Warhawk • The Official Thread

Broken Mirror is awesome, played around for a little while tonight after dl. The level is big but straightforward and the APC is far more easy to use then the drop ship. Definitely recommend this one even over omega dawn if you have to choose only one.
I guess I am the only one that is stuck on Prologue that also has Warhawk?
Can't afford prologue just yet since I'm saving for gta4 :( However I may try and buy it next week. You should get on round midnight tonight so we can kill each other :)
Can't afford prologue just yet since I'm saving for gta4 :( However I may try and buy it next week. You should get on round midnight tonight so we can kill each other :)
If I can remember to pull myself away from my DFP.

Since we are using GTP_ PSN accounst for GT5P you will know when I am playing Prologue because I will appear to be offline.

What I will probably do when I get home is buy Broken Mirror and then while it downloads I will go play Prologue. By midnight I may be ready to take a break and play some Warhawk.
Warhawk GGL Tournament!
Published on May 14, 2008 by Dylan Jobe // Game Director, Warhawk
So I know that something like 80% of all humans on the planet (and some portion of plant-based life forms on Mars) are playing Grand Theft Auto 4 right now…can’t say I blame them as I am currently up to my eyeballs in hot Liberty City awesomeness — but just in case you Warhawk fans didn’t hear about it, the GGL is running a team tournament with some sweet, sweet prizes!


First off, players that register and participate in the tournament will get a special piece of troop equipment: The “GGL Ceremonial Knife”. This replaces your troops current combat blade and *only* players that participate in the tournament will get this new equipment.

Next is the Champion’s Blade — a fierce and dangerous trophy of doom (muhaaahhaaa).

This piece of equipment will *only* be awarded to players on the winning team. And yes, these are sync’d across our global network so when you whip it out, players from around the globe will see it…and fear you!

Now it should be noted that these are not uber-weapons…they’re just visual upgrades as it isn’t really right, gameplay balance-wise, for the best players to be able to ravage people even more brutally just because they won the tournament!!! Still…a damn cool prize!


For increased awesomeosity, the GGL is also awarding the winning team with the six-inch Warhawk statues that Gentle Giant Studios is working on. The above pic is a work-in-progress shot.

Here’s the link to their site: GGL Warhawk Team Tournament

Tournament registration is already underway and will continue until June 29th. The competition officially starts on May 27th and will run until July 27th. Teams are already forming and playing in the practice ladder.

GGL is running this tournament so please hit their site for info and any questions you or your clan may have.

On a semi-related note, the team and I have been pretty quiet lately…it’s not because we have gone away! We’re just cranking away on our next FREE update for all of our global players, the Warhawk v1.4 update! Stay tuned to the blog for more info.

We’re also going to be pushing some new server setups on the official servers as well. This could happen as early as this week. We’ve been tracking a lot of feedback from our community and we’re going to be making some of the requested changes….yes, we hear you all loud and clear…more LARGE layouts.


And always, how can I end a blog post with out some form of crazy riddle, or hint or something like that. So, here goes…check the image above, and this one is difficult since the other ones I’ve posted you guys have cracked in like a couple hours.

I still have not had a chance to get into Warhawk, but thought some of you who may not have heard about this tournament mught find it worth checking out. 👍
Warhawk GGL Tournament!
Published on May 14, 2008 by Dylan Jobe // Game Director, Warhawk

I still have not had a chance to get into Warhawk, but thought some of you who may not have heard about this tournament mught find it worth checking out. 👍
Thanks for the info.

You should get into Warhawk. Once I get over my GT5P haze and Echochrome dilemmas I will be back in Warhawk, and I need some more guys to kill.

Warhawk v1.4 Update “Free Gameplay Modes!!”

+ Posted by Dylan Jobe // Game Director, Warhawk

As the storm of E3 approaches, so does our next big update for Warhawk and with it comes 2 entirely new gameplay modes for every map, including the Booster Packs – and these new gameplay modes are completely FREE!

Before I get into the meaty list of updates, let me start off by saying that Warhawk v1.4 will have its global simultaneous release very, very soon…how soon you ask?

In just about 48 hours — July 16th at 10:00 GMT (that’s 3am Pacific)

When we started designing the new modes, we looked at play styles could freshen up the Warhawk play experience. After all, Warhawk is now almost a year old :-) And after a few months of development and play testing, we’re ready to rollout 2 new gameplay modes that the team and I are incredibly happy with: Hero and Collection.

New Gameplay Mode “Hero”

This is a team-based game mode in which one member of each team is randomly selected to be their team’s Epic Hero. Players score points for their team by killing the enemy Hero or by killing enemies while they’re the Hero. The team that reaches the score limit first (or has the most points when time runs out) wins the game.

