Originally posted by T13R
I seriously hope you are just pushing me on this manner to get as much info possible out of the two cars so that you can count yourself happy. Because the reasons you have given me thus far reflect that of a person that doesnt know what to look for in a car when saying it is better than another. Your reasoning can be summed up to this:
a Cavalier costs less so the R32 is garbage
a Yukon has more room and luggage space so the R32 is garbage
an Evo is faster around a track so the R32 is garbage
a Civic has higher mpg so the R32 is garbage
a WRX has rear spoiler and fog lights so the R32 is garbage
almost all cars can come with an AUTO tranny so the R32 is garbage
an SRT-4 has faster 0-60 so the R32 is garbage
And none of those can do
ALL OF THAT like the WRX can.
My God, this is becoming truly hilarious - when you're defending, you're losing, and you've been defending from the first post. Why don't you tell me all of the wonderful things that make the R32 worth $4500 more.
Ok M5, stop comparing them in such right's man "Cargo space" "Passenger area" The WRX is a 4 door, of course it will have more space, yes the WRX had a 5 star crash rating, but not much was left of the car huh? Yeah it CRUMPLED right, great, how what do you drive to work?
You don't get crash test ratings. The cars are always totaled, barring none. Period. Simple as that. Even the perfect $28,000 Golf is totaled. The star ratings are likelihood of personal injury - five stars is the best. Before you make a statement like 'the car is CRUMPLED,' do a little research.
On the research topic, the front crash test is at 55 MPH, not 15. The side crash test is 35. If I hit something head-on at 55 MPH, I'd sure as hell not be worried about what I'm driving to work - I'd be worrying about how injured I was. And the WRX has a less than ten percent likelihood of serious injury at that speed.
Again I repeat -
I agree on cargo space and passenger area - the categories are stupid. But he refused to accept safer, cheaper, and quicker so I had to resort to stupid stuff. Okay?
European cars you know, arn't prone to become junkers after a accident at 15mph, while a frontal accident in a WRX at 5mph, yes the "pole test" will run you 11,000 dollars in damages.
Actually, the Subaru Impreza is a best pick by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety - only it and the Honda Civic received good (the highest) ratings across the board. Meanwhile, your precious Golf 3-door, on the same tests, received two 'acceptables,' including one in the 'restraints' category (that's belts, in case you didn't know).
Also - that $11,000? Did you think I wouldn't actually check that, because you were too lazy to? Check
this. In the test you're talking about the Subaru Impreza's rear bumper (not front, the test is done backwards) costs $606 to replace. You were only $10,494 off, though - give yourself a pat on the back.
for 1 the WRX is being imported like crazy, so obviously the cost will be less, how many of the R32's will be shipped to the US yearly? As many as the WRX, I doubt it. The fact is Cars from Europe will cost more than cars from Japan, face it. It doesn't make it a bad car, hell you have "m5" in your name.
So costs are lower.
Can I add that to my running count of things that make the WRX better?
Well the m5 does the 1/4 in 13.3 seconds. the NSX-S Zero does it in 12.8
The m5 is garbage now
The M5 weights more than a NSX-S Zero, therefore the M5 must be garbage.
Heck the M5 only has 41.7" of front leg room
and only 37.4" of front head room, what an awful car it must be, because the WRX has more headroom, the WRX must be the new supercar.
Considering the WRX beats the R32 in fifteen categories (sixteen now with the costs added) and you've quoted one category in which the NSX beats the M5, I'd say that you're clearly missing my point.
And you've failed to do any research on the topic.
Your rational is very infantile,
Good point - you're the one who said the WRX would cost $11,000 when replacing the bumper in the low-speed 'pole' test where the actual costs is $606, you're the one who admitted the Golf's costs would be higher, and that one wouldn't be able to drive a WRX to work the next day after getting in a 55-MPH head-on collision.
You make brilliant points.
The only infantile thing here is that I've continued this argument to the point where you make claims like a bumper costs $11,000 to replace and that cars in 55MPH accidents won't be ready for the drive to work the next day.
the R32 is a great car, and it looks a HECK of alot better than a WRX, considering the WRX looks like a crack addict with lymphnode problems.
Too bad we can't scientifically test your brilliant opinions...