Warhawk • The Official Thread

Just thought I would show a close up to clarify...



No Turrets....


I see now.

However, I followed the link to look at all the pictures and the very first thumbnail is this one:


Um, is that turrets and carrying a tank?
Gosh Yeah, Maybe certain circumstances mean that you can fire the turrets whilst carrying (maybe altitude etc?) I guess it will come clear soon.


Ugh, throw my theory out the window.

I have a different theory.

A dropship can carry one vehicle (carried below, as we see in screens) and seven people. In the screens I see three guns per side, six guns total. Put one passenger per gun, and a pilot and you have your seven troops.

I have a feeling that the turrets work more like the 4x4 turret and not like the Warhawk machine guns, mainly because they appear to stick out of the sides, meaning the pilot would have a hard time flying and using the guns.

Basically, the additions in the expansion are pushing the teamplay even more. I like that they push the teamplay because I feel it encourages headset usage, but at the same time I think it is a large part in why Warhawk chatting doesn't sound anything like Halo chatting. Sure, you have your occasional idiot, but rarely do you get some of the stuff I have heard in Halo videos.
I think they should include more vehicles still. I'm excited about the dropships! Maybe they could include a walking artillery unit as well? Slower than a tank, but more range.
Looks like the PS Blog was just updated with some additional info, namely the download's price at $7.99.

Also there's a map of the new level:

And a nice description of the design goal in creating the drop ship:
The Combat Dropship is pretty damn sweet I gotta say. During the entire Omega Dawn dev-cycle I was trying to have us deliver on the crazy notion of a “Multiplayer BOSS”. Something that a team could all work together to control and that would require other players to work as a team to defeat the opposing team’s “BOSS”. We’ve had several just wicked memorable moments playing with our testers that felt like classic BOSS battles … but in a fast-paced multiplayer game!
Looks like the PS Blog was just updated with some additional info, namely the download's price at $7.99.
I was expecting anything from $5-$10, so this is good.

Also there's a map of the new level:
Am I the only one that thinks that looks like a reworked Island Outpost?

And a nice description of the design goal in creating the drop ship:
Sounds like my theory is right. It has to be a team effort. CTF and Zones will never be the same again. I wonder if you get seven points for assisting on the destruction of a fully loaded dropship?
Am I the only one that thinks that looks like a reworked Island Outpost?

Sounds like my theory is right. It has to be a team effort. CTF and Zones will never be the same again. I wonder if you get seven points for assisting on the destruction of a fully loaded dropship?

all the levels have a similar basic layout so I'm not surprised to see some similarities. I would be very surprised if you didn't get points based on however many people were in the vehicle since that's the way it is with any other vehicle
I would be very surprised if you didn't get points based on however many people were in the vehicle since that's the way it is with any other vehicle
Points will be doled out in masses then. Take out a dropship and everyone shooting gets 7 assist points and the guy who fires the killing shot gets 14. Nice.

I think this seems like it will be nearly useless in regular deathmatch, it might not even be available.
Like a mech?

Yep, I was thinking of the Juggernaut from C&C Firestorm. To balance play, it would have to stand still to deliver a payload. Also make the shots have a bigger blast radius than a tank shell. Man would I love to crush tanks with something like it.

I'll be getting this expansion, I was expecting $10 as well.
I wonder how they will incorporate the dropship into the game, will people who didn't buy it be able to be in matches where people are using them? will they be able to use them also? It doesn't seem as easy as incorporating a new level where you can either play matches on that level or not depending on whether or not you have bought the map.
You'll probably just get booted off the server if you don't have the map. No big deal.

Oh, I see what you're saying now. It's possible that servers would have information listed on whether the host includes dropships or not. If you go on a dropship enabled server and don't have the expansion, you'll probably just get booted.
There's an option in the sort field where it will only display maps that you have. You will be able to play the normal maps, but not the modified ones with the dropship.
Yeah, the other maps will be modified to include the dropship. If you didn't pay the $7.99, nothing will change. If you did, you will see the modified maps displayed plus the Omega Dawn map.
So the matches will all be divided by who has the dropship and who doesn't, which is kind of weird since I imagine many people will buy this making it difficult to find a good match the way you want it. But It won't matter for me because I'll be one of the first in the eline for this 👍
God damnit. I won't be able to get this then.
Huh? Why not?

So the matches will all be divided by who has the dropship and who doesn't, which is kind of weird since I imagine many people will buy this making it difficult to find a good match the way you want it. But It won't matter for me because I'll be one of the first in the eline for this 👍
I am sure there will be enough people that won't like it even after getting it and really just want the new map anyway.

