Wallbanger's Cafe & Outlaw Motorsports Garage (New Tunes 6/15/12)

The Outlaw Motorsports Garage tunes
Ford GT '05 "no stripe" 600pp shootout edition by AC
Car on share now psn: acsr421

Source and Parts list:
Buy from: used car dealer
Paintjob: sonicblue clearcoat metallic
Wheels: stock
No aero
Weight Reduction: stage 3
Window Weight Reduction: Yes
Chassis reinforcement: no
ECU Tuning: no
Engine Tuning: no
Intake Manifold: no
Air Filter: racing
Exhaust Manifold: no
Catalytic Converter: no
Exhaust: sports Exhaust
Transmission: FC
Clutch: Twin Plate Clutch
Flywheel: Semi Racing Flywheel
Carbon Drive Shaft: yes
LSD: yes
Suspension: FC
Tires: Race Medium

The Tune
Ballast weight : 0/0
Power Limiter : 98.3%
Transmission - process as follows;
1) set to default
2) set top speed to 230 mph
3)Set gears 1st=3.271, 2nd=2.150, 3rd=1.617, 4th=1.282, 5th=1.058,
4)Set Final gear to 3.360
Should display an indicated top speed of 218 mph in upper right corner.
LSD rear = initial 7, acceleration 16, braking 10

Ride height front 0.0, rear -20
Spring rate front 11.6, rear 11.9
Dampers (Extension) front 5 rear 4
Dampers (Compression) front 4 rear 3
Anti-roll bars front 7 rear 5
Camber angle front 2.8 rear 1.8
Toe angle front -.18 rear -.05
Brakes: front 3 rear 2

Transmission: Auto or Manual
ABS: 1
Everything else: OFF

The car has 600 PP,weighs 1208 Kg with a 43/57 front/rear weight
distribution, has a power to weight ratio of 2.02 kg/hp, has 588 HP
@6400 rpm and produces 536 ft-lb torque @4100 rpm,


Easier to drive with manual but tested and tuned with auto, I had a limited window for tuning time and needed to get this done today so here it is. My times during testing: DS3,auto are 50.521 @Indy oval and 1:27.017 @roadcourse. I left plenty of time out there as my lines are still pretty sloppy here. Don't know how competitive the car is but I'm having a blast doing these shootouts and want to say thanks to everyone involved up front.

I tried this set-up offline and online on SPA circuit but I done my test on the Nurbergring GP/F offline as I am more familiar with this circuit as I have only recently purchased the DLC with SPA. I like this circuit as its not to long and I can do quick changes and go out to test and it has a combination of all kinds of corner and gradients to test suspensions etc etc.
First lap bring tyres to temp. Below is from 2nd lap onwards. I did 10 laps after each corner I paused and wrote down what I felt. I sometimes compare it against my other Ford GT 06 with aero with same PP. However this was my amateur tune.
Driving Style:
No particular strange driving style except I brake late as I can and turn while braking to hit the apex and then I hit the throttle mid corner to maintain a HIGH mid corner speed and maximise exit corner speed. I also feel for the front of a car in fast corners and modulate the throttle to bring the front into a fast change of direction. I try to ease of the throttle rather then brake.
These are the points I noticed on each corner of the circuit during testing 34 laps of the circuit.

First corner:
Brake same point as GT06, brakes are surprising very good with no downforce not sure how I can explain that part. I brake and turn into the apex and I easily bring the front back to the corner as the turn in, it’s a little wondering on hard braking but seems ok, the LSD deceleration seems about right for me on a pad. There is a slight "wondering" when I try to turn sharper turn in but that’s me being greedy, and turning aggressively. What’s surprising is the cold tyre performance the front tyres work and I don’t have any understeer which impacts my times to much.
Accelerating out of first corner, i get good traction and can control the oversteer which is there but its ok expected without any aero. I push into 2nd corner, no rapid oversteer problems, Throttle control is the key. Once again the turn-in is great not sure why but the set-up gives me a little understeer here. Looking at my telemetry the GT05 gains traction around the same phase as the GT06 (with same LSD Acceleration settings) I am not sure about the weight comparisons between the two.

