WARNING: There is a limit to how many items (gear,parts,paint,tickets) you can have.

No I know mate that Museum Cards do not add to the 7000 limit (Been widely discussed in thread)

Then why post that link here when this thread is clearly about the 7,000 Item limit??? Not only that, but if you read the petion, the author clearly doesn't realize that museum cards do not count towards the limit:

It's not cool that I have 6-7 doubles of some Museum cards that I have no way of deleting. I can only send out 5 a day then the game gives me a 10 per day bonus. At the rate I'm going I'm going to hit that 7000 item limit and be stuck with loads of museum cards I can't delete.

Which is another example of a misinformed petition.

but it adds to my game file save in what ever form and with no option to delete then thats unfair why I should have so many duplicates of one card?

Really? Pray tell, what is the kb added to a game save for each duplicate museum card... I'll save you time... ZERO. The duplicates are stored simply as a binary additive - no additional kb needed.

What happens when that total is hit and I still keep getting the stupid login bonus like I do for the ITEMS? (Regarding Paints)

Except no limit for museum cards has ever been reached, nor have seen any evidence that any such limit even exists, and I think I have close to 5,000 already.... and despite having all those duplicate museum cards it has not increased my game save.

The only significant increase to my game save was with each original museum card. The only other significant increase to my game save has been adding cars including duplicate cars - as they can have their own unique condition. That's it.

I have already reached my 7,000 limit a couple times already, and none of the duplicate items (paints, racing gear, parts) has made any kind of significant addition to my game save. Only cars.

I get that you seem upset over limits, and that's certainly your right to. Personally I just like to be well informed, which is why I created this thread to begin with - and making claims that there is some kind of limit to museum cards and that duplicate museum cards add any significant amount to a game save based only on a guess is just an example of spreading FUD among the community.

Worst of all is the petition you made a point to draw attention to is simply wrong, and that museum cards do NOT add to the item count. What worries me further is that if you already knew this, why are you then trying to get people to support it?

Look, I don't want to be harsh, and I genuinely appreciate your enthusiasm and the tremendous help you and others like HOODFIELD have been in trading and sending collectables like the racing suits to numerous members - all of that is awesome and I will always appreciate people like you who go out of their way to help others, especially strangers...

However, there is way too much misinformation and FUD out there, and spreading it, no matter how well intentioned, does a disservice to this and other online communities.

Let's try and stay calm; try and seek out facts over opinions before jumping to any conclusions; and spread good information and offer constructive criticism based on the facts, and not just the opinions of others. It will go a very long way in improving the discussions and motivating the powers that be to make improvements on their products.
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OMGosh Firstly I will say why I posted here in this thread.
You seem and appear to be given an almighty right becuase your the first to notice a 7000 limit. Sorry but thats the way you have come across.
Not fuzzed about that mate I have learned to live with it. Am guessing if no one says anything then we all have to learn to live with it.?
But the more people that notice limits and draw attention then maybe limits like the 7000 will get attention from the right people instead of a few measly people who decide to pop in a thread.?
The link I give was to people who wish to vote a concern over the museum cards. (Like me)
Rightly so Yes I admit shouldn,t off posted here but this thread concerned people who have concerns over limits percieved in the game.?
Never said anything in regards to this thread in my post #88.
And has for hitting limits I have been hitting them for some time mate.
Thats why am sick of them?
Plus thats why am concerned over them.
Also the link I placed in my post # 90.
That was when the museum cards first drew a lot of attention when people had to watch there save files.?
In the artictle it told us to watch our save file thats why am concerned?
Mine has grown beyond that fix (Patch) but when and if I hit another then what am I supposed to do.
Just have my game ruined because of limits that PD implemet in a game.?

"If your file is closing in on the 4165KB threshold, I strongly advise you to avoid loading the museum cards. Indeed, it would be wise for everyone to avoid the museum feature until we have confirmation this bug has been resolved."


That was not my information it was posted many moons ago and that coursed concern and what happens when the file sizes gets to next level of any significance.
Has for the 7000 limit like I say I have hit that more times than I have hit my pillow.
Deleted down to one of every paint in the game deleted down to one of every suit and helmet. How far am I going to have to go before I can stop deleting and enjoy the game.
Even opened a 2nd account a long time ago to save my 0/0/0 cars too.
Just so that it saves space on my main.
Been playing this game from day 1 and its just getting frustrating with all these limits.
The more that shout, sooner or later it will fall upon the right ears.
If no one says anything then it falls into the threads that have disappeared like all others. Covered in dust?
Sorry for the rant but I feel that I originally posted valid info for people to come to rather than draw an argument.
Has you say the museum cards have no effect, Cool that saves the worry, But they once had an effect, The link proved that and something was done about it.?
If it reaches a place where it has no limits then fine but until the day comes when It effects us again then I will be concerned. like many others are now.
Chat soon bye for now.:)

No I know mate that Museum Cards do not add to the 7000 limit (Been widely discussed in thread) but it adds to my game file save in what ever form and with no option to delete then thats unfair why I should have so many duplicates of one card?

