- 6,009
- Austin, Texas
- D-Nitrate / GTP_DNitrate
No I know mate that Museum Cards do not add to the 7000 limit (Been widely discussed in thread)
Then why post that link here when this thread is clearly about the 7,000 Item limit??? Not only that, but if you read the petion, the author clearly doesn't realize that museum cards do not count towards the limit:
HOODFIELDIt's not cool that I have 6-7 doubles of some Museum cards that I have no way of deleting. I can only send out 5 a day then the game gives me a 10 per day bonus. At the rate I'm going I'm going to hit that 7000 item limit and be stuck with loads of museum cards I can't delete.
Which is another example of a misinformed petition.
but it adds to my game file save in what ever form and with no option to delete then thats unfair why I should have so many duplicates of one card?
Really? Pray tell, what is the kb added to a game save for each duplicate museum card... I'll save you time... ZERO. The duplicates are stored simply as a binary additive - no additional kb needed.
What happens when that total is hit and I still keep getting the stupid login bonus like I do for the ITEMS? (Regarding Paints)
Except no limit for museum cards has ever been reached, nor have seen any evidence that any such limit even exists, and I think I have close to 5,000 already.... and despite having all those duplicate museum cards it has not increased my game save.
The only significant increase to my game save was with each original museum card. The only other significant increase to my game save has been adding cars including duplicate cars - as they can have their own unique condition. That's it.
I have already reached my 7,000 limit a couple times already, and none of the duplicate items (paints, racing gear, parts) has made any kind of significant addition to my game save. Only cars.
I get that you seem upset over limits, and that's certainly your right to. Personally I just like to be well informed, which is why I created this thread to begin with - and making claims that there is some kind of limit to museum cards and that duplicate museum cards add any significant amount to a game save based only on a guess is just an example of spreading FUD among the community.
Worst of all is the petition you made a point to draw attention to is simply wrong, and that museum cards do NOT add to the item count. What worries me further is that if you already knew this, why are you then trying to get people to support it?
Look, I don't want to be harsh, and I genuinely appreciate your enthusiasm and the tremendous help you and others like HOODFIELD have been in trading and sending collectables like the racing suits to numerous members - all of that is awesome and I will always appreciate people like you who go out of their way to help others, especially strangers...
However, there is way too much misinformation and FUD out there, and spreading it, no matter how well intentioned, does a disservice to this and other online communities.
Let's try and stay calm; try and seek out facts over opinions before jumping to any conclusions; and spread good information and offer constructive criticism based on the facts, and not just the opinions of others. It will go a very long way in improving the discussions and motivating the powers that be to make improvements on their products.
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