, if only they'd fix the ridiculous Russian bias or provide incentives for teams to climb at 4-5k meters instead of flying straight and under the enemy..
I'm going to quote something from Facebook from Gaijin.
"Historical" matchmaking is not going to work - we tried so many different historical events and one side is always better. And majority of people want to play for that stronger side.
History wasn't balanced. And there is so many external factors that influence the course of a battle - support, infantry, politics, malfunctions. And stuff like this is impossible to simulate.
We don't have just vehicles that were intended to be used against tanks - we have infantry support vehicles (Churchill), light reconnaissance vehicles, AA vehicles. vehicles intended to be used against pillboxes (T-28), armored transport vehicles and so on.
These are implemented for diversity - and they were not developed to be used against tanks, mostly they lack proper firepower or armor.
And this is why we are using BR to balance them - because War Thunder is not reality, War Thunder is game.
Example: PT-76 is vehicle from 1950's. It has poor armor, bad cannon and not really great speed. We indeed can put it on 8.0 BR where it historically belongs, but nobody is going to play it.
Most players on War Thunder have no clue how to fly. Especially the American side, Example the P51, P47 do better at high altitude. They are completely useless at low altitude. Blame the players for being sucky, its not a Russian Biased thing. All the instances i got killed by a Russian plane was my fault. He got on my 6 and killed me, and i couldnt shake him...
I was on the German Side, with the P47 and i was the last one left on the time while there was 5 other planes left. I was able to destroy all 5 of them because i had air superiority, and 2nd going head on with a P47 is a stupid idea...