Really? Pray tell, what is the kb added to a game save for each duplicate museum card... I'll save you time... ZERO. The duplicates are stored simply as a binary additive - no additional kb needed.


This link was fixed in a patch but who,s to say that it was just converted into another limit by PD?

"Viewing museum cards can increase your file size by as much as several hundred KB or more. They are automatically gifted to you on a daily basis by the game, but this is not what causes your save file to grow by such a large amount – you must actually browse through them to significantly increase the size of the file. Presumably, the actual content of the cards is being stored or cached within the save file when you read them, resulting in accelerated growth."

The reason behind qouting this section was, Can some one confirm how this fix or patch actually fixed it.
Did they make it unlimited.? Is it now beyond any amount. Unless the person works for PD comes forward then how am I supposed to believe someone.?
I mean it was not until Jun 28 2011, 4:37 PM 1Digital-Nitrate Noticed we had a 7000 limit on ITEMS?
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OMGosh Firstly I will say why I posted here in this thread.
You seem and appear to be given an almighty right becuase your the first to notice a 7000 limit. Sorry but thats the way you have come across.

This is insane now. It's comments like this that make me wish I had not even taken the time to investigate this issue and share my findings. Unbelievable. *sigh*

I give up - by all means feel free to freak out, but you have no facts to back up your claims on this matter.

BTW: If you had bothered to do some actual research instead of light torches and scream bloody murder you would have been able to easily realize the issue with museum cards and a large game save had NOTHING to do with duplicates, and had everything to do with the number of unique museum cards. I tested this out a long time ago.

I've tried to be reasonable about this, but I can see that for now there appears to be no way to reason with you.

For everyone else - don't panic!
  1. Unlike what that petition/feedback says, museum cards DO NOT add to your item limit.

  2. Duplicate museum cards DO NOT increase the size of your game save by any noticeable amount... only getting ones you do not have will increase it.

  3. To date, NO ONE has reported any limit to the number of museum cards we can have in a game save, and considering there is no delete option, while there is a delete option for things that DO have a limit, it doesn't take a huge leap of faith to believe that there is no limit to cards.... more importantly, until evidence that such a limit exists, freaking out over something you don't have any proof exists is not healthy.

Facts > FUD

Let's try and stay calm; try and seek out facts over opinions before jumping to any conclusions; and spread good information and offer constructive criticism based on the facts, and not just the opinions of others. It will go a very long way in improving the discussions and motivating the powers that be to make improvements on their products.
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Thats great mate I hope they don,t?
Am not saying they do. I orignally posted like I have pointed out that I never said anything on that matter.?
With enough people voting and leaving comments maybe we could get help from PD on this matter.?
Chat soon bye for now.:)
Until further drawn into a discussion about it.? (Museum cards)

Like you say you have done loads of research on the matter.
But from what I read in the link it says that by browsing them it increases the save file. Thats what I was lead to believe?


What am I supposed to believe.?
Sorry if its got your back but its the way you come across thats not the best mate.?
Just by saying something we are all supposed to believe you.?💡
chat soon bye for now mate.:)

Is there any limit for the Car-Truck?

Your truck mate holds tickets which are in your ITEMS FOLDER.?
Chat soon bye for now.:)
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Sorry if its got your back but its the way you come across thats not the best mate.?

*sigh* I suggest you re-read your responses and consider taking your own advice. And don't call me mate. I'm absolutely pissed right now.

Is there any limit for the Car-Truck?

Not that I am aware. In theory you could have 7,000 tickets in your car-truck, but only if you didn't have any paints, gear and parts.
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And don't call me mate.

Fair enough Thats just the way I refer to every one in threads.
If it offends you then fine. Sorry about that.
You tell me after I quote this section who am I supposed to believe?

This next piece is from the link I have provided many times over.?