Really what it all boils down to is a huge battle between 2 armies that are being lead by 2 Epic Heroes!

While you’re the Hero, you get some pretty incredible buffs…the mode’s called Hero after all so you’ve gotta be tough!

You get crazy high damage resistance which is like having 500% health. All of your weapons do twice the damage. And the armor-piercing values for your weapons are increased so that some weapons that normally can’t hurt vehicles like Tanks and Turrets, now can!

Now you aren’t the Hero for the entire game. Once you are selected as the Hero, you have a limited amount of time to go on your berserker-blitz-rampage-of-carnage-awesomeness. See the shots above for the Hero meter in the upper left-hand corner. Also note the crazy visuals that are rendered when you’re the Hero. You glow your team color, you emit light the same color as your team, you growl a scary sound that strikes fear in you’re your foes, and of course, energy sparks…must….have…energy sparks!!!

Scoring is simple: If a Hero kills a player, he scores 1 point for his team. If a normal player, or more commonly, a group of players, kills the Hero, 1 point is granted for the team. If a Hero kills the other enemy Hero, then 2 points are scored for the team.

Oh…but here’s the downside for the Hero…everyone is gunning for you! If you die, then a new Hero on you team is given the chance for Epic Hero Greatness!!!

Did I mention that Heroes are always displayed on the mini-map!?!?…and with a star no less!

Simply stated…this mode is wicked intense!

New Gameplay Mode “Collection”

This new gameplay mode is like multi-flag CTF. There are 4 energy cores scattered around the map, generally positioned in the center or between the 2 team’s main bases. Each team has a Reactor where Energy Cores are taken to score points.

In the screen shot above you can see 2 Energy Cores positioned on a Eucadian bridge. Bringing these Cores back to your team’s reactor will score points for your team…and you can carry more than 1 Core at a time.

The scoring system is progressive, so if you score just 1 Core, your team gets just 1 point. 2 Cores will score 3 points. 3 Cores are good for 6 points…and if you manage to work as a team and bring all 4 Cores back to the Reactor at once, then your team scores a whopping 10 points!

As you can see in the screenshot below, the Cores are displayed on your character and the more you are carrying, the more you see whirling and orbiting around you. You’ll also see them on the mini-map as pulsing energy symbols. The score is displayed in the upper right corner as usual, but there is a new display there for Collection mode. It’s the little yellow number that shows you how many Cores your team currently is currently carrying. This ends up being critical for knowing where your focus should be; Offense or Defense.

Collection mode is fun as &#@%! and really helps promote teamwork and yield some truly fantastic risk-vs-reward moments!…and you can press the TRIANGLE button to throw the Cores you are carrying! Passing Cores among your team is “super-effective” :-)

So that’s a quick run down of the new modes and we can’t wait to have our player around the world start playing 2 completely new ways to enjoy the fast-paced world of Warhawk!

Hmmm…what should I cover next?


While we were glad to provide players with very specific control of which games they join or host via our global server list, we wanted to provide an easier way for new and veteran players to get into their favorite games more quickly and easily….thus the new ‘Quick-Join’ feature.

Basically what this new feature does, and I imagine many of you have already figured it out, is automatically scan the server-list behind the scenes, pick a good game for you based on your connection, latency, current filter settings, etc. This all happens in just a few seconds.

This way, if you like playing CTF games *only* in base retail levels with no booster packs, you can set your filters and all you ever have to do from there on out is click ‘Quick-Join’. The ‘Quick-Join’ button honors *all* of your filters so you can really customize Warhawk’s automatic server selection.

If you are brand new to the PSN or to Warhawk you’ll have to play at least one ranked game the traditional server-list way, so that the servers can collect some stats before ‘Quick Join’ will work well for you. After that, you’ll be ready for hot, 1-click, automated server selection action! For those players you have already played Warhawk and the servers already have your stats, you’ll be good to go as soon as the patch is released.

Mini-Map Update:

For game modes like CTF, and the newly added Collection mode, we really need to clarify where you need to take the flag or core – we had received complaints that players could get confused as to where they needed to go. Warhawk now draws a much more prominent ring at the location where you need to return the flag or core. Additionally, the mini-map renders an animated green line that connects your ‘blip’ to the return location.

