...Stange, as even I, pretty much a GOP person, don't like Wal Mart one bit. In the world of "compeditive capitalism" here in the US, Wal Mart does everything within it's power to end it, and I have a problem with it. While I cannot deny it for it's success in the free market, they have done "too good" to be liked by everyone.
Actually I disagree. That's like saying that IBM ruined competitive capitalism because typewriter companies were going out of business. They do the same thing but one is newer and more satisfying to the customer (I know customer satisfaction is debatable on Wal*Mart's part, but they do well enough to keep people coming back).
Wal*Mart took competitive capitalism to a new level. They ended the era of mom and pop stores and brought about the era of supercenters. If it weren't Wal*Mart first Meijer would have eventually done it and Costco would have hit the warehouse stores first. It was coming with or without Wal*Mart, Sam just saw it and took advantage. Society was heading that way with strip malls and indoor malls and outlet centers, but the supercenter put all those things under one roof and one cashier. Wal*Mart is nothing more than the natural progression of consumerism.
Capitalism is the worst invention of man since war. 👎
Exactly, because the ability to achieve personal success without ever relying on anyone or fearing being held down by the government is a bad thing. [/SARCASM]
I may be rather liberal but I see no reason why having only a few major stores would be such a bad thing. Everyone says that would be bad because they could charge whatever they want but seriously if prices were to high there would be no market. With more market share there would be larger stores specialising in a wider range of things which would be great for the consumer.
So, having a large number of monopolies is how it should be? So, if I wanted to open a sporting goods store in my hometown, because that was my dream, but there is already one there the government would tell me no and I would have to find another way to make a living? Do you realize how un-American that is? I would have no problem accepting that I failed because the other store was better and the customers preferred his products, but failing because the law said so is the most unjust and horrid thing you can do to a person. Capitalism allows people to succeed at their dreams. Yes, it also allows them to fail, but it won't be because they didn't have a chance. To try and fail is a trillion times better than just being told if you do you go to jail.
In the Wal*Mart situation Wal*Mart got its start because one man, Sam Walton, chose to open a store and saw that by adding more items to his store he could save his customers from running around town buying different things. The idea became so popular that it became the world's most successful business. Who are you to tell Mr. Walton to go shove it because someone else already sells those things?
Then the mom and pop stores that everyone is so worried about, in your scenario they would suffer too, or you would do the same thing that Wal*Mart has done. Say old man Simpson builds a grocery store on the east side of town and old man Flanders builds one on the west side of town. Now the town decides your idea is brilliant and they have to shut down one of the stores. Which one do you choose? Who deserves to be shut down? Which person's dream, job, and livelihood are you willing to take away?
Then after this happens a town ten miles up the road has their own mom and pop store, which has slightly lower prices because they are closer to their suppliers. In this day of automobiles a ten mile drive to save about ten bucks is worth it. So mom and pop in town A loses some business. Do you have to shut down the second store in town B or maybe you make it illegal for your town's residence to shop in town B? They are still competing and practicing capitalism and you have to stop that somehow, right?
Also, think about this: If your idea had been implemented early on then you would be driving a Ford and have no other options. I hope you like the Fusion.