Qoute " Slow Down the Growth of Your Save File

As mentioned above, this bug cannot be avoided by anyone – your GT5 game save file will only get larger as you continue to play. Simply loading up the game will cause it to increase by at least a few KB or so, and other more significant actions, such as buying new cars or parts, will make it grow even faster. However, the most serious threat to your game’s save file is browsing through “museum cards”.

Viewing museum cards can increase your file size by as much as several hundred KB or more. They are automatically gifted to you on a daily basis by the game, but this is not what causes your save file to grow by such a large amount – you must actually browse through them to significantly increase the size of the file. Presumably, the actual content of the cards is being stored or cached within the save file when you read them, resulting in accelerated growth.

If your file is closing in on the 4165KB threshold, I strongly advise you to avoid loading the museum cards. Indeed, it would be wise for everyone to avoid the museum feature until we have confirmation this bug has been resolved.

It should also be noted this issue applies only to the game save file - not the “game data” installed to the hard disk. As such, though downloading a program from Gran Turismo TV or saving a race replay may increase your game save file by a tiny amount, their actual content is stored elsewhere and is not a concern.


Like I say who am I supposed to believe and how was this fixed or patch and how good is the fix or if it was just another limit placed by PD.?
Like I have pointed out my save file exceeds that now shown.?
Anyway finding it quite ridiculous in thread.
OK OK lets all believe you. Thanks for all the info PAL.
Bye for now.:)
You can believe both because its apples and oranges.

How did you come to the conclusion that viewing a museum card is the same as having duplicate copies of a museum card!

Heck, even in that article it CLEARLY states:

They are automatically gifted to you on a daily basis by the game, but this is not what causes your save file to grow by such a large amount – you must actually browse through them to significantly increase the size of the file.

Viewing them adds the image file for that museum card... duplicates use the exact same image file - so NOTHING is added... You could have 100 of the same museum card, and it still only adds that one image. Is that at all clear to you?

And don't call me pal either. Remember your advice "its the way you come across thats not the best"
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With enough people voting and leaving comments maybe we could get help from PD on this matter.?
Chat soon bye for now.:)

Now lets go all the way back to post #88 "QUOTED ABOVE"

How did I get drawn into a discussion on MUSEUM CARDS.
When my original post Describe voting on a FEEDBACK FORUM about museum cards.
DAM your good. Oh mighty one.
Lets also go back to my original on the feedback post as well.?

Please PD address this issue has it as a long term effect on our saves.?
7000 limit.


Like I say drawn into another piece of a thread I really don,t give a dam about.
Shouldn,t have draw any attention to the 7000 limit but I guess thats a mistake on my behalf in the FEEDBACK FORUM and PLACING IT HERE TOO.
Also shouldn,t of replied to your discussion on the matter regarding replys.
Because if you don,t believe you then its tough luck we,re all wrong.?
Already apoligised on a few occassions thruoghout this discussion.?
Satisfied now.
Stick your museum cards where they don,t shine BRO.
And as for the rest of the ITEMS FOLDER WHICH I KNOW CONTRIBUTE TO THE 7000 limit.
Which I believed all items including Museum cards contribute to my save.
Plus my cars and any other rubbish PD want to throw at us in our saves.
Bye for now.:)

*sigh* I'm absolutely pissed right now.

Guess what mate pal bro or what ever thats two of us now.
Good bye Digital-Nitrate.
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Is this totally going over the top of your head mate

With enough people voting and leaving comments maybe we could get help from PD on this matter.?
Chat soon bye for now.:)


I posted this and you came back with an A hole attitude and what do you expect me to do just accept your right and no one else has an opinion.?
Whether its fact or fiction thats tough mate its an answer I gave If you don,t want to accept then don,t answer on it.
Or once again is it back to believing everything you say?


No I know mate that Museum Cards do not add to the 7000 limit (Been widely discussed in thread) but it adds to my game file save in what ever form and with no option to delete then thats unfair why I should have so many duplicates of one card?
Think I answered that one when the thread came about and when evidence came to light, what a few asked for.?

All stemed because of that and I posted in your stupid thread big sodding wow mate.
If thats such a big NO NO then just ask for a moderator to delete it.
Delete all other crap you have been on about too.

Museum cards don't count towards your "Item" total (they aren't even in the "Items" folder):

Not only that, but multiple cards add next to nothing if anything at all to a game save. Seems like an odd thing to complain about.

If PD sees that petition I'm afraid it will only hurt our credibility, and they might not take other petitions seriously.... although frankly I doubt most online petitions are taken seriously due to a saturation of unreasonable and even badly misinformed petitions that have been spread around the net.