Second corner:
I brake and no dramas no braking instability because its not a hard braking corner, I turn in, AGAIN fantastic turn in and as the corner is not long I can accelerate out of the corner quickly onto the outside. Looking on the telemetry I am pretty much same as the GT06 on turn in and acceleration points. Acceleration seems fantastic compared to stock I fly through the gears, No dramas here onto corner 3. ACS’s gearing has better acceleration then my stock settings of the GT06 the few gears blast gives me nearly half a car length advantage on the Ghost GT06 all the time.

3rd corner:
I like to brake early here to bring myself into a good line for corner 4. Again I brake in and there is a fantastic turn in (maybe too sharp? But I think its because I am using a pad), usually I get a bit of oversteer with road cars with the rapid change of direction, but the new tune makes me feel good and is very responsive to my steering. I make the corner and accelerate early, traction seems good I always lay black lines after this corner and I have the inside wheel spinning.

4th corner:
Easy right hander I turn and wait until I get to the end of the corner and accelerate hard. Telemetry shows I get better acceleration then my GT06 from 3 and 4 corners maybe due to the gearing. Car through the slower corners seems good 1-4 corners onto the more open corners. No drams a simple corner and no traction problems and I accelerate to end of sector 1.

5th corner:
this corner is very deceiving, its bumpy hard for all 4 wheels to brake at same time due to camber of the corner, I brake and can feel the front go light and back skips right on the bump into the corner, braking seems excellent again, with the LSD initial torque I can turn about the same as the GT06. I scrub speed off, turn left, left and mid-corner bump kicks me out I brake and bring the front in and can see the rear suspension bouncing giving me confidence to drive HARD out of the corner. The car seems VERY LIVE in this corner and even without aero I can see the difference. Telemetry/reply shows I do understeer in this corner a little moe BUT the turn in is more responsive so I just turn harder.

6th corner:
I hit the corner and I can feel again the car again stable on entry and as I pump the throttle to maintain a higher corner speed without de-accelerating too much. I notice a difference here the GT05 accelerating harder and can feel the car oversteering and I ease off and before I know it the corner is exiting and I accelerate out. Telemetry shows I am doing more corrections compared to the GT06 due to LIVE nature of the car I do have mild oversteer and I on some laps had to do a big lift at exit so I don’t go into the sand. I bolt out of the corner downhill and the acceleration of the GT05 is really great now, due to the transmission settings rather than default. I feel it going really good it out accelerates the GT06 upto the corner. I see the next corner.

7th corner:
I hit brakes at an angle into the corner, I hit the apex bang on (9/10 laps), notice the braking again drifting but manageable. Just like braking late in corner 6. Not much oversteer and the fantastic turn in allows me to start hitting the throttle earlier as I can keep turning. The camber of the corner doesn’t affect the car at all. I accelerate quickly and again I am beginning to fall in love with this car.

8th/9th corner:
I see my acceleration up the hill is much better I hit a higher speed before I brake, compared to my GT06 tune. This is a quick chicane VERY challenging, and with cars with good front downforce I can just blend off of the throttle and control the slides by careful throttle and a touch of brake to get through the corner. With race cars with amazing front ends it’s the same I lift a little and if I never knew this had no downforce I wouldn’t of known. I have little lift just to turn in and then BANG straight onto the throttle. Suspension working good in this sequence. The GT05 seems ok with rapid change of direction (tested on SPA and it was the same through eua-rouge). This corner was a BIG difference compared to my tune. Again I can really rely on the car now to give me confidence. I like the live nature of the car and then it grips and off you fly.

10th corner:
Acceleration when you get 8 and 9 corner right dictates how quick you get to this corner, and therefore 8 and 9 is so important. Again the transmission settings give me rapid acceleration, I know this corner is sooo deceiving it looks wide and you can take serious speed into it. Here I see this 90 degrees corner and brake HARD due to the speed I got up the hill I get quick turn in and no sign of understeer as this is a short sharp corner, I accelerate slowly and go wide as the oversteer kicks in I keep on it and feel the suspension working due to the outside curb is raised.