Rank & Award Updates:

Now we know this is a sensitive subject as it relates to how easy, or in our case, how hard it is to rank up, unlock some of the badges and be awarded any of the elite medals. With that said, we have made some changes to make ranking up a bit easier. Here’s a list of what we changed for the Medals and Badges:
  • * “Capture the Flag” Medal previously required 500 total captures, now it requires 250.
  • * “Capture the Flag” Medal previously required 5 captures IAR (In A Round) and now requires 2.
  • * “Capture the Flag” Medal still requires 500 flag saves.
  • * “Distinguished Air Combat” Medal previously required 10K total air-to-air kills and now requires 5K kills.
  • * “Distinguished Air Combat” Medal previously required 20 minutes IAR of flight time and now it requires 10 minutes.
  • * “Master Teamwork” Badge previously required 75 team points IAR and now requires 60 points.
  • * “Master Teamwork” Badge still requires 2K total team points
  • * “Warhawk Teamwork” Badge still requires 2K total team points
  • * “Warhawk Teamwork” Badge previously required 150 team points IAR and now requires 100 points.

We have also loosened the requirements, specifically point requirements, for some of the officer ranks. The changes to the point requirements for rank advancement are:

  • * “Major” previously was 150K now its 110K points.
  • * “Air Marshal” previously required 170K now its 130K points
  • * “Command Marshal” previously required 190K now its 155K points.
  • * “Lt. Colonel” previously required 210K now its 180K points.
  • * “Colonel” previously required 230K now its 210K points.
  • * “Brigadier General” previously required 250K now its 240K points.

Now we realize that there are many players who have logged several hundreds of gameplay hours – the team and I greatly appreciate your dedication to our game and it’s the dedication of our loyal fan base that helped make the development of these free game modes an easy decision!

TOW Missile:

The respawn rate modifier based on player count has been modified to take a longer period of time so that TOW missiles do not respawn as quickly in large player-count games.
Minimum Rank Server Option:

Warhawk official and player-hosted servers now support a MINIMUM rank along with the previously existing MAX rank.

Respawn Selection Hint:

I know it may sound odd to some of you avid Warhawk players but we actually noticed that there were a number of new players that didn’t realize that you could select a different spawn point when you died. This is primarily for new Warhawk players and this respawn hint is disabled if you have “Hints Display” turned OFF in your options.

Updates for Home Game Launching:

Now players that are launching/connecting to Warhawk games from Home can designate which team they will be assigned to before the server is started. Warhawk’s Support of Home Game Launching now also supports the new Hero and Collection gameplay modes.

Afterburner Flight to Hover Transition:

Previously, if you were flying the Warhawk (or Nemesis) with the afterburners engaged, you were disallowed from transitioning into hover mode. While this may have been a bit more realistic, Warhawk is more about fun than realism and not being able to transition into hover when you want to need to is frustrating! So now, you can switch to hover mode even if your afterburner is engaged.

Team Deathmatch Scoring:

The scoring system for Team Deathmatch previously counted base captures towards the team kill count/score. This is no longer the case and now *only* counts kills…as you would expect Team Deathmatch to do :-)

New “Winning Team” Ribbon:

In an attempt to further promote teamwork, Warhawk now awards a new ribbon to every member of the winning team. With this “Winning Team” ribbon, each player also is awarded an additional 50 bonus points.

Kick-Idle Player Server Option:

Warhawk now allows players to set an option on their own servers (player or dedicated) that will auto-kick idle players. Warhawk also now detects players purposely not respawning via the respawn exploit and will consider them idle as well.

So that’s a pretty good summary of the Warhawk v1.4 Update that’s going to be released world-wide on July 16th at 3am Pacific time (10:00 GMT). We really hope you like all the new updates ‘cause I sure know we had a great time making them for all of you!!! And FREE content is always a good thing!!!

Oh yeah…let me take a minute to clarify some stuff about our upcoming Warhawk v1.5 Update and our new Trophy support.

So, while I have just finished writing what is probably *way* too long of a blog post regarding the v1.4 Update…I need to talk about the v1.5 Update, specifically the Trophies. Here’s a quick breakdown of the 56 Warhawk Trophies:

There are 10 trophies based on current stats, ranks and awards and these 10 *ARE* retroactive. This is largely due to the fact that we have this data stored on our global Warhawk Server Cluster. There are 34 other Trophies that are entirely new ‘goals’ and should provide players with plenty of new challenges. And yes, Operation: Omega Dawn, Operation: Broken Mirror, and possibly a new something have new Trophies as well. Each booster pack has an additional 4 unique Trophies.

To earn the Warhawk Platinum Trophy, all you have to do is unlock the base game’s 44 Trophies…you do *NOT* have to buy any DLC to unlock the Platinum Warhawk Trophy. Forcing players to buy our DLC would be super-craptastic and completely unacceptable.