Its that sort of attitude in your answer that sucks pal.
Thats why I went defensive just like you with my ORIGINAL POST.?

With enough people voting and leaving comments maybe we could get help from PD on this matter.?
Chat soon bye for now."


Except no limit for museum cards has ever been reached, nor have seen any evidence that any such limit even exists, and I think I have close to 5,000 already.... and despite having all those duplicate museum cards it has not increased my game save.

You also say you have close to 5000 cards, Game has been out almost a year lets say thats 365 days, ten a a day for logging in thats 3650.
So lets say you have done lots of trades to get the others in. Been there and done that too. Well am guessing your catching up to me then. or am I catching up on you.

Point am making is you in your own sentence it says which is bolded you have not see it, You can not witness it neither can I so why question my ORIGINAL POST.
just like why jump in the FEEDBACK FORUM and question that.
You nor I can say if its true or not.
But we are all supposed to believe you.?

If PD has anything to go by then its more than likely true to form they will be some limits in place.
Thats just how PD rocks our world.

Also I would like to point out your basing your answer, its not been seen its a fact it doesn,t exist?
If its not been seen am basing my answer its possible it could exist?

Just like until Jun 28 2011, 3:37 PM (7000 limit did not exist until nearly 8 month after the game has been out.?)

And I would like to say thanks for not accepting my apology thru these posts.?
I have nothing more to say on the matter, I will support anyone who feels that there save is compromised in any way.
Whether its FACT or FICTION or some else,s beliefs.
Enough said good bye and have a happy future.
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I've tried to be reasonable about this, but I can see that for now there appears to be no way to reason with you.

For everyone else - don't panic!
  1. Unlike what that petition/feedback says, museum cards DO NOT add to your item limit.

  2. Duplicate museum cards DO NOT increase the size of your game save by any noticeable amount... only getting ones you do not have will increase it.

  3. To date, NO ONE has reported any limit to the number of museum cards we can have in a game save, and considering there is no delete option, while there is a delete option for things that DO have a limit, it doesn't take a huge leap of faith to believe that there is no limit to cards.... more importantly, until evidence that such a limit exists, freaking out over something you don't have any proof exists is not healthy.

Facts > FUD

Let's try and stay calm; try and seek out facts over opinions before jumping to any conclusions; and spread good information and offer constructive criticism based on the facts, and not just the opinions of others. It will go a very long way in improving the discussions and motivating the powers that be to make improvements on their products.
slightly off topic (but i think it;s still related)..

how do i remove duplicate paints? Say I have 7 Silver chrome listed as one item, and, for some reason, there is a single silver chrome listed separately. So in my paints database:

Silver Chrome: 7
Gold Chrome: 2
Silver Chrome: 1

How do i get rid of the '1' and make it part of the 7?

If there has been any thread that discusses this, please point me to it. Thanks!
slightly off topic (but i think it;s still related)..

how do i remove duplicate paints? Say I have 7 Silver chrome listed as one item, and, for some reason, there is a single silver chrome listed separately. So in my paints database:

Silver Chrome: 7
Gold Chrome: 2
Silver Chrome: 1

How do i get rid of the '1' and make it part of the 7?

If there has been any thread that discusses this, please point me to it. Thanks!

I have the same problem too! Maybe it's because of the dupping of paint chips... :indiff: I guess the best way to get rid of this is... by using it! :dopey:👍
slightly off topic (but i think it;s still related)..

how do i remove duplicate paints? Say I have 7 Silver chrome listed as one item, and, for some reason, there is a single silver chrome listed separately. So in my paints database:

Silver Chrome: 7
Gold Chrome: 2
Silver Chrome: 1

How do i get rid of the '1' and make it part of the 7?

If there has been any thread that discusses this, please point me to it. Thanks!

This happens when you earn an item (in your case a silver chrome paint chip) and also you are gifted the same item. Those same items will be listed separately. Currently there is no way to merge them, and in fact if you delete either one, it won't go away until you delete all of the same item.

So in your case, if you don't want two separate silver chrome listings, you'll have to delete all 7 and either stick with just the ones you earn while playing the game, or have them gifted back. Keep in mind if you decide to delete them all and have them gifted, if you ever earn another silver chrome paint chip, you'll once again have two separate listings.

BTW: For those that get a lot of gifted paint chips, you'll find that none of them will sort properly when you sort by hue. Only the paint chips that you earn will sort by hue.
This happens when you earn an item (in your case a silver chrome paint chip) and also you are gifted the same item. Those same items will be listed separately. Currently there is no way to merge them, and in fact if you delete either one, it won't go away until you delete all of the same item.

