. I’ve been too lazy(not enough time) to test it myself using the debug tool, but if you have time to confirm that would be neat. I set it to 1366x768 just in case it really is that impactful anyway.
Yeah, I’m surprised about the resolution the most. I’ve been too lazy(not enough time) to test it myself using the debug tool, but if you have time to confirm that would be neat. I set it to 1366x768 just in case it really is that impactful anyway.

I tried setting the resolution down below 1080p but then the menus looked blurry. Not worth it for me. I thought it only applied to the mirrored resolution but it seems to affect the menus. I could be wrong. I only tried once.
I tried setting the resolution down below 1080p but then the menus looked blurry. Not worth it for me. I thought it only applied to the mirrored resolution but it seems to affect the menus. I could be wrong. I only tried once.
Yes it lowers menu resolution for some strange reason.

Tested performance in-game makes absolutely no difference in render timings of either the CPU or GPU and I tried lowering it from 1080p all the way down to 1024x768.
Question for you guys. Do you also get this random frame pop-in once in a while? Sometimes it’s white, sometimes not, but seems to happen almost every lap for me and at random times. ITs really annoying and I’m not sure if it’s my settings my or the game bug.
Question for you guys. Do you also get this random frame pop-in once in a while? Sometimes it’s white, sometimes not, but seems to happen almost every lap for me and at random times. ITs really annoying and I’m not sure if it’s my settings my or the game bug.
From the little I played I did have a glitch like that which looked like a white full frame glitch but not often.
Question for you guys. Do you also get this random frame pop-in once in a while? Sometimes it’s white, sometimes not, but seems to happen almost every lap for me and at random times. ITs really annoying and I’m not sure if it’s my settings my or the game bug.
When I first got the game I would get loads of pop-in. Trees would suddenly appear, grandstands would suddenly appear, random white outs, blinking textures, rain puddles would suddenly appear..etc. Dropping MSAA from High to Medium made all the difference for me.
When I first got the game I would get loads of pop-in. Trees would suddenly appear, grandstands would suddenly appear, random white outs, blinking textures, rain puddles would suddenly appear..etc. Dropping MSAA from High to Medium made all the difference for me.
I'm running MSAA at Low. Hm...so it could be tied to settings then. I'm still hoping it's some sort of a bug that will be fixed eventually.
Question for you guys. Do you also get this random frame pop-in once in a while? Sometimes it’s white, sometimes not, but seems to happen almost every lap for me and at random times. ITs really annoying and I’m not sure if it’s my settings my or the game bug.
Yeah I get this. It looks white but really I think it's just showing the outside world, because sometimes I notice some other objects that look like signs or background objects. It happens too quickly to identify things though. No idea what it's tied to
Question for you guys. Do you also get this random frame pop-in once in a while? Sometimes it’s white, sometimes not, but seems to happen almost every lap for me and at random times. ITs really annoying and I’m not sure if it’s my settings my or the game bug.

It's not a white frame for me but occasionally I get some weird frame.

But the worst is when I'm online. Everything is fine and then I'll suddenly get a huge .... not stutter...worse....like a hiccup....and I'll lose control of the car for a second. It's probably an issue on my system where something is stealing focus.
It's not a white frame for me but occasionally I get some weird frame.

But the worst is when I'm online. Everything is fine and then I'll suddenly get a huge .... not stutter...worse....like a hiccup....and I'll lose control of the car for a second. It's probably an issue on my system where something is stealing focus.

There's an issue online where you get a short hiccup when someone joins the race


Click on the image to enlarge. I feel like they didn't test in the rain.

Has anyone tried disabling ASW?
I personally prefer my supersampling on 1.5 for a less 'pixelly' look, even if that means the ASW kicking in most of the time.
(GTX 1070)
Last night I tried out SMAA on ULTRA (MSAA set to OFF). The texture resolution in the distance is slightly worse and seemingly more glitchy with SMAA on ULTRA compared to MSAA on MEDIUM. This was especially noticeable while racing at Long Beach when looking at the fences in the distance.

I personally prefer my supersampling on 1.5 for a less 'pixelly' look, even if that means the ASW kicking in most of the time.
(GTX 1070)
I've tried it with ASW locked on at 45fp and I've tried it disabled...I cannot discern the difference when playing. That being said, I also cannot discern the difference between SS at 1.3 (my latest setting) and 1.5.
Post your questions, tips, hints, helps and settings. Hopefully this can become a one-stop shop for the best possible VR experience in pc2. I'll update this post with pertinent helps.

I have a question...

What effect does the in-game FOV Setting have in VR? I cannot discern one, really.
In Helmet Cam, if you drop the FOV number below 89 the helmet visor will appear (if you have it set to ON). Otherwise, I can't tell a difference in setting it to 36 or 120.

My VR System
i7 4790k OC to 4.5
16gb RAM
Rift CV1

Are there significant differences in Console vs. PC in terms of VR experience, setup and troubleshooting? Should there be two different threads Console vs PC re: VR? Thanks for getting this one going.........:cheers:
Are there significant differences in Console vs. PC in terms of VR experience, setup and troubleshooting? Should there be two different threads Console vs PC re: VR? Thanks for getting this one going.........:cheers:
I thought VR was exclusive to pc for Project CARS 2, no?
Playing Project CARS 2 in the Rift without Oculus Home opening or running in the background

  1. RIGHT CLICK the Oculus icon on your desktop
  3. Go to the COMPATIBILITY tab
  4. Click the "RUN THIS PROGRAM AS AN ADMINISTRATOR" located at the bottom of the window
  5. Click APPLY then OK to exit
  6. Go to the Project CARS 2 icon on your desktop
  8. Go to the WEB DOCUMENT tab
  9. In the URL field, enter this: "steam://launch/378860/othervr"
  10. Click APPLY then OK to exit