….hmmm, that’s about it for now. The Warhawk v1.4 Update is right around the corner!!

As always, Rock on!

Source - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/07/14/warhawk-v14-update-“free-gameplay-modes”/

Damn that's quite a bit of work they have put in, nice news about the trophies not forcing you to buy the add-ons to get platinum.

Looks like Warhawk could see a bit of a come-back soon.


Good they keep updating the game like this. This is honestly the only game I know about where they listen to what the players are complaining about and do something about it. Shame not so many people play the modes I play anymore. On the European server there's only 1 full 32 player server, and that it, on Zones. And they're good too, so they must be dedicated Warhawk players.

I only started playing the game again about a week ago and noticed this. It took some time to get back into the game again, but noticed the players are much better than before. On average I would get on top of the score board after a game 70% of the time. I've only managed that once in 15 games currently.

Hopefully when the trophies come along more people will play again and I'll stand a chance against those clans. :P
You know, when a friend told me about the Hero mode I instantly imagined it being like Star Wars Battlefront, but this makes it sound like they gave it their own style. Nice.

Good they keep updating the game like this. This is honestly the only game I know about where they listen to what the players are complaining about and do something about it.
PAIN! Check their Blog or their PlayStation Blog posts. The producers actually go through answering each individual question, addressing each person that asked it. And they give polls on the site to see what new characters and whatnot the players want and use that information, combined with the comments, to determine the next course of action.

Warhawk is good about giving us what we need/want but their communication between updates is minimal.
Just did the download and can't currently get online with the game. Hopefully a problem their end as I could get online with GTA IV OK.
I was playing online just a little bit ago, I'm pretty good (for a noob who just bought it) at "Cores" matches.

Well I down-loaded the update last night and afterwards thought I shoul dreally have a quick go as I've not played in quite a while.

Damn I'd forgotten how much fun Warhawk is (still can't fly the things but who cares), had a go on a match with the new Hero mode and boy was that fun. Fairly small teams in the match I was in and as such got to be the Hero a few times.

Well worth a revist for me, the only problem being it now add another game to the list of ones I currently trying to juggle (that's MGS4, BF:BC, COD4 (again), Ferrari Challenge and now Warhawk again), I need to become independently wealthy just to play this lot.

Roll on patch 1.5 and trophy support, then I can see Warhawk taking off with a vengence again.


Yup I downloaded the update last night as well and had a go at the new Hero mode. I still suck at the game it appears and I still need a lot of practice.
i signed on tonight and there appear to be no games whatsoever going on. i double checked the filters and all appears to be in order. anyone else having issues and if so what gives?
Update 1.5 info is now out.

Custom In-Game Music
This feature was asked for by a bazillion players! Now players can use the XMB music player to play their own custom music. Warhawk will also detect if you are using the XMB player and automatically disable the in-game Warhawk music. Convenience for the win!

XMB Trophies
I have talked about this several times before so this is by no means new-news…especially with the recent leak of our full trophy list – gotta love the internets. BTW, the team and I are really flattered that someone would risk their job to leak confidential info about our game — Makes us feel good in a weird kinda way.


There are 56 trophies included in the Warhawk v1.5 Update. These also include trophies for the booster packs, some of the trophies are, or rather *were*, hidden and some are retroactive based on your server-side stats. Here are just a few of the trophies that are included.

Training Tutorials
As more and more people join the Warhawk community, we are seeing an even greater difference between skill-levels than ever before. New Warhawk players had to go online in order to learn the game and, invariably, they would encounter enemy players that were, shall we say, not too kind to newbies This made it really hard for players to learn the ropes, get familiar with the controls, weapons, etc.

So…The new v1.5 Update includes 4 very simple tutorials that can be played off-line. Each one focuses on the core principals of each of the 3 modes of gameplay: Infantry, Ground Vehicles and Aircraft. Now these tutorials are very, very simple and It wouldn’t surprise me if some of our more hardcore players find them way too pedestrian. But we’re looking to help the *new* player, a player that may not be that familiar with Warhawk or the shooter genre. These tutorials are an invaluable help to a newbie!!!

After completing each of the 3 core tutorials a trophy is unlocked – a nice incentive for new players and, well…all you avid Warhawk players can think of them as “easy-money”.

The forth training tutorial, “Flight Practice” is intended to be replayed over and over again, and help players get familiar with the most rewarding, and most challenging of the 3 gameplay modes: Piloting Aircraft!

In this one, you are tasked with destroying as many attack drones as possible in 3 minutes. These simple, hovering turrets fire swarm missiles at you as you practice flying and “scrubbing” missiles. This tutorial is a huge help for new players by giving them a safe, offline way to practice their piloting skills.