So in your case, if you don't want two separate silver chrome listings, you'll have to delete all 7 and either stick with just the ones you earn while playing the game, or have them gifted back. Keep in mind if you decide to delete them all and have them gifted, if you ever earn another silver chrome paint chip, you'll once again have two separate listings.

BTW: For those that get a lot of gifted paint chips, you'll find that none of them will sort properly when you sort by hue. Only the paint chips that you earn will sort by hue.

Thanks very much for the explanation! Out of curiosity, how did you come across these? Trial and error?
Thanks very much for the explanation! Out of curiosity, how did you come across these? Trial and error?

Back when I first started playing the game I noticed that many of my paint chips did not sort by hue, while most did and at first thought it was some kind of bug in the game and didn't give it much thought. But then when I created my GTP account, all the paint chips sorted just fine. I knew I had been gifted some paint chips to my main account, but not to my GTP accounts, so it didn't take me long to put two and two together.

I then tested it by gifting my GTP some paint chips, and sure enough they didn't sort by hue.

Then I noticed that the paint chips that were gifted also did not get added to the total of the same paint chips that were earned.

The next thing I did was to delete the gifted ones and saw something odd... when I deleted the last one it should have disappeared, but instead it said 0 by the count. Then when I deleted it again it said -1. I deleted it again and it finally disappeared... but so did the original paint chips of that same type.

The same thing happens with racing gear. However, the gifting bug for items as it were, apparently doesn't effect horns as earned ones and gifted ones of the same number show up as a collective total. The same is true for tuner parts.

So far the only items that seem to be effected by this bug are the racing gear and the paint chips.
However, the gifting bug for items as it were, apparently doesn't effect horns as earned ones and gifted ones of the same number show up as a collective total. The same is true for tuner parts.

So far the only items that seem to be effected by this bug are the racing gear and the paint chips.

Since the new spec 2 and the 2.1 updates when you recieve a horn it has now been placed above the original you have.? (Example like the paints have always done?)
I am not sure if it was from the seasonal event I did OR when you get a new horn from every 10 cars in your garage it adds above the already item in my wares. Or I shall say it has been doing so since I deleted mine down to 1 of each to 279 to save space. Which I did after the 2.0 and 2.1 updates?
Chat soon bye for now.:)

Sorry for the poor quality but its from my mobile and I do not know any other way to upload.?
Just done a seasonal to make sure and get an image.
slightly off topic (but i think it;s still related)..

how do i remove duplicate paints? Say I have 7 Silver chrome listed as one item, and, for some reason, there is a single silver chrome listed separately. So in my paints database:

Silver Chrome: 7
Gold Chrome: 2
Silver Chrome: 1

How do i get rid of the '1' and make it part of the 7?

If there has been any thread that discusses this, please point me to it. Thanks!

I've got
Sonic Blue Mica: 7
Sonic Blue Mica: 3
Sonic Blue Mica: 1
Yes, I DO like Subarus
Since the new spec 2 and the 2.1 updates when you recieve a horn it has now been placed above the original you have.? (Example like the paints have always done?)
I am not sure if it was from the seasonal event I did OR when you get a new horn from every 10 cars in your garage it adds above the already item in my wares.

That's a bummer. If you get a chance, can you test out receiving a horn from a race, as a gift, and as a reward for 30 cars. Hopefully they all aren't treated as separate items.
That's a bummer. If you get a chance, can you test out receiving a horn from a race, as a gift, and as a reward for 30 cars. Hopefully they all aren't treated as separate items.

Winning on seasonals has defo given me a horn stacked on top of each other. #18
Went and did another race just to confer what happened before and it gave me #45 and once again its stacked up?

And I have just ripped 9 tickets to fetch the total up to a free horn and I have been given another one thats stacked on top of the item? #214


I believe what it is happening from deleting the horns down to 279 Its not knowing which was gifted at some stage and which have been won at some time, Just like with paints.

Sent 5 horns from another account and none have stacked out of them.
That could mean either the one I have remaining is a gifted item from before and it will allow it to be Combined, Or gifting is still allowing them to be combined reagardless of it being won or gifted?

