*Warning* Graphically Disgusting Pics [56'kers beware]

  • Thread starter Pako

Well all is pretty well. No more gravel roads jumping up on my knee. I did have a cabinet dresser smash into it lastnight though, this morning is was thick with bloody puss that I had to squeeze out. Sorry I didn't take any pics, I was kinda in a rush. It also seemed to open up part of the gash as well...
Originally posted by Pako

Well all is pretty well. No more gravel roads jumping up on my knee. I did have a cabinet dresser smash into it lastnight though, this morning is was thick with bloody puss that I had to squeeze out. Sorry I didn't take any pics, I was kinda in a rush. It also seemed to open up part of the gash as well...

Do you really love us Pako? :lol: :D
Day 9, 10, and 11 are now served up. I'm afraid that the healing process isn't as fast as I had hoped, but never the less, it's still my leg, and I will continue to keep it as long as I can.
It's more of a gash now, meat flap was getting used just a little too much.

Forgot to tell you, :lol: love the new Kiwi bird avatar...
Originally posted by ALPHA
Shell I remove the 'THE END' part because it sucks.

I think the end looks just fine, but I might suggest making the intro text pause longer, like 2-3x's as long.

Just thought I'd make a contribution... :D


  • dscf0005.jpg
    16.1 KB · Views: 99
Nice!!! :D

Any other self inflictions? No random internet pics please...:)
A little off topic, but...

I once got a pretty bad burn when a cooked, microwaved hard-boiled egg exploded in my face. :lol:

Never microwave a cold, cooked egg!
I have continued taking pictures every day, I think I'm up to day 24 today. I have to periodically squeeze the pu_ss out, but all in all I think it's healing up quite nicely.


BTw - You said Meat Flap.
Originally posted by LoudMusic
I made you an avatar!!

DUDE I didn't even know.....

I unplugged for a while and didn't even knwo you made this.....

Thanks man! :)
Ok, I don't know if it's me but I see these posts up and I think oh a new one :odd: then I think wait I've seen that before?? I realize the date says 1/7/02 and I think oh. Well, I think I would have remembered this one. Now that I've seen this I don't feel so well, not that I was earlier but your not helpin! And my legs hurt too. :mischievous: :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Pako
DUDE I didn't even know.....

I unplugged for a while and didn't even knwo you made this.....

Thanks man! :)

Well, it's me that should appologize. You picked it up about 8 hours after I posted. I missed the original post by about 3 months (:
I am pleased to announce that no Stiches were necessary...but would have been welcomed for sure. :) Next time.
Originally posted by Pako
If your reading this, you still have time to hit your back button. The images are still loading, so you don't have to see them, but if you wish, do so at your own risk.

These shots are from a little fall I had today. Yeah, gravity decided to play a little trick on me... Needless to say, my knee is really sore right now.

When it first happened, I couldn't believe that it was even real, but I proceeded down to the lake. By the time I got down there, my entire leg was covered in blood, so I jumped in and washed it out best I could, pulling the meat flap back. It was discusting.

Well, without further hesitation:

Day 1 - Pic 1 of 2

Day1 - Pic 2 of 2

Day2 - Pic 1 of 1

Day3 - Pic 1 of 1

Day4 - Pic 1 of 1

Day5 - Pic 1 of 1

Day6 - Pic 1 of 1

Day7 - Pic 1 of 1

Day8 - Pic 1 of 1

Day9 - Pic 1 of 1

Day10 - Pic 1 of 1

Day11 - Pic 1 of 1

I will post further pictures to document it's healing progress...



  • jandh.jpg
    46.1 KB · Views: 91