Now I know that there are many players out there that often engage in 1v1 dogfights for fun and bragging rights. And while these tutorials are way, way below your skill-level, you may find it fun to do “speed-runs” and compare kill counts.

Retract Clan Invites
Another feature that players, or more specifically, clan-leaders have asked for, is the ability to retract a clan invite that they have sent to a player. For whatever reason, that player maybe never responded to the invite, was being a…a…what’s a blog-safe term that I won’t get in trouble for using??? How about “tool”, yes I’ll use the term tool. So if a player is being a tool and just camping on your invite…you can pull it back. This is important to clan admins because there is a fixed number of clan invites (64) that an admin can have pending at any one time.

New Paint Schemes & Insignias
Awhile ago you all may recall that we held a competition in the USA where players could submit their own Warhawk and Nemesis paint schemes. We selected the 20 best ones and integrated them with the v1.3 update. Well, we held another competition but this time for our players in Europe. We got some great submissions for paint schemes and insignias, and we’re glad to show you all the winners! All of these, the 20 new paint schemes and 50 new insignias are included in the v1.5 update and of course they are free as are all of our updates.

GGL Ceremonial Blades
The GGL recently held a Warhawk tournament and you probably saw the post from our Sr. Producer at SCEA, Harvard Bonin. Below is an image of the new GGL-Ceremonial Knife that participants in the GGL tournament will receive automatically when the v1.5 update is released. You don’t have to do anything to enable it…the global Warhawk server knows if you were in the tournament and will auto-grant you the award.

For you members ARMED^ASSASSIN’s, the next time you player after the v1.5 update is released, your infantry combat blade will be replaced by the Champion’s Blade (seen below) and you’ll be the only players on the planet with this item!

What’s more fun than a Trophy that you can beat someone with? – I submit…NOTHING

“Rookie” Server Color-Coding
We also have added an attractive green color to all official “rookie” server names in the server list. Players that are eligible to play on rookie servers will find these servers sorted to the top of the list automagically for easy selection.

To recap the color coding, Blue servers are official Sony hosted servers, Yellow servers are games launched from HOME, and Green servers are reserved for “rookies”.

We have also fixed the exploit that allowed some players to host unlimited flag capture games, get underneath and into the battlefield and act like….like tools. We also fixed the issue with Quick Join that required you to have stats previously posted in order for it to work properly, and a few other items…ohh yeah, and the 1-minute farming of the Winning Team Ribbon has been fixed. Oh…and one more thing, we are going to be rolling-out version checking on the EULA and announcements so if you have already seen them and they haven’t changed, Warhawk will automatically bypass those screens for you.

Some of you may have read some rumors about our next Booster Pack…I can neither confirm nor deny anything…at least for right now Keep your eyes peeled for an update here on the blog and the media coverage at Leipzig which is right around the corner!!!

Last hint…and this is an easy one:

With one of these equipped, a soldier can escape quickly…even bail out if needed!
Source - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/08/11/warhawk-v15-update-“free-never-gets-old”/


I am definitely digging the flight practice mode. My biggest weakness is dogfights. When on a multi-mode server I have been known to go get lunch when the aerial deathmatches come up.

I do OK on team deathmatch, but mainly as a support role to swoop in and get a guy off my teammate's tale. If I am in the thick of it I will surely be dead soon.

I really want the trophies to roll out so I can see how many I have gotten already.
I think there's only a small handfull of trophies that are retro-active, less than ten I think.
I'm assuming that they have to do with stats and rank, which is kind of what I am curious about. I know some of them are also similar to some of the badges and medals.

I also know that I have personally taken out a Warhawk with binoculars and killed a guy in a jeep while driving and from the gun without exiting the vehicle (that was fun, let me tell you), so it would be nice if those kinds of things could be retroactive too.

The main reason I want them retroactive is because those kinds of things were done while in a lower rank, so hitting a noob hovering in his Warhawk for way too long with binoculars is easy there, as it is to drive into an enemy base and find noobs standing around waiting to get run over and shot. Now that I am up at Wingman (I think) I can't get into some of those noob servers and no one hovers in a Warhawk longer than a few seconds and they definitely don't guard the base while out in the open.

And I have driven a flag carrier about a dozen times, as well as controlled all controllable zones, and shot down a Warhawk with the tank main cannon (who hasn't?). But those can easily be redone.

And as I see that the trophies aren't listed in this thread I think I will list them for those that aren't scouring the Trophies thread.

Bronze Trophies

  • Secret Anti-Camper -- Kill an enemy in a Missile or Flak Turret after that enemy has achieved at least five kills in that type of turret.
  • Secret Daredevil -- Get 100 feet off the ground in a ground vehicle. Does not count if the vehicle is being carried by a Dropship.
  • Secret Hit List -- Kill every member of the opposing team at least once during a round.
  • Secret Minesweeper -- Get killed by Proximity Mines five times in a single round.
  • Secret Reckless -- Pilot Commit suicide in a Warhawk by running into your own Aerial Mine.
  • Secret Vengeance -- Kill an enemy within 60 seconds of that enemy killing you.
  • Secret What's That Green Line? -- Get killed by a Binoculars strike while piloting an aircraft.
  • Anti-Air Ninja -- Shoot down a Warhawk with any infantry weapon other than a Rocket Launcher.
  • Bandit Award -- Earn all in-game badges at Bandit level.
  • Chief Sergeant -- Achieve a rank of Chief Sergeant.
  • Collector -- Capture four cores at once in Collection mode.
  • Combat Driver -- Complete Vehicle Combat Training.
  • Cowboy -- Play a perfect Team Deathmatch (top player, no deaths).
  • Dead-Eye -- Achieve a sniper kill from more than 2,500 feet away.
  • Dumbfire -- Destroy an enemy aircraft with a dumbfired Swarm or Homing Missile.
  • Emergency Evasion -- Break at least 6 simultaneous missile locks using Chaff.
  • Enlistee -- Join a clan.
  • Ground Pounder -- Complete Ground Combat Training.
  • Hat Trick -- Get three flag captures in a single round of CTF.
  • How Did You Do That? -- Destroy an enemy aircraft with a Cluster Bomb.
  • Invincible -- While on foot, take at least 250 damage within 10 seconds without dying.
  • Irony -- Kill an enemy with his own Proximity Mine.
  • Lone Wolf -- Play a perfect Deathmatch (top player, no deaths).
  • One In A Million -- Shoot down an enemy aircraft using the tank's main cannon.
  • Overkill -- Destroy an enemy aircraft with a volley of 8 Swarm Missiles.
  • Pilot's License -- Complete Warhawk Combat Training.
  • Recognition of Merit -- Earn any five in-game medals
  • Remote Pilot -- Destroy an enemy aircraft with a TOW Missile.
  • Resourceful Driver -- Achieve a road kill and a .50 cal kill using the same 4x4, without dismounting.
  • Rivalry -- Win a clan match (red server) as either clan leader or a regular member.
  • Saboteur -- Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Field Wrench.
  • Survivalist -- Survive for one minute as the hero in Hero mode.
  • Tail Shaker -- Destroy an enemy aircraft with an Aerial Mine within 5 seconds of deploying it.
  • Taxi Driver -- Help a teammate capture the flag (in CTF) or cogs (in Collection) by transporting him back to the base, using any vehicle.
  • Warlord -- Create a clan and get nine other members to join. (Awarded at ten members while you are the clan leader.)
  • World Victory -- Control all capturable bases in a Zones match, and reduce the enemy's home base to level 1.

Silver Trophies

  • Secret Canyon -- Run Using a Warhawk, shoot down an enemy Warhawk in the central gorge in Vaporfield Glacier.
  • Secret King of the Jungle Gym -- Retrieve the Proximity Mines from the top of the dome on the Omega Factory Rumble Dome layout.
  • Secret Safety Violation -- Kill a distant enemy from on top of the salvage crane in Tau Crater.
  • Aerial Ballet -- While flying a jetpack, kill an enemy (who is also flying a jetpack) with any weapon other than the Rocket Launcher.
  • Are You Aim-Botting? -- Snipe an enemy who is flying a jetpack.
  • Behind Enemy Lines -- Drive an APC into the enemy's home base, then have at least one teammate spawn into that APC.
  • Commander -- Achieve a rank of Commander.
  • Decorated Soldier -- Earn any 15 in-game medals.
  • Flying Fortress -- Awarded to the driver and all six passengers of a fully-loaded Dropship.
  • Giant Killer -- Shoot down an enemy Dropship while using a Warhawk.
  • Lt. Colonel -- Achieve a rank of Lt. Colonel.
  • Master Award -- Earn all in-game badges at Master level.
  • Shield Breaker -- Break an enemy E-POD shield using the Lightning Shell.

Gold Trophies

  • Bandwidth Donor -- Host a ranked dedicated server for four consecutive hours.
  • Executive Honor -- Earn all in-game medals.
  • General -- Achieve a rank of General.
  • Porcupine -- Destroy an enemy Warhawk with the APC's E-POD shield.
  • Surgical Strike -- Shoot down a Dropship with a Binoculars strike.
  • That Was Some Bug -- Kill an enemy who is flying a jetpack by hitting him with any vehicle or aircraft.
  • Warhawk Award -- Earn all in-game badges at Warhawk level.