Or soon has I can get another trade day of my horns I will try and get something over that stacks on top of one another rather than combine?
But as it stands am unable to check that now and I will soon has I can.(Trades allowing :) )

Plus I think this has been going on for some time simply from checking other accounts I have some in there that they have stacked on top of each like the pictures provided?
And I have not had anything sent or won on them accounts regarding horns well before the Spec2 update.
I feel they have been like that for some time.?
Chat soon bye for now.:)

EDIT: Apologys for the poor pictures has they are with my mobile.:D
Necropost.. sorry.
I need to know how many stuff you can store in your delivery truck.
I've been led to believe its depend on items but I'm starting to realise the OP is alone asserting his theory, No one seems to knows, still.

How many tickets can you store in delivery truck.
and please dont just say 7000 if you got no others items.
I wanna know if someone ever reached 400 + tickets in del. truck
Necropost.. sorry.
I need to know how many stuff you can store in your delivery truck.
I've been led to believe its depend on items but I'm starting to realise the OP is alone asserting his theory, No one seems to knows, still.

How many tickets can you store in delivery truck.
and please dont just say 7000 if you got no others items.
I wanna know if someone ever reached 400 + tickets in del. truck

I suspect the fact that you have yet to come across anyone with 400 let alone 7,000 tickets is that it would be hard to come up with a scenario where anyone would even want that many let alone have that many, especially with the gift limit of one ticket a day per PS3.

The only thing we know for sure is that there is a limit to the total number of items we can have, and tickets are items. Considering there was no lower limit for paint chips, and no one has ever reported any smaller limit for other items, until proven otherwise, it's only logical to expect the same for tickets - and that the limit is strictly based on the collective total of all items.

That said, if it's important to you to know for sure, you might have better luck just testing it yourself than trying to find anyone with hundreds let alone thousands of unused tickets in their delivery truck.
I've been playing since launch and have not found a limit. Of course, I also have never seen the need for more than one or two tickets.
I suspect the fact that you have yet to come across anyone with 400 let alone 7,000 tickets is that it would be hard to come up with a scenario where anyone would even want that many let alone have that many, especially with the gift limit of one ticket a day per PS3.

The only thing we know for sure is that there is a limit to the total number of items we can have, and tickets are items. Considering there was no lower limit for paint chips, and no one has ever reported any smaller limit for other items, until proven otherwise, it's only logical to expect the same for tickets - and that the limit is strictly based on the collective total of all items.

That said, if it's important to you to know for sure, you might have better luck just testing it yourself than trying to find anyone with hundreds let alone thousands of unused tickets in their delivery truck.

Everybody thinks the limit in your delivery truck is 200 for no apparent reason.
Thats pretty much why I want to know.
I saw someone mentioned he had 170 tix and never had a problem but thats the most tickets I can confirm at this point.
I've been playing since launch and have not found a limit. Of course, I also have never seen the need for more than one or two tickets.

One of the reason I wanna know is,
If you can posess a huge amount of tickets,
That means you can bypass the 2000 garage limit by holding them in your delivery truck.
With so many cars having the same specs, beside name, theres literally no use of having them in your garage but you could still own them stored into your truck for trade use or backed up files.
Everybody thinks the limit in your delivery truck is 200 for no apparent reason.
Thats pretty much why I want to know.
I saw someone mentioned he had 170 tix and never had a problem but thats the most tickets I can confirm at this point.

Well I guess I'd start by contacting the person with 170 tickets and ask him to add more tickets, and send him some yourself, and if he gets two tickets a day and doesn't use any, he'll reach 200 in just a couple weeks, so at the very least you'll be able to confirm or dismiss any rumors about a 200 ticket limit... but trying to confirm if the limit is 400 or more may not be worth the time and effort - not to mention so high that even if it exists, it likely wont matter.

One of the reason I wanna know is,
If you can posess a huge amount of tickets,
That means you can bypass the 2000 garage limit by holding them in your delivery truck.
With so many cars having the same specs, beside name, theres literally no use of having them in your garage but you could still own them stored into your truck for trade use or backed up files.

I suspect most people use multiple accounts to do that rather than collect unused tickets in their main account, as it's easy to do, and then you aren't cutting into your item limit, not to mention the added benefit of adding them as friends and thus having a wide selection of cars to borrow from that you control.
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I had 170. But I know who to ask, but he is not on at this minute. I will PM him and get back to you all. :)

Edit: Wait, was it 170 tickets or 1700 cars I had. If I am wrong I will definitely apologize. But I will get the answer.
I guess ill find out in 288 tickets :dopey:
If no one can confirm they reach 400 until then.

Milldrum to the rescue, I might not need to wait 288 tickets :scared: