VRR TAG Heuer Endurance Championship [PS4]--Season Finale on April 14th at Interlagos

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Not needed with how a loss of 10 HP absolutly obliterates any speed the Porsche has.

We shall see sir, for real this time. It would be nice if we are similar in pace, want to get some battles in.
Any chance of a practice lobby somewhere this week? I would like to verify my BOP setting as I cannot select the specified numbers.
I ran a 15.7 with it on my 4th lap. Only car I’ve drivenfaster than that is my Ferrari wth easily 500 laps there.

...but you're Soullock! :lol:

There is time to be gained with it, for sure. I'm not sure whether that's due to my setup, me driving on a controller, or me being an Average Joe. I'm definitely going to keep tweaking it up until the race. Maybe I'm driving too conservatively, maybe it's the classic "Wheel Vs. Controller", who knows.

All I know is, at the moment, I ain't quick! :lol:
Tentatively confirming for tonight. Hopefully I won't get too distracted by my dog being with me in my bedroom during the race.
Guys what is the percentage ratio for AMG-GT - hp / weight ? 93 /98?
The settings for Mercedes didn't change. Bathurst settings apply for Merc.
What’s the aero push and how/who does it effect? First time in new lobby and was hearing about this.

Also, screw that refuelling glitch. Didn’t impact me as bad as some, but I would have rather had more on my pit stop than I ended up with.
What’s the aero push and how/who does it effect? First time in new lobby and was hearing about this.

Also, screw that refuelling glitch. Didn’t impact me as bad as some, but I would have rather had more on my pit stop than I ended up with.
Following a car, you'll understeer because you're running in disturbed air.
I'm interested in participating in this series, and I'd like to reserve a Ferrari with the number 526. I would like to run under my own team No Regrets Racing with Summit Racing Equipment as my Sponsor.
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I'm interested in participating in this series, and I'd like to reserve a Ferrari with the number 526.
You'll still need to fill out the rest of the registration requirements.