11th corner:
I want to get through this corner quickly with good speed to maximise my top speed. I take a wide line and then I do NOT brake, I let the car de-accelerate I hit the apex with the turn in being good, and I do 3 small pumps to bring me outside the corner and when I see the green curb at the exit I floor the throttle and down the straight. Consistent car and no dramas I really like the acceleration here from this corner on to the back straight! With no downforce I hit a great top speed and easily faster then my GT06 here. I brake late into the chicane 12/13 corner.

12/13th corner:
With the scream and transmission setting the acceleration is great I hit a much higher speed on the back straight. I want to brake same place as the GT06 - the 2nd braking metre board and hit the brakes and again feel the braking and as I like to turn while braking late it rewards me with a fast brake/turn into the corner. GT05 feels good as I can turn in -LEFT -pump the throttle- and RIGHT and accelerate out and feel the back sliding onto the curb as the oversteer kicks in due to me being greedy to accelerate out aggressively.

Last corner:
I approach the corner and this is a long corner which sucks you and then you need to brake a lot to stop you going wide. This corner really shows how much understeer you have I brake early and keep pumping the throttle and waiting for front slide, correct (brake a little), I repeat this until I get to the end of the corner. There is a little oversteer I can feel which is because I am greedy with the throttle and expected the GT05 feels as good as the other 600pp cars here I cannot fault it. On exit I power out of the corner again the power oversteer is there but I just keep on it as I want to hit a good speed to end the lap and start a new lap. Fantastic I loved the drive it was RAW and defined lap.

I love the car at 600pp it be hard to beat compared to the usual online spotty kids hugging there willy and wheels. I tried it on a few online races and to be honest I liked it. But I was holding my own this car it’s a DARK horse they think it’s a little strange but when I beat them they surprised I have. I can take SPA eau-rouge very well and is competitive with other road cars. Transmission settings were great vast change to stock. I gain a lot of time out accelerating the GT06 and other cars, it seems when it gets past 4th gear it pulls ahead of the other cars. Overall it’s a bit more technical to drive but I love it and not many people have this car/set-up so I can beat a lot of cars online with it.
Overall congrats to ACS great tune, it goes in my top 3 road cars for playing online in the 600pp class. Also like to thank my mum and dad, god and the holy ghost without them it would all this would not be possible. God bless.
@m_star01 The Cuda 440 Six Pack "Hellfish" isn't for a shootout. It's for running the Stars and Stripes seasonal races.

Also expect a first for the Wallbanger tomorrow when I get home from work. He will prove once more why he is :crazy:
desperado is it good enough to win? i give it a go tommorow as well.
Easily you just pick tires to decide by how much. Sports Soft I was winning Eifel by a good 12 - 15sec, on Racing Soft it was well over 30sec. On Daytona regardless of tires you'll start lapping the field end of the 6th lap. Using the RS tires I've managed to lap the last 8 cars.:crazy:
The Outlaw Motorsports Garage tunes
Cadillac, Cien Concept '02, "Spectre"
So a couple months back CSLACR ran a F.I.T.T. shootout using the tracks at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway complex. As usual ole Harvey Wallbanger here tried to be different in his choice of cars for this event and decided that what is possibly the most famous American racing facility called for an American car. Now while it would have been easy to build a Dodge Viper or Chevrolet Corvette that met the specs for this event, the Wallbanger felt those were to common. So he proceeded to stun the competition with his Cadillac Cien Concept '02 "Phantom". Unfortunately for the Wallbanger the event was restricted to only 600PP which severely limited what he could do to the "Phantom". Realizing that the car was going to be a real challenge to get around the road course in anything like a competitive time, ole Harvey decided to focus on the Oval track portion of the event where hopefully the Caddy's blazing top speed could be showcased. The rest as they say is history. As the Wallbanger predicted most struggled to get the "Phantom" around the Road course where it was only able to muster an 11th place out of 18 entries. However on the Oval track the "Phantom" was unleashed easily grabbing 1st. Indeed it was so dominate in its performance on the Oval that in the final standings the "Phantom" finished 5th less than a second and a half behind the overall winner. Afterwards requests were made for a tune of the Cien that showcased its full potential and ole Harvey said he would release one at some point. The months went by without the Wallbanger releasing an upgraded Cien as his time was consumed by other F.I.T.T. events and the holidays and there was never any real motivation for such a high powered car...until now. Two things lead to this tune: 1st; certain visitors to the Café and Outlaw Motorsports Garage complained that Harvey was living in the past. 2nd; the Dream Car Championship Seasonal races were up and Harvey wanted to race them but didn't want to use a race car. So now you get the "Spectre" a fully tuned 650PP Cien that has been honed to a razors edge. Fully capable of winning the Dream Car Championship using its impressive cornering ability and out of this world acceleration. This car is not for the faint of heart as it demands your full attention and will brutally punish those who mishandle it in the slightest. Treat it right however and you will be the terror of the track. This is one sort of apparition that is sure to leave its mark.