Which I discovered why people camp their own flags in CTF games. This past weekend, while trying this out, I managed to get over 2,000 points, a couple of medals, a handful of master level badges, a ton of ribbons, and rank up soley by preventing anyone from taking my flag.

I started out with my usual grabbing zones and snagging flags strategy but found that their base was too well defended. I could occasionally grab the flag but I would never get far. So every attempt managed to only get me 5 points and my death, many times not even the points. I gave up and decided to play defense. If they managed to grab my flag I would chase them down, kill them, and save it. 5 points for killing the flag carrier and 10 for saving the flag. Even if I didn't kill him I would still get a couple of assist points, plus 10 for the flag save.

It isn't nearly as exciting but it is a sure fire way to build up your stats. In one game I had 26 kills and over 200 points. I think they need to rebalance that somehow because you get no bonus for assisting a flag capture (defending the guy carrying the flag), but when five of you save a flag you each get 10 points. Suddenly 30 points for capturing a flag seems unfair when you can get 15 points for simply having a mine sitting where the guy will hit it after picking up your flag or 10 just for being nearby when the flag carrier gets killed.

It seems even worse when I realize that half my flag captures in the past have been because a teammate was on his way back to base with the flag when he died and then I picked it up and took it in. Heck, yesterday I got one when my teammate died right in front of me and I didn't even realize I had the flag until everyone started shooting at me.

I had to go play zones because I realized the temptation to just build stats was too great and way too easy.
Huh? Why not?

I am sure there will be enough people that won't like it even after getting it and really just want the new map anyway.

Which I discovered why people camp their own flags in CTF games. This past weekend, while trying this out, I managed to get over 2,000 points, a couple of medals, a handful of master level badges, a ton of ribbons, and rank up soley by preventing anyone from taking my flag.

I started out with my usual grabbing zones and snagging flags strategy but found that their base was too well defended. I could occasionally grab the flag but I would never get far. So every attempt managed to only get me 5 points and my death, many times not even the points. I gave up and decided to play defense. If they managed to grab my flag I would chase them down, kill them, and save it. 5 points for killing the flag carrier and 10 for saving the flag. Even if I didn't kill him I would still get a couple of assist points, plus 10 for the flag save.

It isn't nearly as exciting but it is a sure fire way to build up your stats. In one game I had 26 kills and over 200 points. I think they need to rebalance that somehow because you get no bonus for assisting a flag capture (defending the guy carrying the flag), but when five of you save a flag you each get 10 points. Suddenly 30 points for capturing a flag seems unfair when you can get 15 points for simply having a mine sitting where the guy will hit it after picking up your flag or 10 just for being nearby when the flag carrier gets killed.

It seems even worse when I realize that half my flag captures in the past have been because a teammate was on his way back to base with the flag when he died and then I picked it up and took it in. Heck, yesterday I got one when my teammate died right in front of me and I didn't even realize I had the flag until everyone started shooting at me.

I had to go play zones because I realized the temptation to just build stats was too great and way too easy.

I've noticed this too and it sucks to have a teammate go all out to protect the flag carrier while you have the flag only to get nothing when the score is made. I've been on both sides and it seems to be one of the only balance issues with the scoring

I'm going to love this even more than the tank. Sure, everyone will want to kill you if you're using it, but imagine the strategic possibilities!
OK, after watching the video here are my thoughts on what I see.

  1. The machine guns are used by the pilot.
  2. The machine guns are overly powerful and took out jeeps and Warhawks in less than 10 seconds.
  3. When flown solo it has a major weakness in speed and blind spots from below, front, and back. A Warhawk will be able to take advantage with speed.
  4. Each passenger troop gets a rocket turret. Can these home or just straight fire? They look like sidewinders.
  5. It is armored enough to take two full rounds of ammo from a flak gun to destroy it.
  6. It could not pick up a cluster bomb. Does this go for all other aircraft weapons?
  7. It does have chaff.
  8. If you are fighting a fully loaded dropship you can have as much as three heavy machine guns and six rockets firing at you at one time.

One big question I have. Can we get a special TDM Dropship Dogfighting game type? It would be awesome to have guys in like maybe two or three dropships and everyone else in Warhawks.
The passenger missiles look like swarm missiles found on the warhawk, from the picture on the bottom left. So I'm guessing they'll be able to lock on as well.
Too bad the video didn't show the dropship carrying another vehicle.
Indeed. Which is why I hope the damage it can take will be enough... We'll see.
In the video it took two full loads from a Flak gun. You see him actually have to wait to reload to finish it off.

That said, he does use it to blow up another with little effort. So, they are a good match against each other, but a mighty machine against everything else.

And you will almost have to use headsets to coordinate attacking with other people in the ship.