Platinum Trophy

  • Warhawk Supreme Achievement -- All your base trophies are belong to platinum.

And here are all the ones that I am pretty sure I have done (been a while since I played so I may misremember):

  • Secret Minesweeper -- Get killed by Proximity Mines five times in a single round.
  • Secret Reckless -- Pilot Commit suicide in a Warhawk by running into your own Aerial Mine.
  • Secret Vengeance -- Kill an enemy within 60 seconds of that enemy killing you.
  • Secret What's That Green Line? -- Get killed by a Binoculars strike while piloting an aircraft.
  • Anti-Air Ninja -- Shoot down a Warhawk with any infantry weapon other than a Rocket Launcher.
  • Chief Sergeant -- Achieve a rank of Chief Sergeant.
  • Irony -- Kill an enemy with his own Proximity Mine.
  • One In A Million -- Shoot down an enemy aircraft using the tank's main cannon.
  • Remote Pilot -- Destroy an enemy aircraft with a TOW Missile.
  • Resourceful Driver -- Achieve a road kill and a .50 cal kill using the same 4x4, without dismounting
  • Tail Shaker -- Destroy an enemy aircraft with an Aerial Mine within 5 seconds of deploying it.
  • Taxi Driver -- Help a teammate capture the flag (in CTF) or cogs (in Collection) by transporting him back to the base, using any vehicle.
  • World Victory -- Control all capturable bases in a Zones match, and reduce the enemy's home base to level 1.
  • Flying Fortress -- Awarded to the driver and all six passengers of a fully-loaded Dropship.
  • Giant Killer -- Shoot down an enemy Dropship while using a Warhawk.
  • Surgical Strike -- Shoot down a Dropship with a Binoculars strike.

Here is another question: Do these have to be done in a ranked server? I can play CTF with friends, set the flag score real high and then have everyone capture it three times, or set up a cluster bomb Warhawk kill, or binocular kill, or sniper rifle a Warhawk.

The problem with private rooms in this case is that there is a lot of room for cheap tricks.
I don't think any of them need to be done on a ranked server, I'll have to double check.

Also, the only ones that will be retroactive are medal / rank based trophies. Event based trophies (i.e. shooting down a warhawk with binos) will not be retroactive.
sweet, Jetpacks!
Yeah, we weren't supposed to know about that until the new expansion pack came out, but the trophy list got leaked.

From their Playstation Blog post.

Some of you may have read some rumors about our next Booster Pack…I can neither confirm nor deny anything…at least for right now Keep your eyes peeled for an update here on the blog and the media coverage at Leipzig which is right around the corner!!!

Last hint…and this is an easy one:

With one of these equipped, a soldier can escape quickly…even bail out if needed!

Sony's marketing keeps secrets tight, even after the cat is out of the bag. They should either confirm jetpacks, or if they aren't going to be there, tell us the trophy list is wrong.
Just a reminder, the new patch comes out tonight, the new booster pack comes out tomorrow.

That said, this patch included trophies. One of these trophies is for hosting a ranked server for 4 hours straight. On the Playstation Blog the producer for Warhawk said even if you spend 4 hours waiting for people to join your low-bandwidth 4 player server you will get the credit.

My problem is that I see myself spending forever trying to sift through all the ranked servers that are just being used to get trophies. Can we all try and do this tonight please? Set it up when you go to bed and leave it while you sleep. In the morning you have your trophy.

Tell everyone you know so that this will be over and done with in a very limited time frame.

Just me hoping.

Anyway, jetpacks tomorrow guys.

Oh, and it is also the 1 year anniversary of the Warhawk release as well.
:cheers: To the 1 year anniversary!

I keep forgetting how fun this game is. Off the top of my head, the trophies I have so far:

Achieving Cheif Sergeant rank
Having more than 5 medals
Shooting someone with a sniper 2,500ft away (which was quite hard)
Destroying an enemy vehicle with the wrench
Receiving 250 points of damage within 10 seconds without dying
Killing an enemy that killed you within 60 seconds
Getting a vehicle 100 ft off the ground.

I'll be aiming to do the combat training next (3 medals there), shooting a warhawk down with a tank or ground weapon should be easy.

