*Warning* Graphically Disgusting Pics [56'kers beware]

  • Thread starter Pako
Is it directly on your kneecap Pako? If so, that's probably the worst spot on your body to injure if you want to be mobile.

Hey, if you don't mind, take a pic not so close to the cut, do give us a better idea of where you hurt yourself and how it looks from another perspective.

It seems to be healing rather quickly and that's suprising. The gooeyness will be there for a while though, I hate when that happens.

Great injury though Pako, a sure story teller. 👍
Originally posted by Concept
Is it directly on your kneecap Pako? If so, that's probably the worst spot on your body to injure if you want to be mobile.

Hey, if you don't mind, take a pic not so close to the cut, do give us a better idea of where you hurt yourself and how it looks from another perspective.

It seems to be healing rather quickly and that's suprising. The gooeyness will be there for a while though, I hate when that happens.

Great injury though Pako, a sure story teller. 👍

:D Here's a better perspective shot:


  • full-leg.jpg
    31.4 KB · Views: 200
It had to be tricky shaving around that wound. :irked:

Yeah, I was fine with the picture until I saw the bandaid as well. :yuck:
:lol: I shaved for you guys and everything...what else do you want from me, geeze.:rolleyes:
It is man. After changing the dressings daily with neosporin (sp?), I finially got some liquid bandaid. That stuff is awesome! ;)
Originally posted by Pako
It is man. After changing the dressings daily with neosporin (sp?), I finially got some liquid bandaid. That stuff is awesome! ;)

For some reason why. Those pics don't hardly even bother me. I know it really hurt but jeez. I have a strong stomach I guess. :irked: :irked:
That's OK F1man, they really don't discust me either. I was, however, a little turned off when I had to reach into the blood red meat flap, and un-curl that top flap of skin and flesh that was embedded into the reseses of the wound. I will say that, that was pretty grose.

Ok, Ok.... So this Death Metal band came into the studio and recorded a single. It was called "Blood Red Meat Phlap", the band's name is "Dripping Orifice"... Them's my bros.... :D
Originally posted by Pako
Ok, Ok.... So this Death Metal band came into the studio and recorded a single. It was called "Blood Red Meat Phlap", the band's name is "Dripping Orifice"... Them's my bros.... :D

How do you get around, do you walk or what? What do you do, look at GTPlanet all day? :D :D
Originally posted by F1man
How do you get around, do you walk or what? What do you do, look at GTPlanet all day? :D :D

Where did that come from? All of us spend all day looking at GTPlanet (at least the cool ones...:D) When my truck was in the shop, I was riding my Cannondale to and from work.
Originally posted by Pako
Where did that come from? All of spend all day looking at GTPlanet (at least the cool ones...:D) When my truck was in the shop, I was riding my Cannondale to and from work.

Everytime I read one of your posts I see 'Online' But don't worry. I'm on all day long too. :D :D
Originally posted by F1man
You have not been updating lately, Pako. :P :P

I was out of town, but I did take a shot yesterday before I left, and just took a shot when I got home. Probably tomorrow I'll do a three day update on the photo's. :D

Glad to see I have a fan on the Blood Red Meat Flap.

I know I know...., I changed it at the top, but it didn't update it in the thread title... :mad:

Originally posted by Pako
I was out of town, but I did take a shot yesterday before I left, and just took a shot when I got home. Probably tomorrow I'll do a three day update on the photo's. :D

Glad to see I have a fan on the Blood Red Meat Flap.


How many times must we say to quit saying 'MEAT FLAP' ? :mad: :mad: I don't really care about the word 'meat flap' anyway. :P Who told you I was a fan of your meat flap? I just like to see sick pictures, thats all. :D :D
Originally posted by ALPHA
You can do that with a Admin Options > Edit Thread

Will you ever learn?

:embarrassed: So that's how you do that.... ;)

Thanks for the heads up.

Originally posted by ALPHA
Don't you moderators go through some sort of Jordan's Boot Camp of Doom?

It's a monthly motivational excursion through Death Valley actually, but Pako never pays attention.