Hey Harvey you know i love you dude.

It feels you went home and cried a bit and come up with the Spectre :sly:

It is a great write up 👍
Hey Harvey you know i love you dude.

It feels you went home and cried a bit and come up with the Spectre :sly:

It is a great write up 👍
Never say that I don't listen to the public...I just generally ignore them.:lol:

Also with the "Hellfish" watch your speed when you hit the jump on Cape Ring as the rear downforce kicks the nose way up if your going to fast making it nearly impossible to land.
The Outlaw Motorsports Garage tunes
Cadillac, Cien Concept '02, "Spectre"



Just two words (before I drive it) can describe the car:


Edit: See? This car looks so damm evil, I've used three words instead of two!
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Just two words (before I drive it) can describe the car:


It's a scary thing, from what I've heard. I never got a chance to drive it, but it seems to have left a brown mark on the Phantom's driver seat. :lol:

And you don't really know scary until you've done what I've been doing. Retuning the Commodore's racing version, the almost unheard of "STC". But it's scary in a different way. You have the Phantom and the Spectre which are scary for its epic oversteer and lightning responses, then you have the STC with its brutish attitude, the type where you need to have gonads of unobtainium to wrestle it into shape.

Still, time to repay my debt, having missed the 600PP shootout. I need a phone. And the life insurance company's phone number. :scared:
It's a scary thing, from what I've heard. I never got a chance to drive it, but it seems to have left a brown mark on the Phantom's driver seat. :lol:

And you don't really know scary until you've done what I've been doing. Retuning the Commodore's racing version, the almost unheard of "STC". But it's scary in a different way. You have the Phantom and the Spectre which are scary for its epic oversteer and lightning responses, then you have the STC with its brutish attitude, the type where you need to have gonads of unobtainium to wrestle it into shape.

Still, time to repay my debt, having missed the 600PP shootout. I need a phone. And the life insurance company's phone number. :scared:

Trying the STC again huh? I'm ready to tackle it again (next week though) so if you want to send it back to me at some point I'll see if it still pisses me off :dopey:
Trying the STC again huh? I'm ready to tackle it again (next week though) so if you want to send it back to me at some point I'll see if it still pisses me off :dopey:
I'm trying some of the tricks I employed on the Fiat 500. Seemed to work, though I only tested it online.
Does the Spectre actually corner??? as i want to throw it around Monaco and Spa this evening :-)

Yes. Too willingly, if I remember correctly. Spa, it'll do, Monaco……no. Don't. You'll ruin many millions of dollars with that Cadillac.
Does the Spectre actually corner??? as i want to throw it around Monaco and Spa this evening :-)
It is set up to win the Dream Car Championship which includes a race on Spa where it performs brilliantly.
Monaco might be an issue for it if your not very very good with your throttle and brake inputs...:nervous::scared:

Regardless it isn't really a car you just toss about and requires a bit of finesse at the controls or it will kill you.:embarrassed:
I sure would not throw 600 hp worth of Caddy purple around those really tight corners at Monaco...:nervous: I ain't Senna enough to do that.
Uhm try 995HP...:embarrassed:

On a side note I reduced both front and rear aero to 5/5, removed all possible engine upgrades and applied power limiter to get it down to 600PP. Then after letting the final drive out some I took it to the Stars and Stripes race at Daytona on a set of Racing Tires. Was hitting 225mph no draft down the back straight and going around the corners at 210+mph. Needless to say I lapped most of the field. The toughest part is keeping it off the wall in the corners as with so little downforce it wants to drift wide without proper corner entry and a firm hand on the steering. Otherwise you just keep the throttle wide open and watch the world turn into a blur.:D
Uhm try 995HP...:embarrassed:

On a side note I reduced both front and rear aero to 5/5, removed all possible engine upgrades and applied power limiter to get it down to 600PP. Then after letting the final drive out some I took it to the Stars and Stripes race at Daytona on a set of Racing Tires. Was hitting 225mph no draft down the back straight and going around the corners at 210+mph. Needless to say I lapped most of the field. The toughest part is keeping it off the wall in the corners as with so little downforce it wants to drift wide without proper corner entry and a firm hand on the steering. Otherwise you just keep the throttle wide open and watch the world turn into a blur.:D

Oops, typo... Well, even after knowing this car is crazy, drifty and mind blowing, I still want to have a go in it...:crazy:
Harvey if i remember this car, when i first drove it i remember it had good accceleration and one of the fastest shifting transmissions i tried in a road car. I might try it online too as i like taking cars out of the norm like i did with ACS Ford GT '05 No stripe.
Harvey if i remember this car, when i first drove it i remember it had good accceleration and one of the fastest shifting transmissions i tried in a road car. I might try it online too as i like taking cars out of the norm like i did with ACS Ford GT '05 No stripe.
You'll probably want to increase the rear downforce, and even with that raised up it may still be overly loose in the tail for online. As I stated in the notes, taking it online is at the users own risk. I love the car but it seems to have trouble keeping the back end planted, more so than most cars I've tuned.
Oi XDesperado, I'm working on this Evo that you sent me and I've done what you asked. It'll beat the intermediate rally events with no trouble at all. Only thing I'm wondering is, how comfortable are you with rally driving? The car is easy to drive as it is, but I want to make it wallbanger-proof too. :P
Errmmm……Desperado…I have here, a repair bill for one Caddilac Cien. 500,000 cr, it's going cost. :scared: Apparently, the insurance claim box thing said that the cause of the accident was that, which testing, some idiots in stupidly slow Super GT500 cars got in the way, trying to have a race. It obviously didn't end well, with the slow GT500 cars getting overtaken faster than the time they are actually on the screen, they tried to block and it basically resulted in a fairly catastrophic crash. :P

So…yea, sorry about that. :lol:
Oi XDesperado, I'm working on this Evo that you sent me and I've done what you asked. It'll beat the intermediate rally events with no trouble at all. Only thing I'm wondering is, how comfortable are you with rally driving? The car is easy to drive as it is, but I want to make it wallbanger-proof too. :P
Well my driving is okay, my problem with the Rally Special events was the constantly changing tracks making it impossible to learn them that doesn't mix well with no driving line.:dunce:
If you have a good tune for it go ahead and publish it/send it as a PM. The car is yours and thanks.:D
Errmmm……Desperado…I have here, a repair bill for one Caddilac Cien. 500,000 cr, it's going cost. :scared: Apparently, the insurance claim box thing said that the cause of the accident was that, which testing, some idiots in stupidly slow Super GT500 cars got in the way, trying to have a race. It obviously didn't end well, with the slow GT500 cars getting overtaken faster than the time they are actually on the screen, they tried to block and it basically resulted in a fairly catastrophic crash. :P

So…yea, sorry about that. :lol:
Uhm Onboy, where were you racing GT500's? Dream Car Championship should be against LM's...:odd:
Well my driving is okay, my problem with the Rally Special events was the constantly changing tracks making it impossible to learn them that doesn't mix well with no driving line.:dunce:
If you have a good tune for it go ahead and publish it/send it as a PM. The car is yours and thanks.:D

Ah, I see. I usually brake really early because of that and keeping an eye on the map helps a bit. I purposely set the Evo's brakes a little higher than normal, just to give you the extra bite when you misjudge a corner.

In that case I'm done. I will PM you the settings first, as I'll probably want to repackage the tune using the premium Evo VI. 👍

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