I'm currently hosting a dedicated server though.
Achieving Cheif Sergeant rank
Got it.
Having more than 5 medals
I should be close
Shooting someone with a sniper 2,500ft away (which was quite hard)
I am pretty sure I did this once a while back, but it was accidentally a teammate. :ouch:
Out of curiosity, is that basically an across the board shot?
Destroying an enemy vehicle with the wrench
Does this require doing it from full health or can you run up on a burning tank and take one swipe at it?
Receiving 250 points of damage within 10 seconds without dying
Gun fight while running around in a bio-field?
Killing an enemy that killed you within 60 seconds
This should cut down on guys camping spawn points.
Getting a vehicle 100 ft off the ground.
Is this a jump off a cliff thing or what? If so, what level?
I'll be aiming to do the combat training next (3 medals there),
I did that last night. It is actually kind of boring right up until the final Warhawk test. You have like six drones which can each fire up to eight swarm missiles at you. I found they are slow to lock on though, so if you buzz them with machine gun fire and lock on two swarms you can take one out and still have time to either chaff or shake the missiles. The big thing is to not waste time while within lock-on range.

shooting a warhawk down with a tank or ground weapon should be easy.
Sniper rifle.

I'm currently hosting a dedicated server though.
OK, I was going to do this last night, but my connection only allows a max of four players. So, while I can host a dedicated server I cannot host a ranked dedicated server.

Does anyone know the actual limitations on hosting a ranked dedicated server?
I am pretty sure I did this once a while back, but it was accidentally a teammate. :ouch:
Out of curiosity, is that basically an across the board shot?
Yep. I don't know a lot about the distances you have to shoot on-screen but literally I could only shoot one of them when they were standing still near a turret. He was literally only around 10 pixels on the screen. It was on the Archipelago map on the tower where the sniper is kept.

Does this require doing it from full health or can you run up on a burning tank and take one swipe at it?
I done it on a damaged APC 1/3rd health left.

Gun fight while running around in a bio-field?
Nope. You know when you pick up dead enemy's backpacks and get recieve about 1/4 health regeneration? I picked up a few of those while they were swarming a zone... I literally got the trophy with 1 1/2 blocks of health left.

Is this a jump off a cliff thing or what? If so, what level?
Yep, jumping off a cliff. I done it on the Eucadia map. When you spawn keep following the road until you drive quite high up overlooking the bridge in the middle. Just drive straight off it quickly and you should get it .

I did that last night. It is actually kind of boring right up until the final Warhawk test. You have like six drones which can each fire up to eight swarm missiles at you. I found they are slow to lock on though, so if you buzz them with machine gun fire and lock on two swarms you can take one out and still have time to either chaff or shake the missiles. The big thing is to not waste time while within lock-on range.
This is my only weak spot on the game, flying... I still died several times trying to do it. xD

Sniper rifle.
Yeah. Probably easier to use a normal assault rifle when a Warhawk is weak though.

OK, I was going to do this last night, but my connection only allows a max of four players. So, while I can host a dedicated server I cannot host a ranked dedicated server.

Does anyone know the actual limitations on hosting a ranked dedicated server?
Hmmm, odd. Mine is a max of 8 players, yet it let me do dedicated and ranked...
This is my only weak spot on the game, flying... I still died several times trying to do it. xD
Same here. I can't fly for crap and I know that my ranking will hit a point that I cannot do anything to rank up because I can't get the required ribbon or badge.

Yeah. Probably easier to use a normal assault rifle when a Warhawk is weak though.
I am more likely to use a sniper rifle to defend my guys in a firefight from a distance by taking out the enemy aircraft than by taking out individual guys. If you are far enough away half the time the guy won't notice the shots if he is busy.

Hmmm, odd. Mine is a max of 8 players, yet it let me do dedicated and ranked...
Maybe eight is the limit. If my cable company ever upgrades their system I should be fine. I'm running at 1mb/s and they advertise their amazing 8mb/s high end service while surrounding cities, within 20-40 miles, are getting a 10mb/s minimum package with a 20mb/s high end option for similar prices.

I really hope they upgrade soon. If I am playing Warhawk and my wife hops on Facebook or MySpace on the PC I get disconnected.
shooting a warhawk down with a tank or ground weapon should be easy.

Its very easy in a Hero match, when you are the 'Hero' the extra damage you do makes taking down a Warhawk with the assult rifle fairly straightforward.

That's how I got mine as well.

I got my 100ft in a vehicle one in an interesting way, while riding below a Dropship does not count; if the dropship is then shot down and your tank falls, then that does count. However jumping a jeep off a big cliff is a much easier method I suspect.

Oh, I also have the rather embarising 'What's that green line?' one, which involves getting shot down by binoculars, me and my poor Warhawk piloting skills managed to get me that one.

